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Additional Configuration

Anze edited this page Apr 25, 2024 · 1 revision

KeyClu support additional values to support flexible configuration.

Configuration supported via Additional.plist file, that is read upon application start. This is a plain xml dictionary file.

Usual file location: /Applications/



Browsers list helps KeyClu to identify if the app is browser, and if so than apply menu items scanning limitation if Limit amount of menu items for browsers is enabled.

It is possible to include other app identifiers in this list. The downside is that in case limit is applied, some menu items might not be listed for that App.

Browsers list is an array of browsers identifiers:



skhdrc list helps KeyClu to check all possible files of skhdrc for shortcuts. Files checked in listed order.


  • env variable supported only if it listed in the beginning of the path
  • relative path is not supported