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Eric Evans edited this page Feb 25, 2015 · 12 revisions

Quickstart Guide

This guide will walk you through the steps to setup a simple instance of Newts running on a single node.


To complete the steps in this guide, you will need a Unix-like environment with:

  • Git
  • wget
  • tar
  • sed
  • Maven (>= 3)
  • Java 7 (OpenJDK, Oracle, etc)

Setting up Cassandra

Open a new terminal and:

Download and extract Cassandra:

Substitute ${version} below with the version of Cassandra to download. The latest 2.0.x version of Cassandra is recommended (version 2.0.10 at the time of this writing).

# Terminal 1
tar zxvf apache-cassandra-${version}-bin.tar.gz
cd apache-cassandra-${version}/

Update the configuration for data and logging:

This assumes a scratch install of Cassandra in order to test out Newts, so issue the following commands to modify the config so that data is stored in the /tmp/ directory. Do not do this for a system you intend to run in production.

sed -i "s/var\/lib/tmp/g" conf/cassandra.yaml
sed -i "s/var\/log/tmp/g" conf/

Start Cassandra in the foreground:

bin/cassandra -f

Setting up Newts

At this point, if there were no exceptions, Cassandra will be running in the foreground, with log output printed to the console. Open a new console, and enter the following:

# Terminal 2
git clone

mvn package -PsuperJar

This downloads and builds the Newts source, and installs it to your Maven repository (usually ~/.m2/repository).

Next, we'll initialize (create the Newts schema), and start the REST endpoint:

# Terminal 2
cd $NEWTSSRC/rest
java -jar target/newts-rest-1.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar init example-config.yaml
java -jar target/newts-rest-1.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar server example-config.yaml

Note: During initialization, SLF4J may complain about logger implementations, you can safely ignore this.

Note: During Newts server startup, you may see warnings about missing compression libraries from the Cassandra driver, you can safely ignore these.


$NEWTS/rest/samples.txt contains samples in the JSON representation that Newts expects. Importing these samples is a quick way to be sure everything is working.

Import samples:

# Terminal 3
curl -D - -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @samples.txt

Read samples:

curl -D - -X GET ''; echo

Next Steps

Why not try the Global Summary of Day (weather data) demo?