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Jessica Otis edited this page Dec 14, 2023 · 18 revisions

Title: DataScribe User Manual

DataScribe requires Omeka S version 3.x.

Install and activate the module following the instructions for Omeka S modules. Once the module is installed and active, it will appear in the left-hand navigation of your Omeka S installation, under the modules heading:

Note: in order to be able to export datasets, the directory /files/asset in your Omeka S installation must be writable by the system.

About DataScribe

DataScribe is a module which uses Omeka S items and item sets to facilitate the transcription of historic structured data (that is, information written in columns and rows or recorded in other sorts of tables).

DataScribe is organized in the following way:

The Module (DataScribe), which contains at least one Project.

DataScribe Project: a dataset or group of datasets. Some DataScribe uses might have multiple projects, others might just have one. Each project has at least one dataset. You access all DataScribe projects through the dashboard

Dataset: a group of historical documents with the same data framework (table structure, set of rows and columns, etc). A dataset might capture all of the information recorded on a historical document, or only part of the document. DataSets are created using Item Sets in Omeka S. Datasets are made up of items.

DataScribe Items are the part of DataScribe which corresponds to items in Omeka S - it is a one to one correlation. Every DataScribe item also exists as an item in the Omeka S installation. The Omeka S item is where you can find metadata (information) about the source, rights, etc for each item. The media files which you view when transcribing are attached to the items. Note that an item can be in more than one dataset. When transcribing, an item has at least one Record.

Records are individual pieces of data for an item. A single data scribe record will appear as a row when the transcribed data is exported. In terms of a general workflow transcription happens at the record level and review happens at the item level. However transcribers may leave notes end flag individual records for attention even when the full item is not ready to be reviewed.