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Travis CI User edited this page Feb 9, 2021 · 23 revisions

Documentation for tumor_only_detect_variants.cwl

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Tumor-Only Detect Variants workflow


Name Label Description Type Secondary Files
reference ['string', 'File'] ['.fai', '^.dict']
bam File ['^.bai', '.bai']
roi_intervals roi_intervals: regions of interest in which variants will be called roi_intervals is a list of regions (in interval_list format) within which to call somatic variants File
varscan_strand_filter int?
varscan_min_coverage int?
varscan_min_var_freq float?
varscan_p_value float?
varscan_min_reads int?
maximum_population_allele_frequency float?
vep_cache_dir ['string', 'Directory']
vep_ensembl_assembly genome assembly to use in vep. Examples: GRCh38 or GRCm38 string
vep_ensembl_version ensembl version - Must be present in the cache directory. Example: 95 string
vep_ensembl_species ensembl species - Must be present in the cache directory. Examples: homo_sapiens or mus_musculus string
synonyms_file File?
annotate_coding_only boolean
vep_pick ['null', {'type': 'enum', 'symbols': ['pick', 'flag_pick', 'pick_allele', 'per_gene', 'pick_allele_gene', 'flag_pick_allele', 'flag_pick_allele_gene']}]
variants_to_table_fields string[]
variants_to_table_genotype_fields string[]
vep_to_table_fields string[]
vep_plugins string[]
sample_name string
docm_vcf Common mutations in cancer that will be genotyped and passed through into the merged VCF if they have even low-level evidence of a mutation (by default, marked with filter DOCM_ONLY) File ['.tbi']
vep_custom_annotations custom type, check types directory for input format ../types/vep_custom_annotation.yml#vep_custom_annotation[]
readcount_minimum_mapping_quality int?
readcount_minimum_base_quality int?


Name Label Description Type Secondary Files
varscan_vcf File ['.tbi']
docm_gatk_vcf File
annotated_vcf File ['.tbi']
final_vcf File ['.tbi']
final_tsv File
vep_summary File
tumor_snv_bam_readcount_tsv File
tumor_indel_bam_readcount_tsv File


Name CWL Run
varscan subworkflows/varscan_germline.cwl
docm subworkflows/docm_germline.cwl
combine_variants tools/germline_combine_variants.cwl
decompose tools/vt_decompose.cwl
annotate_variants tools/vep.cwl
bam_readcount tools/bam_readcount.cwl
add_bam_readcount_to_vcf subworkflows/vcf_readcount_annotator.cwl
index tools/index_vcf.cwl
hard_filter tools/select_variants.cwl
af_filter tools/filter_vcf_custom_allele_freq.cwl
coding_variant_filter tools/filter_vcf_coding_variant.cwl
bgzip_filtered tools/bgzip.cwl
index_filtered tools/index_vcf.cwl
variants_to_table tools/variants_to_table.cwl
add_vep_fields_to_table tools/add_vep_fields_to_table.cwl
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