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Releases: tfiers/PkgGraph.jl


27 Jan 14:45
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Human-written changelog: Changelog @ v0.6

Merged PRs:

Closed issues [Click to expand]
  • Crawl registry (→ to rm restriction "Only works for pkgs in active project") (#5)
  • Diff styling for stdlib & jll (faded) (#47)
  • Add 'Limitations' somewhere (#57)
  • Measure load times; display on graph (#64)
  • "xx commits to main since this release" (#68)
  • Release bot (#72)
  • SVG files (post-processed) lose their fade (#79)
  • doctest on CI: time_imports failure (#81)
  • Latest version does not compile (#90)


14 Jan 10:14
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Publication in Julia General registry:

For a human summary of changes, see Changelog @ v0.5

Closed issues:

  • [Click to expand]
    • unify api (one function for both web and local) (#67)
    • End-user API: depgraph_.. (#74)
    • mode=:darkdark=true (#70)
    • Settings: struct per func (#61)
    • Copy Changelog to docs (#22)
    • Reorganize Internals (#75)


11 Jan 23:41
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See Changelog @ v0.4.1

Closed issues:

  • bug for Julia 1.6: reachable_registries not defined (#71)


11 Jan 23:01
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Human-written changelog: Changelog @ v0.4

Closed issues:

  • [Click to expand]
    • Crawl registry (→ to rm restriction "Only works for pkgs in active project") (#5)
    • darkmode option for png (#43)
    • Doc builds for released versions (#48)


05 Jan 19:49
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Human-written changelog: Changelog @ v0.3

Closed issues:

  • [Click to expand]
    • Feature: dark-mode svg :) (#14)
    • gh Action that monitors and updates gh Releases accordingly :) (#19)
    • Script to update doc images (#33)
    • JuliaGraphs_interop: try w/o MetaGraphsNext (#35)
    • doc-ci: use julia-docdeploy@latest (#38)
    • fmt a kwarg again (#44)
    • shorten include_ kwargs: jll = false and stdlib = false (#45)
    • JuliaGraphs interop: export edges to (int,int) list (#50)
    • internals/Internals.jl (#51)
    • rename: online.jlwebapps.jl (#53)
    • hide Options from enduser (#54)
    • docs/bg: JuliaGraph interop own page (#55)
    • no defaults for options (multi dispatch no) (#56)


02 Jan 01:32
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Human-written changelog: Changelog @ v0.2

Merged PRs:

  • [Click to expand]
    • CompatHelper: add new compat entry for URIs at version 1, (keep existing compat) (#2)
    • CompatHelper: add new compat entry for DefaultApplication at version 1, (keep existing compat) (#3)
    • allow filtering out stdlibs and jlls (#40) (@KristofferC)

Closed issues:

  • [Click to expand]
    • Handle more gracefully when no deps (#1)
    • Rename to DepGraph.jl (#4)
    • Dot styling (#6)
    • CI: don't re-run tests on changing readme 🤦‍♂️ (#7)
    • Add changelog (#9)
    • Docs structure: Reference section (#11)
    • Mayb: do doctest also in Documentation.yml (#13)
    • TagBot trigger issue (#15)
    • Deploy docs for released versions (#17)
    • Run doctests not in docbuild but in separate ci workflow (#20)
    • readme-in-docs: preprocess further (#21)
    • set bg to transparent (so no shining bright in dark mode) (#23)
    • baseurl: kwarg (not globalref) (#25)
    • modularize create (#27)
    • put badges & links at top of readme after all (#34)
    • Rename package to PkgGraphs.jl (#36)
    • docs: fix readme ad-hoc processing (#39)
    • [compat]: set to julia 1.6 (#41)


12 Dec 14:06
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⚠ Notice

This release is kind of broken:

  • It does not have the correct documentation.
  • depgraph_local is broken.
  • depgraph(:SomePackage) (to open visualization in browser) does work however :)