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Anze edited this page May 1, 2024 · 14 revisions

How to open Settings when icon is hidden?

To open Settings window simply launch app again.

Hotkeys for [app] are not displayed

Unfortunately KeyClu only have access to App's menus. In some applications hotkeys is not presented (reflected) in the menu. There is a solution for this case: you can add hotkeys to special list, just go to the Settings -> My Shortcuts, pick your application, click on "+ Shortcut" button. Add title and register shortcut, click checkbox mark. With latest KeyClu version you need to allow it to show those shortcuts by toggle "MyShortcuts" in Settings -> Integrations.

You may share those custom shortcuts with others by submitting your exported file to KeyClu Extensions collection.

KeyClu stop responding when using in browser

Probably you have huge amount of bookmarks in browser. To fix this you may try to enable "Limit amount of menu items for browsers" option in "Advanced Presets". There is also a chance that you using new browser, which might be not recognized by KeyClu. To help KeyClu recognize your browser, please refer to this page.

MacOS Keyboard shortcuts are not displayed

Sometimes, macOS may not automatically update the file containing keyboard shortcuts. To resolve this issue, you can manually refresh the settings by toggling any option in the Keyboard Shortcuts section of System Preferences. Simply unchecking and then rechecking any option can trigger the update and ensure that the settings are properly saved.

Can KeyCue custom shortcuts be imported?

Although the native .kcustom format is not supported, there is a Converter available that can convert basic shortcuts to the format used by KeyClu.

KeyClu just crashed

To help solve issue, please perform next actions:

  • write details that may help to investigate issue, like:
    • what app was active
    • what keyboard layout was active
    • what macOS version
    • what you were doing that might have caused the crash
  • run the defaults read com.0804team.KeyClu command in terminal and save output to the file
  • check directories for files (would be enough 1 file from each dir if there are any):
    • ~/Library/Application\ Support/CrashReporter for file looking like KeyClu_A271FA3D-EF62-5FD9-92B1-01C9993C3552.plist
    • ~/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports for file looking like KeyClu-2024-02-20-213349.ips with latest time

Please try to pick latest file and attach them to the issue or send those files with issue description to sms[@]

Your cooperation will help to resolve issue more effectively.