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Dev docs: Recipes

Shengchen Zhang edited this page Apr 23, 2021 · 1 revision

Here are some commonly used set-ups when developing a new project.

I just want motion tracking!

Motive already provides pretty good support for tracking markers, so you will not need Unity for this recipe. This is commonly used for experiments in wearble devices or any studies of human motion. The full guide can be found here

You will need:

  • Motive calibrated and running.
  • Markers

Summary of steps:

  1. Place markers on places you want to track.
  2. Hit RECORD in Motive software.
  3. Cleanup tracks as best as you can.
  4. Export the data into CSV and do further clean-up.

Vanilla MR

This recipe is the basic setup for an interactive MR scene, consisting of virtual VR objects as well as motion-tracked physical objects. The full guide can be found here

You will need:

  • Motive calibrated and running.
  • Unity
  • Markers
  • An additional client PC to deploy to.

Summary of steps:

  1. Place markers on objects you want to track.
  2. Add each object as Rigid Body in Motive, and configure pivot points.
  3. Copy the Unity project template. Set up project path and NetworkManager.
  4. Add models into the Unity scene. Attach the OptitrackRigidBody script to objects, and fill in the User IDs.
  5. Add virtual assets and do all the Unity stuff you need.
  6. Package for client deployment.

Collaborative MR

You will need:

  • Motive calibrated and running.
  • Unity
  • Markers
  • Multiple client PCs to deploy to.

Summary of steps:

  1. Do steps 1-4 of Vanilla MR.
  2. For dynamic virtual assets, make prefabs, then use the provided script to turn them into asset bundles.
  3. Add static virtual assets and do all the Unity stuff you need.
  4. Package client programs for each machine and deploy.

Screen-based Interactions


Interactive Projection Mapping