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Neil Ghugare edited this page Jun 21, 2023 · 6 revisions

Additions to Vanilla from the Chocolate Mod!

This is the catalog for the additions for the Chocolate Mod!


ID Description
A-0.0 A note on Mixins
A-0.1 Other JSON/PNG info related to the game
A-0.2 The config file
A-1.0 Armors added to the game
A-2.0 Blocks added to the game
A-3.0 The namesake of the mod - actual chocolate in the game
A-4.0 Status effects added to the game
A-5.0 Enchantments added to the game
A-6.0 Fluids added to the game
A-7.0 Ores added to the game
A-8.0 World generation modifications to the game
A-8.1 Trees added to the game
A-8.2 Biomes added to the game
A-8.21 Feature showcase
A-9.0 Datagen changes to the game (Advancements)
A-10.0 Miscellaneous items added to the game
A-11.0 Tools added to the game
A-12.0 Commands added to the game

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This page was last edited on 06.21.23 by RandomKiddo

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