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ODC SC Meeting 2020 09 03

Alex Leith edited this page Sep 2, 2020 · 12 revisions


  • Alex Leith (GA, Chair)
  • Kirill Kouzoubov (GA)
  • Rob Woodcock (CSIRO)
  • Peter Wang (Data61)
  • Paul Haesler (Data61)
  • Syed Rizvi (AMA)
  • Randall Sunne (USGS)
  • Tony Butzer (USGS)
  • Caitlin Adams (FrontierSI)
  • George Dyke (Symbios)
  • Stephan Meissl (EOX)
  • Fabian Schindler (EOX)



See Google Drive document.


  • Welcome
  • Previous Actions
  • State of the Cube
    • CSIRO
    • GA
      • Implemented indexing off a STAC API and updated Cube in a Box to use it
      • Getting close to Geomedian run using Datacube Statistician
      • Explorer is getting upgraded, but is a bit broken currently
    • USGS
    • Data61
    • AMA
      • Virginia Data Cube: Created a new Riparian Buffer notebook.
      • Digital Earth Africa Transition: Worked on training materials and provided feedback.
      • Open Data Cube on Google Cloud: Demonstrated to GEE folks the current ODC/GEE set-up and results.
      • ODC Sandbox testing for an upcoming deployment is currently being done.
      • We have received access to the CEOS Interoperability lab that is deployed by Rob. We plan to try it in the next few days.
    • FrontierSIs
      • Digital Earth Africa Transition: Developing training material
      • Upcoming land valuation project may use ODC, TBD
    • Symbios
      • Open Earth Alliance being presented to GEO this week
      • Working with Brian/AMA on more structured Notebooks
    • EOX
  • Enhancement Proposals
  • ODC v2.0
  • Other Business
    • ODC PF is changing to be the Open Earth Alliance and hosted in GEO as a Community Activity. Alex suggests we remove reference to the PF from the ODC governance docs.
  • Next Meeting and Close
    • 1 oct 2020


See the action tracking project.

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