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Travis CI User edited this page Feb 4, 2020 · 4 revisions

Documentation for bcftools_merge.cwl

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Docker Requirement



Name Label Description Type Secondary Files
force_merge resolve duplicate sample names boolean?
merge_method method used to merge allow multiallelic indels/snps {'type': 'enum', 'symbols': ['none', 'snps', 'indels', 'both', 'all', 'id']}
missing_ref assume genotypes at missing sites are 0/0 boolean?
output_type output file format {'type': 'enum', 'symbols': ['b', 'u', 'z', 'v']}
output_vcf_name output vcf file name string?
vcfs input bgzipped tabix indexed vcfs to merge File[]


Name Label Description Type Secondary Files
merged_sv_vcf File
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