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AntonVanAssche edited this page Oct 22, 2023 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the Markdown Headers Wiki

Markdown Headers is a simple/basic Neovim plugin that allows you to easily navigate between headings in a Markdown file.

Why use Markdown Headers?

  • It saves time and effort when navigating long and complex markdown documents.
  • It works for both Markdown and HTML headings.
  • It helps you keep track of your location in the document.
  • It can improve your productivity and efficiency when writing or editing markdown documents.

There are probably plenty of other plugins that do the exact same thing and are probably nicer to look at 😅, feel free to use them. I only created this plugin just to make navigating my college course summaries a little easier and to learn a thing or two about the Neovim API 😉.


If you would like to contribute to Markdown Headers, any help is always welcome! Whether you want to report a bug, suggest a new feature, or submit a patch, please head over to our contributing guidelines to get started..

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