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ChangeLog 2.4.0

杨奕 edited this page May 28, 2018 · 8 revisions


  • 综合
    • 使用原生 webpack 作为构建和打包工具,#11216
    • 可以全局配置弹出层的初始 z-index,#11257
  • Autocomplete
    • 新增 hide-loading 属性,#11260
  • Button
    • 现在圆形按钮也支持通过 size 属性改变其尺寸了,#11275
  • InputNumber
    • 新增 precision 属性,#11281
  • Tabs
    • 新增 before-leave 钩子,#11259
    • 新增 lazy 属性,#11167(by @Kingwl)
  • Table
    • 新增 sort 方法,支持手动排序,#11311


  • Input
    • 修复使用中文输入法快速输入文字时会导致视图重新渲染的问题,#11235(by @STLighter)
  • Popover
    • 修复当触发元素为 Radio 或 Checkbox 时控制台报错的问题,#11265
  • Breadcrumb
    • 修复 to 属性不支持动态更新的问题,#11286
  • Upload
    • 修复在 beforeUpload 方法返回的 Promise 中 resolve 一个 File 时控制台报错的问题,#11297(by @qusiba)
  • Tooltip
    • 修复内容为空时箭头错位的问题,#11335
  • Autocomplete
    • 修复在快速删除搜索内容后输入建议不正确的问题,#11323
  • ColorPicker
    • 修复关闭选色器时触发 active-change 事件的问题,#11304
  • Table
    • 修复筛选列表过长导致样式超出的问题,#11314
    • 修复排序后导致无法正常显示选中行样式的问题,#11348
  • Checkbox
    • 修复单个 Checkbox 不支持表单验证的问题,#11271
  • Radio
    • 修复通过空格可以选中被禁用的 Radio 的问题,#11303
  • MessageBox
    • 修复连续打开两个 MessageBox 时 el-popup-parent--hidden 无法移除的问题,#11371

New features

  • General
    • Dev tool and bundler is switched to native webpack, #11216
    • Now you can globally set the initial z-index of popups, #11257
  • Autocomplete
    • Added hide-loading attribute, #11260
  • Button
    • Now you can use the size attribute on circle buttons to control their sizes, #11275
  • InputNumber
    • Added precision attribute, #11281
  • Tabs
    • Added before-leave attribute, #11259
    • Added lazy attribute, #11167(by @Kingwl)
  • Table
    • Added sort method to manually sort the table, #11311

Bug fixes

  • Input
    • Fixed an issue that causes a re-render when using the Chinese IME to quickly input text, #11235 (by @STLighter)
  • Popover
    • Fixed the console error when the triggering element is Radio or Checkbox, #11265
  • Breadcrumb
    • Fixed the to attribute not supporting dynamic update, #11286
  • Upload
    • Fixed the console error when a File is resolved in the returned Promise of the beforeUpload method, #11297 (by @qusiba)
  • Tooltip
    • Fixed arrow not positioned correctly when content is empty, #11335
  • Autocomplete
    • Fixed incorrect input suggestions after deleting keyword quickly, #11323
  • ColorPicker
    • Fixed active-change event incorrectly triggering when picker dropdown is closed, #11304
  • Table
    • Fixed style error of oversized filter panel, #11314
    • Fixed currently selected row not retained when the table is sorted, #11348
  • Checkbox
    • Fixed single checkbox not supporting validation, #11271
  • Radio
    • Fixed disabled Radio still being selected when pressing space key, #11303
  • MessageBox
    • Fixed the el-popup-parent--hidden class not removed when opening MessageBox in succession, #11371
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