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Ayush Pandey edited this page Feb 17, 2023 · 18 revisions


pip install bioscrape is the easiest way to install the software and all its dependencies. However, this requires that you have a C++ compiler already configured appropriately with your Python environment (Bioscrape is compiled on installation in order to ensure compatability across different operating systems and hardware). If pip fails, please see the below information on setting up the dependencies in your system.

You can also try to run the package without installing through Google Colab. We have provided three Python notebooks to get started, however, there are many more in the examples folder that is provided with the repository.

  • Getting started with Bioscrape: Bioscrape Core

  • Bioscrape analysis features: Bioscrape Sensitivity Analysis

  • Parameter inference with Bioscrape: Bioscrape Inference

To run the example notebooks in the Github repository, you can either clone the repository by running git clone from your terminal/the Anaconda command prompt on Windows or create an online Github Codespace from the repository. To run the example jupyter notebooks, you can open the open the .ipynb files in the examples/ directory. Note that a Jupyter notebook installation is required to setup a Jupyter notebook kernel (with a Python version >=3.7) that you can use to run the example notebooks.

Prereqs and Dependencies

Required dependencies

Important: To use this package you must be using a 64-bit version of Python 3. [As of October, 2020 python 3.7 is recommended. Not all the required packages are compatible with 3.8. See the installation instructions for more details.]

C++ Compiler

This package relies heavily on Cython, which is an extension of Python that converts Cython code to C/C++ and then compiles it to make it extremely fast. As such, you will need a C++ compiler and build system with the ability to compile C++ to dynamic libraries. This is different on different operating systems. The package has been tested with the following operating systems:

  1. Mac OS X El Capitan and Sierra
  2. Ubuntu 16.04
  3. Windows 10

The standard compiler is g++. If you type g++ at the terminal, you should get an error message about no input files, and not an error message that says "command not found". If the command isn't found, you can install g++ (along with a bunch of other things) with the following terminal command on Ubuntu, which will require your password. If you are not using Ubuntu, then there should be a similar way to install software.

sudo apt-get install build-essential
Mac OS

On Mac, if you type g++ at the terminal, you should get an error that says something like "no input files". If you get an error saying something like "command not found," you will need to install Xcode. This will give you all the tools you need.

If you are trying to install and are getting errors that suggest some files are not being found, you most likely need to install the Xcode Developer Tools in addition to just Xxode itself. To do this, running the following command in the terminal should be sufficient.

xcode-select --install

If you already have Anaconda installed (and don't have a C++ compiler which already works with python), you will first need to uninstall Anaconda.

The standard compiler on Windows is the one that comes with Visual C++. You can get the compiler from here. When installing visual C++, you need to make sure that the following features are downloaded and installed by selecting a custom install and making sure the following boxes are selected (adding additional features is okay as well):

  1. Visual C++ Build tools core features [typically selected automatically]
  2. VC++ 2019 v142 toolset (x86, x64) or VC++ 2017 v141 toolset (x86, x64)[option name varies slightly and there may be multiple items with the same/similar name; install them all].
  3. Visual C++ 2019 Redistributable Update [Visual C++ 2017 Redistributable Update also OK].
  4. Windows 10 SDK (10.0.16299.0) for Desktop C++ [option name may vary slightly]
  5. Desktop development c++

Note: if you have errors installing Bioscrape in the later steps, such as "cannot find vcvarsall.bat" or linkage errors (compilation warnings are OK) you can also try installing Visual Studio Community from this link.

Python dependencies

WARNING: It is very important that the appropriate C++ compiler is installed BEFORE the python dependencies.

The easy way

The easy way to get all the required Python dependencies is to use Anaconda. Make sure you download the Python 3 version for your machine (64 bit). If you already have Anaconda, then no need to download and install again.

Once you have installed Anaconda, running the following commands will get you ready to install and use this package. numpy,scipy,matplotlib, cython, sympy, pandas, and emcee are absolutely required to use the software. libsbml, lxml, and beautifulsoup4 are required for loading/saving bioscrape XML and SBML model files. Running the following commands should get everything installed that you need.

To make sure your anaconda is updated, run the following two commands. These are unnecessary if you have just installed anaconda.

conda update conda
conda update anaconda

Then, in order to get the required dependencies, run the following commands.

conda install -c anaconda lxml beautifulsoup4 numpy scipy cython jupyter matplotlib sympy pandas
conda install -c astropy emcee
conda install -c sbmlteam python-libsbml

NOTE: if you are running python 3.8, you may need to install a different version of libsbml via:

pip install python-libsbml
The hard way (NOT RECOMMENDED)

Please use anaconda to ensure that bioscrape installs properly.

If you really really don't like Anaconda for some reason, you can also use your own Python distribution and just make sure you have updated versions of numpy, scipy, matplotlib, sympy, and cython. Also, make sure you have the emcee package. You will also want jupyter in order to view and run the example notebooks. libsbml is required if you want to import SBML files.

Setup Instructions

Once you have Anaconda installed and updated along with the appropriate C++ compiler for your platform as outlined above, the installation process is the same on all operating systems. It is detailed below.

To install the bioscrape package, first check it out or download and extract it from GitHub here. Go into the bioscrape directory and run

python install

The installation will cause a bunch of C++ to be compiled. This may create a bunch of warnings and text. If there are no errors, you are fine and have probably completed a successful installation and can attempt to run the testing notebook.

Note : When reinstalling, if you have any bioscrape related Jupyter notebook open or other bioscrape code running on your system already, then the installation is likely to fail. In this case, simply close all terminals (including Jupyter notebooks) that might be running bioscrape and then try installing agian.


If you want to uninstall, simply go to your site-packages folder for your Python distribution and delete the bioscrape directory as well as the bioscrape .egg file if one exists. This will uninstall the package.

Installing locally (not recommended)

If you're a Python expert and want to use the package locally, only run the first command.

python build_ext

This will build the files into a local subdirectory called build/lib/bioscrape, where the lib might have a suffix with the details of your operating system. You can import bioscrape if you run Python from the lib directory, IF you first copy the file from the main directory into the build/lib/bioscrape directory.

Testing and Examples

To test the code and see some examples, run the one of the example notebooks and see if it works.

To run the testing notebook, from the main package directory, run the command

jupyter notebook

and you should have a browser window open with a file system. Click on the file examples.ipynb to open the examples notebook. Hit Shift+Enter to execute the cells that have code in them. Enjoy!

You can also run our unit test suite from the terminal by changing your directory to the bioscrape root directory and running the command:


If all the tests work fine, then you are successfully installed. Check out the usage page to get going with actually using the package.