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Error Messages

Tony Massé edited this page Nov 4, 2022 · 28 revisions

The page below tries to provide explanation for the different error messages that might occur while using EZ Cloud.

If you got sent here for an error that is not yet explained, please raise an Issue.

Unknown error. See Console.

Unknown error. See Console.

To access the Console:

With Chrome:

  1. Click the Kebab icon (tree dots on top of each other) on the top right corner of the window
  2. Select More Tools
  3. Select Developer Tools
  4. Click Console
  5. Scroll to the bottom

With Firefox:

  1. Click the Hamburger icon (tree horizontal bars on top of each other) on the top right corner of the window
  2. Select Web Developer
  3. Select Web Console
  4. Scroll to the bottom

With Edge:

  1. Click the Meatballs icon (tree dots next to each other) on the top right corner of the window
  2. Select More Tools
  3. Select Developer Tools
  4. Click Console
  5. Scroll to the bottom

With Safari:

  1. Menu Develop
  2. Select Show Web Inspector
  3. Click Console
  4. Scroll to the bottom

If you don’t see the Develop menu in the menu bar:

  1. Menu Safari
  2. Select Preferences
  3. Click Advanced
  4. Select Show Develop menu in menu bar
  5. Follow instructions immediately above

With Internet Explorer:

Good grief... 🙈


User Login already exists. EZ Server only uses new User Login.

The reason:

To prevent impacting other applications (including LogRhythm and MS SQL itself), EZ Server will not allow you to create/user a User Account that is used by something else.

Examples of typically forbidden User Accounts:

  • LogRhythmAdmin
  • LogRhythmAIEDrillDownCache
  • LogRhythmAnalyst
  • LogRhythmLM
  • LogRhythmARM
  • LogRhythmJobMgr
  • LogRhythmAIE
  • LogRhythmWebUI
  • LogRhythmCaseAPI
  • LogRhythmNotification
  • LogRhythmCaseAPIAdmin
  • LogRhythmCaseAPIMaintenance
  • LogRhythmNGLM
  • <Your_Machine_Name>\Administrator
  • Administrator
  • sa
  • public
  • sysadmin
  • securityadmin
  • serveradmin
  • setupadmin
  • processadmin
  • diskadmin
  • dbcreator
  • bulkadmin
  • ##MS_SQLResourceSigningCertificate##
  • ##MS_SQLReplicationSigningCertificate##
  • ##MS_SQLAuthenticatorCertificate##
  • ##MS_PolicySigningCertificate##
  • ##MS_SmoExtendedSigningCertificate##
  • ##MS_PolicyTsqlExecutionLogin##
  • BUILTIN\Administrators
  • NT SERVICE\Winmgmt
  • ##MS_PolicyEventProcessingLogin##
  • ##MS_AgentSigningCertificate##


Try again with a different Username that is not already in use on your SQL server.


Generic SQL Backend error - Stored Procedure Parameter

The reason:

An internal error or mishap caused one or more parameter(s) for a Stored Procedure to be missing, corrupt or incomplete.


If you get that type of message, please raise an Issue for it, indicating (Copy/Paste) the Message and as much details as possible.


Generic SQL Backend error - Error querying persistance layer.

The reason:

An internal error or mishap caused the result of one or more SQL statement to be missing, corrupt or incomplete.


If you get that type of message, please raise an Issue for it, indicating (Copy/Paste) the Message and as much details as possible.


Live (Socket) connection with the EZ Server has been lost or is not currently established.

The reason:

There are several reasons for this to happen (here is decreasing order of likelihood):

  1. The page got refreshed in the browser since the last Login.
  2. The user has been logged for a long time and the session's authentication token has expired
  3. If using a self signed HTTPS certificate on the server (default behaviour), the web browser might have stopped trusting it
  4. The EZ Server machine is un-reachable
  5. The EZ Server service is not running


As there are several possible causes, do try these solutions:

  1. Logout and Log back in
  2. Refresh page and re-accept the self signed certificate
  3. Check the EZ Service service is still Running on the EZ Server
  4. Check the EZ Server is ON and reachable


Tail could not start due to no live socket available.

The reason:

Tail needs Live Socket connection to be up and going between the EZ Client and the EZ Server, and it was not the case at this time.

When not connected, an orange barred cloud is displayed in the left hand side menu bar.


Make sure the Socket is established before trying to run the Tail.

See NoLiveSocket section.


Shipper deployment could not start due to no live socket available.

The reason:

Shipper Installation needs Live Socket connection to be up and going between the EZ Client and the EZ Server, and it was not the case at this time.

When not connected, an orange barred cloud is displayed in the left hand side menu bar.


Make sure the Socket is established before trying to Installer the Shipper.

See NoLiveSocket section.


Only .ezCollection files are accepted.

The reason:

The file you tried to import is either not a Shared Collection Configuration file, or its extension has been modified and is not .ezCollection any more.

This file must a proper Shared Collection Configuration file.


Get a valid and non-renamed Shared Collection Configuration file.

See Sharing / Importing Collection Configuration Help section.


Only one .ezCollection file is accepted.

The reason:

You tried to import more than one Shared Collection Configuration file at a time.

EZ Cloud can only import one Shared Collection Configuration file per Pipeline.


Try again with only one Shared Collection Configuration file.

See Sharing / Importing Collection Configuration Help section.


Error trying to open FILENAME file.

The reason:

There are many possible reasons:

  • File access denied
  • File not present any more
  • Directory not readable
  • etc...


  1. Read the rest of the error message, as it might provide insight as to the reason of the failure.
  2. Try to fix the issue
  3. Try to import again.

See Sharing / Importing Collection Configuration Help section.


Error trying to parse the content of undefined file.

The reason:

The file you tried to import is either not a Shared Collection Configuration file, or it is corrupted.

This file must contain a properly formatted JSON export of a Collection Configuration.


Get a valid and non-corrupted Shared Collection Configuration file.

See Sharing / Importing Collection Configuration Help section.


Only .ezFieldsMapping files are accepted.

The reason:

The file you tried to import is either not a Shared Fields Mapping file, or its extension has been modified and is not .ezFieldsMapping any more.

This file must a proper Shared Fields Mapping file.


Get a valid and non-renamed Shared Fields Mapping file.

See Sharing / Importing Fields Mapping Help section.


Only one .ezFieldsMapping file is accepted.

The reason:

You tried to import more than one Shared Fields Mapping file at a time.

EZ Cloud can only import one Shared Fields Mapping file per Pipeline.


Try again with only one Shared Fields Mapping file.

See Sharing / Importing Fields Mapping Help section.


Error trying to open FILENAME file.

The reason:

There are many possible reasons:

  • File access denied
  • File not present any more
  • Directory not readable
  • etc...


  1. Read the rest of the error message, as it might provide insight as to the reason of the failure.
  2. Try to fix the issue
  3. Try to import again.

See Sharing / Importing Fields Mapping Help section.


Error trying to parse the content of undefined file.

The reason:

The file you tried to import is either not a Shared Fields Mapping file, or it is corrupted.

This file must contain a properly formatted JSON export of a Fields Mapping.


Get a valid and non-corrupted Shared Fields Mapping file.

See Sharing / Importing Fields Mapping Help section.