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AntonVanAssche edited this page Mar 10, 2024 · 5 revisions

This page provides instructions on how to configure the Markdown Headers plugin according to your preferences. You can customize various settings to tailor the plugin to your specific needs.

1. Initialization in init.vim

While the examples below are in lua, you can adapt them for .vim files by wrapping them in a lua heredoc. However, it's not recommended due to significant slowdowns in Neovim's load time.

lua << END

2. Initialization in init.lua

Configure the plugin in your init.lua file, as demonstrated in the example below. The default configuration is shown, and you can customize it by modifying the values of different settings.

local md_headers_status_ok, md_headers = pcall(require, 'md-headers')
if not md_headers_status_ok then

-- Default plugin settings.
md_headers.setup {
    width = 60,
    height = 10,
    borderchars = { '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''},
    popup_auto_close = true
-- Shorten function name.
local keymap = vim.keymap.set
-- Silent keymap option.
local opts = { silent = true }

-- Set keymap.
keymap('n', '<leader>mdh', '<cmd>MarkdownHeaders<CR>', opts)
keymap('n', '<leader>mdhc', '<cmd>MarkdownHeadersClosest<CR>', opts)

3. Customization Options

You can customize the following settings:

3.1 Width

You can customize the width of the Markdown Headers popup window using the width setting.

  • Format: Numeric
  • Example: Setting the width to '100' makes the popup window 100 columns wide.

3.2 Height

Adjust the height of the Markdown Headers popup window with the height setting.

  • Format: Numeric
  • Example: Setting the height to '30' results in a popup window that is 30 lines high.

3.3 Border Characters

Customize the characters used to draw the border around the popup window using the borderchars setting.

  • Format: Array of eight strings
  • Example: Setting borderchars to { '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '' } results in a borderless popup window.

3.4 Popup Auto-Close

Specify whether the popup window should automatically close after selecting a heading using the popup_auto_close setting.

  • Format: Boolean (true or false)
  • Example: Setting popup_auto_close to false will NOT automatically close the popup window after selecting a heading.

4. Default Settings

If you don't configure Markdown Headers or leave certain settings unconfigured, the plugin will use its default settings. These settings can be found above.

5. Customizing Colors

The text, border, and title colors can be independently customized through highlight colors. Achieve this through either manual changes or configuration file settings.

5.1 Using the Configuration File

-- Change the border foreground color to '#61afef', and the background color to '#202020'.
vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, "MarkdownHeadersBorder", { fg = "#61afef", bg = "#202020" })

-- Change the border foreground color to '#61afef'.
vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, "MarkdownHeadersTitle", { fg = "#61afef" })

5.2 Manual Changes

  • Title: highlight MarkdownHeadersTitle guifg=#61afef
  • Border: highlight MarkdownHeadersBorder guifg=#61afef
  • Text: highlight MarkdownHeadersWindow guifg=#61afef

This flexibility allows users to have fine-grained control over the visual appearance of text, border, and title according to their preferences and needs.