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Automated image reduction, performed in a sequence of steps.


##autoproc <> autoproc(datadir='./', imdir='./imredux/', [start, stop, only, step, redo, nocrclean, nomastersky, quiet, rmifiles, customcat])

Fully-automated image reduction. Returns processed data in imdir folder.


  • datadir {str}: Location of raw data (current directory if unspecified), followed by a slash.

  • imdir {str}: Location of processed data (imredux if unspecified), followed by a slash.

  • start {str, optional}: Start with this step, skipping previous ones.

  • stop {str, optional}: End with this step, skipping subsequent ones.

  • only {str, optional}: Do only this step.

  • step {str, optional}: Completely identical to only, takes precedence.

  • nocrclean {bool, optional}: Do not zap cosmic rays.

  • nomastersky {bool, optional}: Do not create master sky, only subtract median of sky.

  • redo {bool, optional}: Repeat step(s), overwriting any existing files.

  • quiet {bool, optional}: (mainly) silent output unless errors.

  • rmifiles {bool, optional}: Removes intermediate files.

  • customcat {str, optional}: Custom catalog (txt file) to determine instrumental zeropoint corrections. Must be in same format as what produces:

     ra(deg)	dec(deg)	u	g	r	i	z	y	B	V	R
     I	J	H	K	u_err	g_err	r_err	i_err y_err B_err
     V_err	R_err	I_err	J_err	H_err	K_err Mode

First line will be skipped (use for headers) everything but JHK are expected to be in AB magnitudes, JHK should be in same units as 2MASS (Vega mags).

  • customcatfilt {list of str, optional}: Filters relevant to custom catalog file (all other filters will use to calculate catalog from 2MASS + (SDSS or APASS or USNOB1) in that order.

Params for start, stop, only, step listed in order of execution: 'prepare', 'flatten', 'makesky', 'skysub', 'crclean', 'astrometry', 'stack'.


autoproc(datadir='./raw/', imdir='./reduced/', redo=1)

####Additional Options

If any of the following files are found in the directory where autoproc is run, it will change the default behavior.


This code is meant to be fully automated, producing science-quality output with a single command line with zero intervention. Reduces RATIR and LMI data.

The production of images is quite high-level and includes photometric calibration of the field (although the accuracy of this has not been robustly tested).

The program works in a series of steps following standard CCD reduction techniques, automatically recognizing calibration files, matching calibrations together and science frames with appropriate calibrations, etc. Users looking for more control over the reductions can run each step individually with the step command.

If the reduction is interrupted, the program will resume without incident (although any failed steps may be repeated); each task is run independently of all others.

The program tries very hard to correct for observer mistakes. But it's not perfect. If problems occur, generally the easiest fix is to delete any offending files and rerun. More significant problems generally require direct modification of the code.

Filenames for the input raw images are expected to be in 2*.fits format. They can be either in the working directory or in a different directory specified by datadir.

####Steps The code runs in a series of steps in the following order:

  1. Prepare (autopipeprepare) the data by converting the multi-header extension FITS files to a standard single frame, and adding extra information to the header.

Output: p*.fits (written to imredux/ by default.)

  1. Flatten (autopipeimflatten) data. Divide each image by the flatfield. A more refined cropping is also done at this stage, depending on the placement of the image area during the run (which is variable.)

Assumes master flat (eg. flat_H.fits in imredux/ folder.)

  1. Makesky (autopipemakesky) makes a master sky (eg. sky-H.fits in imredux/ folder.)

  2. Skysubtract (autopipeskysub, or autopipeskysubmed if nomastersky=True) subtracts out master sky.

Output: sp*.fits (written to imredux/ by default.)

  1. Remove cosmic rays (autopipecrcleanim) using the independent routines that uses Laplacian cosmic ray identification. See the source for more information.

This can be a time-consuming process.

Output: zfp*.fits

  1. Solve astrometry (autopipeastrometry) of the field against the best available online catalog (SDSS/2MASS/APASS/USNO-B1.0), using the independent code. (Also requires sextractor to be installed.)

Uses two passes of Scamp for a secondary correction. Scamp accounts for distortion. Uses higher distortion parameters if already supplied distortion keywords.

Output: azfp*.fits

  1. Stack exposures (autopipestack) A weighted, masked median is performed for each field. Requires swarp to be installed and properly linked.

Output: coadd[object].[filter].fits


If the pipeline crashes during operation:

  • Did an external call (autoastrometry, swarp, sex) fail? Check that you have specified paths correctly and have the required software installed for astrometry/coadding

  • Did it encounter some other error while processing a file?
    Check which file the program was working on when it crashed. If the file is not essential, try deleting it and re-running the pipeline starting with the current step (or delete ALL of the file's precursors with the same file number and rerun the pipeline.)

If processing completed, but the results are problematic:

  • Did it return without actually processing any data? Make sure that it is in the current working directory or that you have correctly pointed to the directory containing raw data with the "datadir" keyword. If you are re-doing a step, it will not overwrite existing files by default. Set the redo keyword to overwrite files from a previously-attempted step (be sure to set "start" or "step" unless you want to restart the pipeline from the beginning.)

  • Were some files skipped? If the pipeline encountered a non-fatal problem processing an individual image (such as an inability to flatfield) then it will not process that file any further. For most cases a summary of the problems will be printed out at the end of processing. If a file is not being processed and you do not see it in the final summary, you can simply rerun the pipeline (without deleting any files and without setting the redo flag) and it will try to repeat any failed steps of this nature.