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Fred Sauer edited this page Apr 1, 2015 · 3 revisions

What's brewing in gwt-log trunk

  • Other changes
    • Stay tuned. More to come.

What's new in gwt-log-3.3.2.jar (requires GWT 2.6.1 or newer)

  • Changes in this release
    • In LogMessageFormatterGenerator replace accidental with java.util.HashSet. Thanks, Roberto Lublinerman!

What's new in gwt-log-3.3.1.jar (requires GWT 2.6.1 or newer)

  • Changes in this release
    • Java 7, GWT 2.6.1
    • Changes to RemoteLoggerServlet initialization parameters: symbolMaps no longer supported, in favor of symbolMapsFileSystem, symbolMapsResourcePath and symbolMapsResourceUrl initialization parameters
  • New in this release
    • LogRecord and WrappedClientThrowable implement IsSerializable, to help certain users avoid SerializationException when using remote logging
  • Removed in this release
    • Removed deprecated RemoteLoggerServiceImpl; Use RemoteLoggerServlet instead.
    • Removed deprecated FirebugLogger; Use ConsoleLogger instead.
  • Bug Fixes
    • Issue 43, Remote logger fails with gwt-2.1.0-M3: IncompatibleRemoteServiceException. Thanks A.A.Vasiljev!
    • Issue 67, Serialization error. Thanks barnabas!
    • Issue 73, Remote servlet uses file api instead of context.getResource(). Thanks jcompagner!
    • Issue 18, SLF4J server-side support. Thanks, dobesv!

What's new in gwt-log-3.3.0.jar (requires GWT 2.6.0 or newer)

  • New in this release
    • Support for GWT 2.6.0
  • Changes in this release
    • Removed support for ie6
    • Added support for ie10

What's new in gwt-log-3.2.1.jar

  • Bug Fixes
    • Issue 70, java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/google/gwt/core/client/GWTBridge in GWT 2.5 server side code. Thanks brian.tosch and tomfreay!

What's new in gwt-log-3.2.0.jar

  • New in this release
    • Support for GWT 2.5.0

What's new in gwt-log-3.1.8.jar

  • Bug Fixes
    • Issue 44, fixed corrupted DivLogger triangle image (again). Thanks PhiLho!
  • Changes Affecting Maven Users
    • Issue 65, mark gwt-user pom dependency with <scope>provided</scope>, to avoid gwt-user-*.jar ending up in WEB-INF/lib/. Thanks samskivert!

What's new in gwt-log-3.1.7.jar

  • New in this release
    • RemoteLoggerServlet now logs a warning message if a provided symbolMaps directory does not exist. The warning message includes the server's current working directory, in order to assist developers in configuring valid server paths.

What's new in gwt-log-3.1.6.jar

  • New in this release
    • Releases are now also deployed to Sonatype OSS Maven repository and sync to Maven Central with groupId com.allen-sauer.gwt.log and artifact gwt-log

What's new in gwt-log-3.1.5.jar

  • Improvements in this release
    • Add category to server side messages when java.util.logging is used (which is the default)

What's new in gwt-log-3.1.4.jar

  • Bug Fixes
    • Fix DivLogger#setSize() and DivLogger#setPixelSize(). Thanks DavLP!
    • Improve logging in IE: revert console logger; use $wnd.console rather than window.console, now that FireBug issue 2914 has been fixed
  • Improvements in this release
    • Avoid recomputing message for each logger. Thanks Eugen!

What's new in gwt-log-3.1.3.jar

  • Bug Fixes
    • Fix caller information when remote logger is used. Thanks cimballi!
    • Issue 46, no longer resize the DivLogger when a new message is logged
    • Fix sizing of DivLogger when moveTo() is called before the first logged message
    • Fix issue 61, logging in IE developer tools
    • Recursively deobfuscate WrappedClientThrowable causes
  • New in this release
    • Finally fixed issue 3: make DivLogger closeable. Thanks pby_fr!
    • Issue 14, by popular demand, DivLogger is attached to the bottom of the browser window, instead of being attached to the top left corner, where it is more likely to interfere with your UI.
    • Add ie9 property support, to avoid those annoying warnings.
    • Update your web.xml servlet definitions: RemoteLoggerServiceImpl -> RemoteLoggerServlet
    • New RemoteLoggerServlet#shouldReturnDeobfuscatedStackTraceToClient() method provides a way for subclasses to restrict which clients (users) have access to deobfuscated JavaScript stack traces.
    • Issue 56, allow apps to specify multiple symbolMaps directories by using multiple init-param names that start with "symbolMaps"
    • Add cross-domain XHR support to RemoteLogger (for all but IE)
    • Removed complexity from RemoteLogger. We now simply 1) log to local (client) loggers immediately, 2) send log messages to the server. If the server returns deobfuscated stack traces, we send those deobfuscated stacktraces to other client loggers when we get them, even though they may be delayed, and are essentially duplicates of the earlier obfuscated messages.
    • On Google App Engine, use JDK logging by default, for better log integration
  • Other changes in this release
    • Java 1.5 -> 1.6
    • GWT 2.2 -> 2.3
    • gwt-log's DEBUG/TRACE levels were mapped to java.util.logging's FINE/FINEST levels; now using CONFIG/FINE instead
    • DivLogger no longer overrides setVisible().
    • Comment out servlet declaration in .gwt.xml due to GWT issue 6377
    • Suppress annoying warning about failure to deobfuscate HostedMode permutation when running in GWT Development Mode. Thanks José Morales!

What's new in gwt-log-3.1.2.jar

  • Bug Fixes
    • Fix incorrect caller information when RemoteLogger is used. Thanks Cimballi!

What's new in gwt-log-3.1.1.jar

  • Bug Fixes
    • Fix incorrect caller information in log messages. Thanks John White!
  • Changes in this release
    • ConsoleLogger subsumes FirebugLogger
  • Other changes in this release
    • Firebug (tested in 1.7X.0a9) logged stack traces can now be shown in a single message, broken by line feeds
    • Removed old gecko deferred binding rules

What's new in gwt-log-3.1.0.jar

  • Bug Fixes

    • Fix for issue 53, restore logging of chained exceptions, i.e. exceptions with causes. Thanks rileylark!
  • New in this release

    • Added server side strack trace deobfuscation! To enable this feature, which will turn your cryptic production mode obfuscated stack traces into something a lot more useful:

      1. Enable the RemoteLogger in your .gwt.xml module file:
      <inherits name="com.allen_sauer.gwt.log.gwt-log-RemoteLogger"/>
      1. Specify the symbolMaps <init-param> to the RemoteLogger servlet in your web.xml:
          <!-- This value assume a GWT compile with '-deploy war/WEB-INF/deploy/' -->
      1. Compile your GWT app with -deploy war/WEB-INF/deploy/, which will place generated symbol map files in war/WEB-INF/deploy/yourmodulename/symbolMaps/.
      2. Optionally, get complete stack traces across all browsers by turning on emulated stack traces and record line numbers and file names in your .gwt.xml module:
      <set-property name="compiler.emulatedStack" value="true" />
      <set-configuration-property name="compiler.emulatedStack.recordLineNumbers" value="true" />
      <set-configuration-property name="compiler.emulatedStack.recordFileNames" value="true" />

      Before, without deobfuscation:

      at source)
      at source)
      at Unknown.x6(Unknown source)
      at Unknown.uH(Unknown source)
      at Unknown.No(Unknown source)
      at Unknown.anonymous(Unknown source)
      at Unknown.gwtOnLoad(Unknown source)

      After, with deobfuscation turned on:

      at java.lang.Throwable.fillInStackTrace(
      at java.lang.RuntimeException.RuntimeException(
      at logtest.client.Logtest.$onModuleLoad(
      at Unknown.anonymous(Unknown source)
      at Unknown.gwtOnLoad(Unknown source)
  • Other changes in this release

    • Changes for issue 51, use throwable.toString() instead of replicating toString() logic in gwt-log, so that exceptions with custom toString() implementations are logged as expected. Thanks terciofilho!

What's new in gwt-log-3.0.4.jar

  • Bug Fixes
    • Fix for issue 42, precision specifier breaks padding. Thanks cimballi.cimballi!
    • Fix for issue 44, DivLogger bottom-right corner image is corrupted. Thanks polushin!

What's new in gwt-log-3.0.3.jar

  • Bug Fixes
    • Fix for issue 32, ConsoleLogger.isSupported() returns false for Internet Explorer 8. Thanks hernidez!
    • Restore missing stack traces from log messages sent to the server via RemoteLogger. We inadvertently lost them in r436 (gwt-log 3.0.1) when LogRecords were introduced. Thanks ebatzdor!
  • New Features
    • Add Logging of X-Forwarded-For headers for RemoteLogger as suggested in issue 31. Thanks kmj7777!
  • Other Changes
    • Removing legacy com.allen_sauer.gwt.log.gwt-log module in favor of log level specific modules, e.g. com.allen_sauer.gwt.log.gwt-log-DEBUG, com.allen_sauer.gwt.log.gwt-log-WARN, etc.

    • Change Dev Mode stack trace element determination function from the brittle fixed depth implementation to a more robust search past com.allen_sauer.gwt.log.{client|shared}

    • Address issue 26, Extract RemoteLogger to separate gwt module. Thanks konstantin.v.pavlov! RemoteLogger is now activated by inheriting a module:

      <inherits name="com.allen_sauer.gwt.log.gwt-log-RemoteLogger" />

      rather than setting a property as had be the case up till now:

      <set-property name="log_RemoteLogger" value="ENABLED" />

      This change means that users who don't need RemoteLogger will no longer have to see message like these:

      [WARN] Module declares a servlet class 'com.allen_sauer.gwt.log.server.RemoteLoggerServiceImpl', but the web.xml has no corresponding declaration; please add the following lines to your web.xml:

What's new in gwt-log-3.0.2.jar

  • Bug Fixes
    • Fix for for %C, %F, %L showing incorrect stack trace element. Thanks chengkarleung!
    • Fix for NullPointerException in ServerLogImplLog4J. Thanks isacssouza!
    • Workaround for Firebug issue 2914, which prevented Log.error() and Log.fatal() calls from reaching the Firebug console. Thanks mcarthum!
  • New in this release
  • Other changes in this release
    • No longer forward gwt-log diagnostic messages to the server.
  • Changes under the hood
    • Moved shared client/server code into a shared Java package
    • Removed the specialClientStackTraceElement Java class now that GWT directly supports serialization of StackTraceElement

What's new in gwt-log-3.0.1.jar

  • Visible changes
    • Reintroduction of server side implementations such as Log.isDebugEnabled(). Thanks vruiz.jurado!
  • Changes under the hood
    • Project refactoring and simplification
    • Introduction of new LogRecord class in preparation for new features
    • Improved ant build. Thanks amichail!

What's new in gwt-log-3.0.0.jar

  • New features
    • Additional pattern specifiers now supported (%C, %F, %L or %M and %l) in Development Mode (Hosted Mode). See to get an idea of how these work. Thanks omsrobert!
    • !RemoteLogger sends multiple messages in a single RPC when they are logged within a short period of time
    • !RemoteLogger more resilient in the face of client server communication failures
    • !RemoteLogger only uses a single network connection at any given time
    • Fix for issue 22 - RemoteLogger now sends messages from a single client to the server in order (although the server does no ordering across multiple clients, so out of order logging is strictly speaking still possible). Thanks terciofilho!
    • Server side logging (via RemoteLogger) is no longer hard coded via setCurrentLogLevel(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG). Thanks Bob Cunius!
  • General changes in this release
    • gwt-log.css is now injected via ClientBundle: minification benefits and avoid an extra HTTP roundtrip
    • gwt-log.css is no longer injected when logging is turned off
  • Other changes in this release
    • Build script fix. Thanks Evely!
    • No longer use deprecated PropertyOracle methods which avoid compiler warnings
    • Fix for issue 10 in r423 ability to programmatically hide !DivLogger. Calling Log.getDivLogger().getWidget().setVisible(false) keeps !DivLogger hidden, even when new messages appear. Call Log.getDivLogger().getWidget().setVisible(true) to make !DivLogger reappear. Thanks pohl.longsine!
    • Remove workaround for GWT issue 1934 WindowResizeListener#onWindowResized fires too often in IE

What's new in gwt-log-2.6.2.jar

  • General changes in this release
    • Support for GWT's new user-agent value ie8

What's new in gwt-log-2.6.1.jar

  • Bug Fixes
    • Workaround for GWT issue 3791 affecting anyone using logging code inside of GWTTestCase. Thanks praveen.kumar.jayaram, dwself, pcniatic, dgantenbein (Dorothy)!

What's new in gwt-log-2.6.0.jar

  • New features

    • Control the format of your log messages

        Inspired by Apache log4j PatternLayout:
      <set-configuration-property name="log_pattern" value="%d [%-5p] %m%n" />
  • General changes in this release

    • Allow logging to work easily on Google App Engine

    • Got rid of explicit call outs to ConsoleHandler so that application developers can better control their own log output when using java.util.logging on the server, i.e. replaced:

      logger = Logger.getLogger("gwt-log");
      ConsoleHandler consoleHandler = new ConsoleHandler();


      logger = Logger.getLogger("gwt-log");
    • Updated code base to use new GWT 1.6 features

      • Listeners -> Handlers
      • Use new war directory structure
  • Eclipse project related changes

    • Update Log Eclipse project to use new Eclipse plugin
    • Merged separate LogClientServerDemo Eclipse project into main Log project
    • Project uses super-src mechanism to pull in client side versions of *.java classes

What's new in gwt-log-2.5.3.jar

  • Bug Fixes
    • Prevent extraneous 'null' messages logged by RemoteLogger when no exception is passed. Thanks Thomas Vidal!

What's new in gwt-log-2.5.2.jar

  • Bug Fixes
    • Fix broken ant build file causing UnsupportedOperationException: ERROR: GWT.create() is only usable in client code! in server code. Thanks Vicente J. Ruiz Jurado!

What's new in gwt-log-2.5.1.jar

  • Bug Fixes

    • Fix for issue 15, DivLogger failing to auto scroll in Firefox and Mozilla 1.5 (Linux hosted mode). Thanks borice!
  • New Functionality

    • Add ability to catch exceptions in code called from JSNI setTimeout() or setInterval(). This feature is available in Firefox and IE only. However, Safari and Opera will allow you access to the same information from their native !JavaScript (debug) consoles

    • Support for TRACE level logging (in addition to existing levels DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, FATAL, OFF)

    • New log level specific modules to inherit from so that a default other than OFF can be selected for your application, e.g.

      <inherits name="com.allen_sauer.gwt.log.gwt-log-WARN" />
  • Other Changes

    • Reduced RemoteLogger noise, especially when multiple clients are involved. No longer output the log delimiter message during initialization (for each client). Thanks Rafal!

What's new in gwt-log-2.5.0.jar

  • New Functionality

    • New experimental WindowLogger which can be enabled in your application's *.gwt.xml by adding:

        Enable experimental WindowLogger, which logs messages to a separate
        popup window. There are currently a couple of restrictions:
        1. When Firefox is configured to open new Windows as new tabs,
           WindowLogger does not work
        2. In hosted mode, the windows are not automatically closed,
           although you can easily close them manually in the usual way
      <set-property name="log_WindowLogger" value="ENABLED" />
        You probably will want to disable the default `DivLogger` as well:
      <set-property name="log_DivLogger" value="DISABLED" />
  • General changes in this release

    • Wrap/unwrap client thrown exceptions to:

      Reduce RPC surface area (reduction in size of compiled code)

      Prevent RPC errors when non-Serializable exceptions are logged client-side

  • Bug Fixes

    • gwt-log issue 13: Logging a null message results in NPE. Thanks rintcius!
  • Other updates

    • Javadoc updates
    • Minor updates to online demo, including new log null message button
    • Ant build changes

What's new in gwt-log-1.5.6.jar

  • New Functionality
    • Improved code completion for IDEs

What's new in gwt-log-1.5.5.jar

  • Bug Fixes
    • Improved DivLogger resizing

What's new in gwt-log-1.5.3.jar

  • Bug Fixes

    • Disable ConsoleLogger when FirebugLogger is available, to prevent duplicate messages for Firebug users
    • issue 9 Disabling and re-enabling Firebug causes the FirebugLogger to be removed, rather than begin throwing !JavaScript exceptions.
  • New Functionality

    • DivLogger user interface updates:
      • Control runtime log level
      • Clear the log (issue 5)
      • Resize log panel
      • Show 'About' information
    • Emit a message when runtime log level is changed, to prevent developers from believing they have eliminated overhead caused by logging
    • Loggers which throw exceptions are now automatically removed; Previously there was a special case for RemoteLogger RPC failures
  • Other Changes

    • Javadoc updates
    • Eclipse project changes
    • New internal diagnostic logging method
    • Various internal changes

What's new in gwt-log-1.5.2.jar

  • New Functionality

    • Remote logging, i.e. sending a copy of messages logged on the client to the server, via

      <set-property name="log_RemoteLogger" value="ENABLED" />
    • Ability to configure loggers from your module, with these defaults:

      <!-- Enabled by default -->
      <set-property name="log_ConsoleLogger" value="ENABLED" />
      <set-property name="log_DivLogger" value="ENABLED" />
      <set-property name="log_FirebugLogger" value="ENABLED" />
      <set-property name="log_GWTLogger" value="ENABLED" />
      <set-property name="log_SystemLogger" value="ENABLED" />
      <!-- Disabled by default -->
      <set-property name="log_RemoteLogger" value="DISABLED" />
  • Other Changes

    • Removed Log#removeLogger method in favor of deferred binding properties
    • Updated JDK 1.4 gwt-log logger to be configured with a ConsoleHandler at the ALL level as the JDK implementation default is SEVERE and would unexpectedly hide debug/info/warn messages
    • Various minor implementation changes

What's new in gwt-log-1.5.1.jar

  • New Functionality

    • Serializable classes (domain objects, POJOs, etc.) can utilize the same logging code on client and server via inclusion of a single, common, gwt-log jar on both tiers
    • Server side logging automatically detects Apache log4j, falling back to JDK 1.4 logging
  • Other Changes

    • Removed ability to extend existing log levels for reduced complexity; please file an issue if you absolutely must have this ability
    • Class LoggerSystem renamed to SystemLogger for consistency
    • Public Logger#log changed accessibility to package default
    • Updated project and ant build file

What's new in gwt-log-1.4.5.jar

  • Bug Fixes
    • Issue 6 Throwable with null message, e.g. throw new NullPointerException(), would fail to get logged; instead an exception would be logged in the hosted mode tree logger regarding the gwt-log failure. Thanks dwyah!

What's new in gwt-log-1.4.4.jar

  • Changes in this version
    • DivLogger text area now resizes itself with the browser window to roughly 80% of the client window width and 20% of the height, but always at least 300px x 100px. To set an explicit size in your application use something like:

      .log-panel .log-scroll-panel {
        width: 800px !important;
        height: 150px !important;
    • Hovering over log messages and stack traces shows a tool tip with the most essential portion of the error message, which should greatly reduce the amount of scrolling required in the log panel:

    • In the DivLogger, all messages, except for stack traces, wrap, rather than scroll off the right hand side, which again, this should reduce the amount of log panel scrolling

    • Logger#removeLogger is now static. Thanks steven.marcus!

    • ant build file, checkstyle and other Eclipse project changes

What's new in gwt-log-1.4.3.jar

  • Changes in this version
    • Compile time log_level parameter is now set to a single value (OFF) by default instead of generating all six (DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, FATAL, OFF) deferred binding combinations.
      • Additional compile time values can of course be added via extend-property, typically:

        <extend-property name="log_level" values="DEBUG,OFF"/>
      • The default value may be overridden via set-property, typically:

        <set-property name='log_level' value='DEBUG'/>
      • See gwt-log.gwt.xml for additional documentation on how to control the compile time and runtime log levels of your application.

What's new in gwt-log-1.4.1.jar

  • Changes in this version
    • Implemented deferred binding to allow for client and library related logging code to be compiled out by the GWT Compiler dead code elimination when log_level=OFF.
    • Changed module name from com.allen_sauer.gwt.log.Log to com.allen_sauer.gwt.log.gwt-log.
    • Please see the updated GettingStarted wiki for additional details.

What's new in gwt-log-1.3.1.jar

  • Release 1.3.1 is not new. It's old :).

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