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APipe Tester edited this page May 24, 2022 · 23 revisions

Documentation for filter_vcf.cwl

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Apply filters to VCF file


Name Label Description Type Secondary Files
vcf File ['.tbi']
filter_mapq0_threshold float
filter_gnomADe_maximum_population_allele_frequency float
gnomad_field_name string
tumor_bam File ['.bai']
do_cle_vcf_filter boolean
filter_somatic_llr_threshold float
filter_somatic_llr_tumor_purity float
filter_somatic_llr_normal_contamination_rate float
filter_minimum_depth int
tumor_sample_name string
normal_sample_name string
validated_variants An optional VCF with variants that will be flagged as 'VALIDATED' if found in this pipeline's main output VCF File? ['.tbi']


Name Label Description Type Secondary Files
filtered_vcf File


Name CWL Run
filter_known_variants tools/filter_known_variants.cwl
filter_vcf_gnomADe_allele_freq tools/filter_vcf_custom_allele_freq.cwl
filter_vcf_mapq0 tools/filter_vcf_mapq0.cwl
filter_vcf_cle tools/filter_vcf_cle.cwl
filter_vcf_depth tools/filter_vcf_depth.cwl
filter_vcf_somatic_llr tools/filter_vcf_somatic_llr.cwl
set_final_vcf_name tools/staged_rename.cwl
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