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howto_Release creation

travis edited this page Jan 25, 2020 · 4 revisions
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CobiGen Release creation

In this guide we explain how to create CobiGen related releases, i.e. release of a new core version using our useful release automation script.


Fire up a command prompt from the CobiGen IDE environment (using console.bat for example). Then, you will need to execute the following command:

python "<path_to_release_script_parent_folder>/" -d -g devonfw/cobigen -r "<path_of_your_just_cloned_fork>" -k "" -c
The CobiGen development environment comes with all required python packages needed for the release script. However, if you encounter errors like no module named xyz found you might want to consider running the following command:
python -m pip install -r "<path_to_release_script_parent_folder>/requirements.txt"
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