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ChangeLog 2.0.5

杨奕 edited this page Nov 17, 2017 · 2 revisions
  • 修复上个版本引入的 Popover、Tree、Breadcrumb、Cascader 的 bug,#8188 #8217 #8283
  • 修复 clickoutside 指令的内存泄露问题,#8168 #8225(by @badpunman @STLighter)
  • 修复默认尺寸的多选 Select 在清空选项后输入框高度不随之更新的问题,#8317(by @luciy)
  • 新增 Select 的 collapse-tags 属性,用于在多选时以文字代替 Tag,避免组件高度的增大,#8190
  • 修复被隐藏的 Table 会造成 CPU 占用持续增加的问题,#8351
  • 开放 Table 的 doLayout 方法,用于重新计算 Table 的布局,#8351

  • Fixed Popover, Tree, Breadcrumb and Cascader regression in 2.0.4, #8188 #8217 #8283
  • Fixed memory leak of clickoutside directive, #8168 #8225 (by @badpunman @STLighter)
  • Fixed multiple Select height when its value is cleared, #8317 (by @luciy)
  • Added collapse-tags attribute for multiple Select to replace tags with one line of text, #8190
  • Fixed high CPU consumption caused by hidden Table, #8351
  • Now you can use doLayout method of Table to update its layout, #8351
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