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maxperry edited this page Jan 24, 2017 · 3 revisions

Collection of pre-processing functions for general use.


  • choose_calib - calibration images visualization and selection.
  • choose_science - display science images for verification by user.
  • mkmaster - make master calibration frames (bias, dark, flat).

##choose_calib <> choose_calib(instrument, ftype, [workdir='./', cams=[0,1,2,3], auto=False, reject_sat=True, amin=0.2, amax=0.8, save_select=True, figsize=(8,5), noplot=False])

Either auto-select or display calibration images for user verification.


  • instrument {str}: Instrument name defined in (e.g. ratir)
  • ftype {str}: Type of calibration frames (e.g. bias, dark, flat).
  • workdir {str, optional}: Location of calibration frames (current directory if unspecified), followed by a slash.
  • cams {list of str, optional}: Camera numbers, default is all. (e.g. [0,1,2,3])
  • auto {bool, optional}: Automated frame selection. If bias, will select all, if flat will select non-saturated frames with sufficient counts.
  • reject_sat {bool, optional}: Reject frames with saturated pixels.
  • amin {float, optional}: Minimum fraction of saturation value for median (automated).
  • amax {float, optional}: Maximum fraction of saturation value for median (automated).
  • save_select {bool, optional}: Save dictionary of selected frames to python pickle file.
  • figsize {tuple of int}: Dimensions of figure used to display frames for selection.
  • noplot {bool, optional}: Don't display calibration frames.


dict = choose_calib( instrument='ratir', 
                     cams =[0,1,2,3] )

Note: Call mkmaster using resulting dictionary, or path to pickle file (if save_select=True).

##choose_science <> choose_science(instrument, [workdir='./', targetdir='./', cams=[0,1,2,3], auto=False, save_select=True, figsize=(10,10), calibrate=False, noplot=False])

Display science images for verification by user.


  • instrument {str}: Instrument name defined in (e.g. ratir)
  • workdir {str, optional}: Location of all science frames (current directory if unspecified), followed by a slash.
  • targetdir {str, optional}: Location of selected science frames (current directory if unspecified), followed by a slash.
  • cams {list of str, optional}: Camera numbers, default is all. (e.g. [0,1,2,3])
  • auto {str, optional}: Select all science frames.
  • save_select {bool, optional}: Save dictionary of selected frames to python pickle file.
  • figsize {tuple of int}: Dimensions of figure used to display frames for selection.
  • calibrate {bool, optional}: Subtract master bias, master dark to science frames, and divide by master flat before displaying.
  • noplot {bool, optional}: Don't display science frames.


dict = choose_science( instrument='ratir', 
                       calibrate=True )

##mkmaster <> mkmaster(instrument, fn_dict, mtype, [fmin=5])

Make master calibration frames (bias, dark, flat). Currently no outlier rejection other than median combine.


  • instrument {str}: Instrument name defined in (e.g. ratir)
  • fn_dict {dict or str}: Dictionary output by choose_calib containing organized FITS file names. Can also provide filename of pickled dictionary.
  • mtype {str}: Type of master frame. Should be either bias, dark or flat.
  • fmin {str, optional}: Minimum number of files needed to make a master frame.


mkmaster( instrument='ratir', 
          mtype='bias' )