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AntonVanAssche edited this page Jul 9, 2024 · 6 revisions

This page provides instructions for installing the Markdown Headers plugin and its dependencies, ensuring you can seamlessly integrate and benefit from its features in Neovim.

1. Plugins

The Markdown Headers plugin relies on the following dependencies:

2. Plugin Managers

Choose your preferred plugin manager below to easily install the Markdown Headers plugin: Please add unlisted plugin managers to this page.

2.1 Packer

use {
    requires = {
        -- 'nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter',
Plug 'nvim-lua/plenary.nvim'
Plug 'AntonVanAssche/md-headers.nvim'

2.3 Lazy

Importing file below or directory it is contained on lazy setup.

return {
    version = '*',
    lazy = false,
    dependencies = {
        -- 'nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter',
    config = function()
        require('md-headers').setup {}

3. Lazy Loading

It's not recommended to lazy load Markdown Headers. The plugin isn't resource-expensive, performing minimal validation and configuration setting. There's no performance benefit from lazy loading.

4. Markdown language parser

To ensure Markdown Headers function correctly, a language parser is necessary. Neovim includes the Treesitter library, which supports parsing for various programming languages. According to Neovim's documentation (See: Treesitter):

By default, Nvim bundles parsers for C, Lua, Vimscript, Vimdoc, and Treesitter query files, but parsers can be installed via a plugin like nvim-treesitter or even manually.

Since the Markdown parser is not included with Neovim, you can either download it manually or install it using the nvim-treesitter plugin, which also allows for easier management of other language parsers. If you choose to use the nvim-treesitter plugin, ensure that it is listed as a dependency for this plugin. This is crucial because Markdown Headers may not recognize the Markdown language parser if it loads after Markdown Headers due to its size.

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