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Version Control with Github 16S Lab II

Meg Staton edited this page Oct 26, 2016 · 3 revisions

Concepts to Know

  • Metagenomic analysis - general ideas and software for community structure, taxonomic composition, phylogenetic distances, differentially represented taxa
  • What is uniFrac?
  • What do the tools PiCrust and Tax4Fun do?
  • How is metagenomic (total DNA) sequencing different from targeted metagenomic (16S amplicon) sequencing - opportunities and challenges
  • What are the three main ways to do taxonomic id from metagenomic data?
  • What is software version control and why is it important?
  • What is meant by "distributed version control"?
  • git vs github
  • Terms from version control to be able to define: commit, merge, branch, fork, pull request, repository, conflict
  • How is a merge different from a pull request?
  • How is a fork different from a branch?



Sharpton 2016. An Introduction to the Analysis of Shotgun Metagenomic Data

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