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Bolus with active extended bolus (Lytrix)

Joe Moran edited this page Mar 22, 2018 · 1 revision

Originally titled "Bolus on top of bolus with temp delivery (Lytrix)"

Bolus delivery when extended bolus is still active

3,0 unit bolus on top of 1:20 hrs to go and 1,95 units left.

"2017-12-27T22:50:48.279311 ID1:1f05e708 PTYPE:PDM SEQ:19 ID2:1f05e708 B9:18 BLEN:3 BODY:0e0100814d CRC:62", 
"2017-12-27T22:50:48.405218 ID1:1f05e708 PTYPE:POD SEQ:20 ID2:1f05e708 B9:1c BLEN:10 BODY:1d18040b1075003053ff80fc CRC:15", 
"2017-12-27T22:50:48.409955 ID1:1f05e708 PTYPE:ACK SEQ:21 ID2:00000000 CRC:56", 
"2017-12-27T22:50:48.800266 ID1:1f05e708 PTYPE:PDM SEQ:22 ID2:1f05e708 B9:20 BLEN:39 BODY:1a1601e475cb02012907028000280028100d000e100d000e17 CRC:89", 
"2017-12-27T22:50:49.078358 ID1:1f05e708 PTYPE:PDM SEQ:22 ID2:1f05e708 B9:20 BLEN:39 BODY:1a1601e475cb02012907028000280028100d000e100d000e17 CRC:89", 
"2017-12-27T22:50:49.330686 ID1:1f05e708 PTYPE:CON SEQ:24 CON:0d3c019000030d40032000cdfe6002be CRC:df", 
"2017-12-27T22:50:49.401773 ID1:1f05e708 PTYPE:POD SEQ:25 ID2:1f05e708 B9:24 BLEN:10 BODY:1d58040b4078003053ff0065 CRC:8d", 
"2017-12-27T22:50:49.764739 ID1:1f05e708 PTYPE:POD SEQ:25 ID2:1f05e708 B9:24 BLEN:10 BODY:1d58040b4078003053ff0065 CRC:8d", 
"2017-12-27T22:50:49.781228 ID1:1f05e708 PTYPE:ACK SEQ:26 ID2:00000000 CRC:66"

Bolus body on top of extended bolus

1a 12 21920919 02 0160 04 03c0 003c 003c 18 0d 0006 17 0d3c 0258
  • 1a Insulin schedule command
  • 12 Length 12 bytes
  • 21920919 Nonce
  • 02 Bolus
  • 0160 Checksum
  • 04 Duration = 4x30min = 1,5 hrs + direct bolus
  • 03c0 Field A (first InsulinScheduleElement << 4)
  • 003c Unitrate (first InsulinScheduleElement)
  • 003c [60], 60 ticks x 0,05 units/tick = 3,0 units delivered immediately
  • 180d [13 14], (13+14) x 0,05 units/tick = 1,35 units over 1.0 hour
  • 0006 [6], 6 ticks x 0,05 units/tick = 0,30 units over 0.5 hour 1,65 units over 1.5 hours

Note that 1,65U total doesn't match the amount in original comment. Perhaps it was actually 1,65U over 1:20 left (the original extended bolus portion calculation incorrectly had 1,95 units) OR this is the way things work in this case for some unknown reason (perhaps there are details in the $17 subcommand that are involved). More tests need to be run and properly documented to fully understand.

Nate that only one extended bolus can be active at a time. When a normal bolus is performed while an extended bolus is still active, the PDM seems to be forced to send over the remaining extended bolus scheduling along with the immediate bolus portion to get the immediate bolus portion delivered!

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