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Releases: nuno-agostinho/psichomics


21 Apr 17:42
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Bug fix: Replace deprecated R.utils::evalWithTimeout() with R.utils::withTimeout()


27 Mar 13:32
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  • Data loading:
    • GTEx data can now be automatically downloaded and loaded on-demand
    • By default, data table now only displays at most the first 100 columns for performance reasons
  • Alternative splicing quantification:
    • Allow to discard samples before alternative splicing quantification
    • In alternative splicing quantification dataset summary, plot quantification based on median, variance and range per splicing event across samples to provide tools to filter quantification (plotRowStats())
  • Gene expression filtering and normalisation:
    • Allow to discard samples before filtering and normalisation
    • Filter low read counts using edgeR::filterByExpr()
    • Allow to perform limma::voom() on gene expression data (without design matrix) and to apply its normalisation methods
    • In gene expression dataset summary, plot distribution of gene expression per sample, distribution of library sizes and gene-wise mean and variance of gene expression across samples to provide the user tools to assess gene expression normalisation (plotGeneExprPerSample(), plotDistribution() and plotRowStats(), respectively)
    • Convert between different gene identifiers (the original identifier is kept in some conditions, read convertGeneIdentifiers()); in the visual interface, when filtering and normalising gene expression, ENSEMBL identifiers are converted to gene symbols, by default
  • Groups:
    • By default, load pre-made lists of genes when loading gene expression or loading/performing alternative splicing quantification
    • Added pre-made list of genes that encode for RNA-binding proteins (Sebestyen et al. 2016), useful to postulate about the regulatory role of those proteins based on gene expression and PSI correlation analyses
  • Correlation analyses:
    • Allow to use groups of genes and alternative splicing events in correlation analyses
    • Plot specific combinations of gene and alternative splicing events ([.GEandAScorrelation())
    • Display progress when performing correlation analyses
    • Display correlation results in a table (as.table())
  • Survival:
    • Render p-value plot by cutoff in command-line interface (plotSurvivalPvaluesByCutoff())
  • Gene, transcript and protein information:
    • Modify keywords used to search for PubMed articles

Bug fixes and minor changes

  • Improve console logging of error and warning alerts
  • Fix crash when loading psichomics with test data that is not locally available (by automatically downloading said data if not found)
  • Allow to edit file path in file/directory browser elements
  • Documentation:
    • Export functions mentioned in the documentation
    • Hide documentation of internal functions from the PDF reference manual
  • Loading SRA data:
    • Accept a vector of files as the first argument (easier to use with list.files())
    • Ask to overwrite file if one exists with the same name as the output file
  • Groups:
    • Automatically set dropdown width for group attribute selection
    • Minor improvements to the group creation interface
    • Fix error when creating groups containing only samples and no matching subjects
    • Fix warning when displaying group preview only based on subjects or samples
  • Alternative splicing quantification:
    • Automatically set the human genome version after loading data from TCGA (hg19), GTEx (hg19) or recount2 (hg38)
    • Fix progress bar
    • Decrease loading time after quantifying alternative splicing
    • By default, quantify skipped exons, mutually exclusive exons, alternative 3' and 5' splice sites, and alternative first and last exons; the default option is now consistent across both the visual and command-line interfaces)
  • Differential analyses:
    • Allow distribution plots to show the name of the samples when hovering or when a rug plot is rendered if rugLabels = TRUE (function plotDistribution())
    • Fix distribution plots requiring all samples in a group when using function plotDistribution()
    • Fix group colours and opacity for rug plot points within the distribution plot (occurred in the command-line version; function plotDistribution())
    • Fix wrong information in the table of differential splicing results (only occurs when the first splicing event is one for which there is not enough information to calculate statistical tests)
    • Fix inconsistency when presenting median and variance differences between gene expression and alternative splicing quantification
    • Fix error when groups contain samples outside the data being analysed
  • Gene, transcript and protein information:
    • Fix article title formatting (e.g. bold and italics)
  • Update psichomics citation with journal publication date


03 Dec 15:53
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Add tag ImmunoOncology to BiocViews


30 Oct 18:41
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  • Update citations to link to article in Nucleic Acids Research:
  • Copy-edit README, tutorials, DESCRIPTION, NEWS and code
  • Update screen shot
  • Add metadata regarding loaded datasets (for instance, path and name of files used for dataset loading, options set upon dataset creation, etc.)
  • Differential splicing and expression analysis:
    • Allow to input formulas when highlighting points; this is an improvement when plotting -log10(q-values), for instance, where it is now possible to highlight values >= -log10(0.05), e.g. q-values <= 0.5, instead of inputting an approximate value
  • Correlation analyses:
    • Colour samples by group
    • Render contour based on a density estimate
    • Display exportable table with correlation analyses
  • Groups:
    • Show group colour in group selection element
  • Retrieve articles from PubMed instead of PMC


05 Jul 15:50
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  • Improve support for analysing SRA and user-owned data:
    • New tutorial on performing alternative splicing analysis using SRA and user-owned data from FASTQ files (other tutorials were also updated)
    • Process gene and splice junction counts from STAR output for subsequent loading into psichomics
    • Automatically download and load data from select SRA projects using the recount R package
  • Data grouping:
    • Preview groups based on selected attribute before creation
  • Gene, transcript and protein information:
    • Display alternative splicing events in transcript plot
  • Correlation between gene expression and alternative splicing:
    • Allow to change plot height and font size

Bug fixes and minor changes

  • Support new version of Human (hg38 assembly) alternative splicing annotation (fixes wrong coordinates for many minus-strand splicing events)
  • Fix issues with TCGA sample metadata:
    • No sample metadata loaded when loading TCGA files from local folder
    • Not retrieving sample metadata for all TCGA samples when multiple junction quantification files are loaded
  • Data grouping:
    • Correctly suggest how to select variables in subset expression and give more examples on how to use this feature
    • Fix subject/sample attributes not being updated for selection for the GREP interface
    • Fix error alerts not appearing when trying to create groups based on invalid parameters
    • Add an error alert when trying to extract group data from an user-provided file without such information
  • Alternative splicing quantification:
    • Fix crash when quantifying splicing for a single sample
  • Differential splicing analysis (exploratory):
    • Fix crash when inputting non-numeric values or minimum larger than the maximum limit as the axes for the splicing scatter plot


04 Apr 16:53
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  • Mention the original article throughout psichomics
  • Copy-edit graphical user interface and respective tutorial
  • Fix warnings and errors in Bioconductor


12 Feb 01:55
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  • Update CITATION file to show citation to article in bioRxiv:
  • Update vignettes to include a case study based on the aforementioned article
  • Gene expression pipeline:
    • Perform limma-trend by default
  • Alternative splicing quantification:
    • Quantification of alternative first and last exons: following more thorough testing, the new exon-centred method was considered to be less relevant to exploratory analysis (specially when compared with other types of events); as such, both methods are now available for quantification
  • Dimensionality reduction:
    • Change tolerated missing values per event to 5% by default for both PCA and ICA (in both visual and command-line interfaces)
    • PCA: In the table that shows the events that most contribute to the selected principal components, show their respective rank
  • Groups:
    • Automatically set sample type groups (i.e. normal, primary solid tumour, metastatic, etc.) for TCGA samples (visual interface only)
  • Differential analysis:
    • Use numeric fields instead of sliders to precisely filter data
    • Fix table for differential expression not being filtered based on highlighted genes
    • Filter splicing events or genes to use when performing exploratory differential analyses
  • Survival analysis:
    • Allow to stratify patients based on optimal gene expression cutoff
    • Select samples to be used for survival analysis

Bug fixes

  • Fix problems related with DT versions >= 0.3:
    • Groups displayed as having the same attributes as last created group
    • Table not being updated in differential analyses according to event filtering based on the volcano plot


13 Jan 14:33
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  • Alternative splicing quantification:
    • Improve speed and memory usage when dealing with larger datasets
    • Improve quantification of alternative first and last exons: quantify alternative first and last exons based on all exon-exon junction reads that support each of the alternative exons
    • Print progress bar in R console
  • Principal component analysis:
    • Change tolerated missing values per event to 5% by default
    • Show/save table with the contribution of events (for alternative splicing quantification) or genes (for gene expression) to the selected principal components
    • Add extra information when hovering variables in loading plot
    • Allow to plot top 100 variables that most contribute to the selected principal components (faster rendering of and interaction with loading plots)
  • Differential analysis:
    • Allow to input a list of groups for the "group" argument of the functions "diffAnalyses" and "plotDistribution" (command-line interface)
    • Allow to input a non-numeric vector or a row of a matrix/data frame in the "data" argument of the function "plotDistribution" (command-line interface)
  • Correlation between gene expression and alternative splicing:
    • Perform correlation between gene expression of multiple genes and quantification of multiple alternative splicing events

Bug fixes

  • Fix unnamed events when only one event for a event type is returned
  • Minor copy-editing and overall improvements


19 Dec 19:14
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Fix error when trying to load alternative splicing annotation (given updated hg19 and hg38 annotation in Bioconductor that is now available for use with psichomics)


14 Dec 22:16
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  • GTEx data loading:
    • Add input elements to allow GTEx gene expression loading in the graphical interface
    • Fix bug that did not allow to select tissues to load GTEx v7 data (graphical interface)
    • Fix splicing events not being quantified based on GTEx v7 junction reads
  • Gene expression normalisation:
    • Fix misleading gene expression (non-)normalisation by converting reads to counts per million (CPM) using edgeR::cpm after normalisation using edgeR::calcNormFactor
  • Alternative splicing quantification:
    • Updated support to properly parse new notation of alternative splicing annotation from Bioconductor (backwards compatible with older notation)
    • Raise error when no splicing events after quantification
    • Fix warning following the quantification of splicing events or its loading (incorrect parsing of gene information from splicing events)
  • Dimensionality reduction:
    • Use the number (instead of the percentage) of tolerated missing values per sample as the argument to impute data from the remaining samples for those values before performing dimensionality reduction; by default, missing values are tolerated for 10 samples
  • Update file description and README
  • Minor bug fixes and improvements