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Ayush Pandey edited this page Aug 2, 2022 · 4 revisions

Types of propensities

Below the different built in propensity types are outlined. These propensities can also be called using the model API Model.create_propensity and Model.create_reaction functions. These functions both take the argument propensity_type which is a string of the type attribute of the propensity and propensity_param_dict which is a dictionary containing all other attributes. For example, propensity_type for the mass action propensity below is "massaction" and the propensity_param_dict would be {"k":"k1", "species":"X*Y*Z"}.

Reaction with Mass-Action Propensity

    reaction = Reaction(list_of_reactants, list_of_products, "massaction", {"k":"k1"})

A mass action propensity requires one constant parameter k for each irreversible reaction step. Optionally, a "species" keyword can be passed in which changes the massaction propensity, species = "X*Y". If a species should be raised to a power, then just do something like XXY. The final rate will then be k1XX*Y for this example. If you want a constitutive rate, then ignore the species key.

If there is volume, then the rate will scale appropriately with the number of species. For example, a constitutive reaction's rate will scale proportionally with volume, a unimolecular reaction's rate will be independent of volume, and a bimolecular reaction's rate will scale as 1 / volume.

Reaction with Positive Hill Propensity

    reaction = Reaction(list_of_reactants, list_of_products, "hillpositive", {"s1"="X" "k"="k1" "K"="K1" "n"="n1"})

A positive hill function propensity with input species s1, maximal rate k, cooperativity n, centered at K. For example, the above propensity would result in the general form rate(X) = k * X^n1 / (K^n1 + X^n1).

Reaction with Negative Hill Propensity

    reaction = Reaction(list_of_reactants, list_of_products, "hillnegative", {"s1"="X" "k"="k1" "K"="K1" "n"="n1"})

A negative hill function propensity with input species s1, maximal rate k, cooperativity n, centered at K. For example, the above propensity would result in the general form rate(X) = k * 1 / (K^n1 + X^n1).

Reaction with Proportional Positive Hill Propensity

    reaction = Reaction(list_of_reactants, list_of_products, "proportionalhillpositive", {"d"="Y" "s1"="X" "k"="k1" "K"="K1" "n"="n1"})

A positive hill function propensity proportional to species d, with saturating input species s1, maximal rate k, cooperativity n, centered at K. For example, the above propensity would result in the general form rate(X) = k * Y * X^n1 / (K^n1 + X^n1).

Proportional Negative Hill Function

    reaction = Reaction(list_of_reactants, list_of_products, "proportionalhillnegative", {"d"="Y" "s1"="X" "k"="k1" "K"="K1" "n"="n1"})

A negative hill function propensity proportional to species d, with desaturating input species s1, maximal rate k, cooperativity n, centered at K. For example, the above propensity would result in the general form rate(X) = k * Y / (K^n1 + X^n1).

General Propensities

If these propensity types don't work for you, you can also create any custom combination of species, parameters, numbers, and volume that you can assemble together with standard parentheses, exponents, addition/subtraction and multiplication/division. The general propensities also can handle functions of time as well as step functions, log, exp, Min, and Max (note capitalization). However, using this type of propensity might be somewhat slower, so always use the massaction type when you can if you want fast simulations, especially with stochastic and cell lineage simulations. Here are a few examples of general propensity reactions:

    reaction = Reaction(list_of_reactants, list_of_products, "general", {"rate":" 0.15 + X / (X+_Kx) * Y^_n / (Y^_n+_Ky^_n)"})
    reaction = Reaction(list_of_reactants, list_of_products, "general", {"rate":" log(exp(heaviside(t-4)*(t-4)))*beta"})
    reaction = Reaction(list_of_reactants, list_of_products, "general", {"rate":" (x+1)**2-x**2-2*x-1+t*alpha"})
    reaction = Reaction(list_of_reactants, list_of_products, "general", {"rate":" Min(v1*X, v2*Y)"})

The rate field contains the entire form of the propensity. In this case, we have a small leak of 0.15 added to an AND gate on two species X and Y, where both X and Y must be high for this reaction to fire. The top line specifies three parameters Kx, Ky, and n, and creates a sum of 0.15 with a product of Hill functions in X and Y where the Hill coefficient for X is 1, but the Hill coefficient for Y is a parameter n. The next two lines show the more complex expressions that are possible.

This type of rate can be super general, but it can be about 50% slower than the above rates, so try and use it only when you really need to use it.

The keyword volume refers to the volume. This term is evaluated to the volume if you're doing a volume based simulation or 1.0 otherwise. For example,

    volume * X

would be just X when doing a volume less simulation or the volume multiplied by X if you're doing a simulation with volume.

Also, the keyword t refers to time. An expression like


would enforce a reaction to have no rate until time reaches 60, after which it has a constant rate of beta. The heaviside function allows you to essentially model events within the reaction rate.