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release notes

Marius Strajeru edited this page May 25, 2015 · 9 revisions

#Release Notes

Version 2.3.0 - 2015-05-25

Type Issue Comment
Bug Fix Media block not retrieving correct images #115
Bug Fix custom options showing the label instead of product images #109

Version 2.2.0 - 2015-03-23

Type Issue Comment
Bug Fix Re sizing label/option size result in white boarder instead #87
Improvement alt and title tags #81

Version 2.1.1 - 2014-12-05

Type Issue Comment
Bug Fix Default values ignored on CE 1.9.1 On CE 1.9.1 even if you selected a default configuration the not of the selects had a selected value
Improvement Added title on the labels The labels that replace the dropdowns now have a title attribute.

Version 2.1.0 - 2014-11-28

Type Issue Comment
Improvement Default values are loaded faster now #72
Improvement Made compatible with CE 1.9.1

Version 2.0.2 - 2014-11-24

Type Issue Comment
Bug fix Config.xml translate attribute #68
Bug Fix Upgrade from 1.x resulted in loss of data #66
Bug fix Translation files The local file was not complete

Version 2.0.1 - 2014-11-20

Type Issue Comment
Inconsistency Out of stock combinations selection #23
Bug fix Fixed an error that appeared when trying cliking on the edit link in the cart for a configurable product Editing product link on shopping cart - “Cannot configure product”

Version 2.0.0 - 2014-11-19

Type Issue Comment
Feature The default selected options can be defined at store view level. Until version 1.2 you could only set a default selected combination at the "default values" level. From 2.0.0 the default combination acts just like any other store view attribute.
Feature Made extension "extensible" Certain events are dispatched so anyone can add different types of transformations for the configurable products selects
Feature Attributes with custom source models support colors and images Until version 1.2 only the attributes that had options managed through the UI supported images and colors in the frontend. Now the ones with custom source support this.
Bug fix Extension can be enabled for each store view Until 1.2 the Enabled flag had to be set at global level to in order to be able to see the default combination. Now the default combination selection appears when editing a product on a store view, if the extension is enabled for that store view.
Bug Fix Wrong system field dependency #58
Bug Fix Autoselect first option if none specified #61
Inconsistency Fixed typo in configuration field names #59
Improvement Reduce cyclomatic complexity of product.js #47
Improvement Moved the attribute configuration section to System->Configuration See configuration

Version 1.2.1 - 2014-11-05

Type Issue Comment
Bug fix Cannot set images for configurable attribute When selecting to transform only specific attributes, the images and colors could not be used.

Version 1.2.0 - 2014-10-22

Type Issue Comment
Feature Manually set attributes to be transformed to labels You can now choose to transform only specific dropdowns to labels. You have the option to transform all, none, or select the attributes to be turned into labels
Feature Keep selected values You can keep selected values when changing attributes above the current one. See example on the configuration section for field Keep previously selected values
Feature When the image is switched, you can use the cofigurable product image if the simple product does not have its own image (35)
Bug Fix If you choose to show out of stock combinations all the products that are visible in the configurable products page (related, up-sells) are seen as in stock 55. This is partially fixed. All the products that are displayed in the configurable product page but are rendered before the main configurable product will still appear in stock even if they are not. All theproducts rendered after the main product will appear with their real stock state. I have a solution to fix this for all the products but it involves rewriting a block or observing the event core_block_abstract_to_html_before and I don't want to do either of them.
Bug Fix Images are not switched when the configurable product does not have an image If the configurable product does not have an image and displays the placeholder, images could not be switched with the ones from the simple product. In the default theme this is fixed changing the main image dom selector to `$('image')

Version 1.1.0 - 2014-09-05

Type Issue Comment
Feature Added support for color hexacodes and fixed images for different attribute values. Thanks @carco for the great code. Manually merged #4

Version 1.0.2 - 2014-09-01

Type Issue Comment
Bug Fix When you select to show out of stock combinations, it affects the independent simple out of stock products. They are shown in stock. #32

Version 1.0.1 - 2014-07-28

Type Issue Comment
Improvement You can now show out-of-stock combinations and keep the selects, the out of stock combination options are greyed out and cannot be selected #8
Improvement You can now decide if the first option is selected my default if one is not specified #24 - not a full implementation but it will do for now
Improvement Out of the box support for CE-1.9 #21 - when installing on CE-1.9 some config values are changed

Version 1.0.0 - 2014-06-13

Type Issue
Bug Fix A default configuration could not be set when creating a configurable product. Only on edit
Feature You can no choose from the configuration panel to show or not the price difference in the labels for configurable attributes. Thanks @thschwz for the idea and the help.

Version 0.1.0 - 2014-02-21

Type Issue
Bug Fix The extension disabled the creation of simple products from the configurable product admin page.
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