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Applications of DNA sequencing Python Lab IV

Meg Staton edited this page Sep 19, 2016 · 4 revisions


  • Explore the various applications of DNA sequencing
  • Introduce resequencing vs de novo assembly
  • Build functions in python
  • Write assertions in python

Concepts to Know

  • Whole genome shotgun sequencing­ - general concept
  • The basic steps in analysis of whole genome resequencing data
  • Sequence capture ­ general idea, reasons you might want to do it instead of whole genome resequencing]
  • What are some problems with targeted resequencing?
  • RADSeq/ddRAD/GBS ­- what does each acronym stand for? What is reason to do these techniques instead of whole genome resequencing? What type of data are you trying to discover?
  • What advantage does ddRAD have over GBS/RAD?
  • Bisulfite sequencing ­- what is the purpose? How does it work? What problems often arise from bisulfite treatment
  • Sequence assembly ­- what are some factors that increase difficulty
  • Contig vs scaffold in assembly terms
  • Steps of sequence assembly workflow
  • What is N50 statistic?


##HW HW4 = Due midnight on Wednesday, Sept 20th.

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