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Neil Ghugare edited this page Mar 31, 2023 · 8 revisions

Chocolate Mod

build license Mod loader: Fabric size

Chocolate is a FabricMC Java Minecraft mod that attempts to add to the Minecraft Vanilla experience seamlessly without feeling overbearing or detracting from the Vanilla experience.

The repository is licensed by the GNU GPLv3 License.


  1. RandomKiddo
  2. danield33
  3. NithilB
  4. pranavmoola
  5. Mag1cmang0
  6. SpicyNik
  7. rayofdoom26

See descriptions on the main README page!

Copyright Notice

The Chocolate mod, the repository, and the source code (and related) are all licensed by the GNU GPLv3 License (mentioned above). For more information, see GNU's Website or the license directly here

Copyright © 2021 RandomKiddo
Copyright © 2022 RandomKiddo, danield33
Copyright © 2023 RandomKiddo, danield33, NithilB, pranavmoola, Mag1cmang0


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This page was last edited on 03.31.2023 by RandomKiddo

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