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Frank C Langbein (via github actions) edited this page Oct 15, 2022 · 3 revisions

The projects and published results in this group deal with magnetic resonance spectroscopy.

We investigate machine learning and control approahes for analysis and quantification of magnetic resonance spectra and developing MR pulse sequences.



  • M Chandler, C Jenkins, SM Shermer, FC Langbein. MRSNet: Metabolite Quantification from Edited Magnetic Resonance Spectra With Convolutional Neural Network. In preparation, 2019. [arxiv:1909.03836] [PDF] [Details]

  • C Jenkins, M Chandler, FC Langbein, SM Shermer. Benchmarking GABA Quantification: A Ground Truth Data Set and Comparative Analysis of TARQUIN, LCModel, jMRUI and Gannet. In preparation, 2021. [arxiv:1909.02163] [PDF] [Details]

  • C Jenkins, MChandler, FC Langbein, SM Shermer. Quantification of edited magnetic resonance spectroscopy: a comparative phantom based study of analysis methods. ISMRM 27th Annual Meeting & Exhibition, Montréal, QC, Canada, 11th-16th May 2019. [PDF] [Details]

  • SM Schirmer, FC Langbein, C Jenkins, M Chandler. Design of novel MRI pulse sequences for GABA quantification using optimal control. In: 4th Int Symp on MRS of GABA, 2017. [Details]

  • C Jenkins, M Chandler, FC Langbein, SM Schirmer. Modelling, Optimization and QA for Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy. All Wales Medical Physics and Engineering Summer Meeting, short talk and poster, 2017. PDFPoster-Chris.pdf [Details]

  • M Chandler, FC Langbein, C Jenkins, SM Schirmer. Quantum Control for Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy. All Wales Medical Physics and Engineering Summer Meeting, poster, 2017. [PDF] [Details]


  • Z Ma. Quantification of metabolites in magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Cardiff University, School of Computer Science and Informatics.
  • M Chandler. New methods in quantification and RF pulse optimisation for magnetic resonance spectroscopy. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University, School of Computer Science and Informatics, 2019. [PDF]
  • C Jenkins. New techniques for quantification of biomarkers and metabolites by magnetic resonance imaging and spectroscopy. PhD Thesis, Swansea University, College Of Science, 2019. [DOI:10.23889/Suthesis.50804]



  • SM Shermer, C Jenkins, M Chandler, FC. Langbein. Magnetic resonance spectroscopy data for GABA quantification using MEGAPRESS pulse sequence. Data set, IEEE Data Port, 15th August 2019. DOI:10.21227/ak1d-3s20


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