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ODC SC Meeting 2019 10 24

Alex Leith edited this page Oct 23, 2019 · 15 revisions


  • Luigi di Fraia (Catapult SA)
  • Federica Moscato (Catapult SA)
  • Robert Woodcock (CSIRO)
  • Syed Rizvi (AMA)
  • Peter Wang (CSIRO)
  • Paul Haesler (CSIRO)
  • Kirill Kouzoubov (GA)
  • Alex Leith (GA)
  • Randall Sunne (USGS)
  • Tony Butzer (USGS)
  • Andrew Cherry (AMA)
  • John Rattz (AMA) (For Syed)
  • Chris Morgan (FrontierSI)
  • George Dyke (Symbios)



See Google Drive document.


  • Welcome
  • Previous Actions
  • State of the Cube
    • CSIRO
      • CSIRO data-pipelines (live ingester):
        • Plans to support DESIS, GEDI, Sentinel-5P and if time permits, PRISMA & NovaSAR
        • Support for SNAP processing to create S1 ARD
        • Resume from failure operation.
        • Parallel downloads via Http range gets.
    • Catapult
      • Application development for sustainable development and climate resilience in the Pacific Islands
      • On-premise/non-AWS S3 storage testing:
        • Data indexing (done)
        • Testing of dc.load (in progress)
        • Testing of access from Dask workers (pending)
    • GA
      • Loads of work on Digital Earth Africa
        • Landsat 8 from USGS Collection 2 processed
        • WOfS generated from L8 C2
        • WOfS summary created from WOfS
        • ALOS downloaded processed, probably all finished today
      • Some work continuing on GA's Collection Upgrade
      • Delayed focus on ODC 2.0, hoping to start in earnest in December
      • Some interesting collaboration hoping to support getting Sentinel data COGged
    • USGS
    • AMA
      • ODC Sandbox for the GEO Meeting (ready to be delployed)
      • New notebooks/updates to DCAL with several case studies for demos during the GEO Meeting week (on-going)
      • ODC connection with the GEE datasets (on-going)
      • Africa ALOS data preparation/indexing (validating)
    • FrontierSI
  • Enhancement Proposals
  • ODC Versions
    • v1.8
      • Draft list of inclusions for discussion/planning
    • v2.0
  • Update on Bug Squash, proposed Hack (Alex)
  • Other Business
  • Next Meeting and Close
    • Date


See the action tracking project.

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