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Load ENV vars from .env files on boot


On boot, calling env.init(alloc, ".env") will return an env that includes values from the .env file

Lines starting with # are treated as comments

All other lines will take the form


Lines that do not have a = sign will be skipped


zig fetch --save git+

Then add to your build.zig

    const dotenv = b.dependency("dotenv", .{ dependency options here );
    exe.root_module.addImport("dotenv", dotenv.module("dotenv"));

🤮 Microlibray Alert 🤮

This is a MicroLibrary, the code is trivial enough

Consider just copypasting the file dotenv.zig into your project instead of adding yet another microdependency

Its only about 20 lines of code

Up to you


const dotenv = @import("dotenv");

pub fn main() !void {
    // create an allocator
    var gpa = std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(.{}){};
    const allocator = gpa.allocator();
    defer gpa.deinit();

    // init the dotenv object - this will read the .env file at runtime
    var env = try dotenv.init(allocator, ".env");
    defer env.deinit();

    // gen "Env" vars
    var database_host = env.get("DATABASE_HOST") orelse "localhost";
    var database_name = env.get("DATABASE_NAME") orelse "zigzag-data";

    ... do stuff

    // change the value of the DATABASE_HOST
    try env.put("DATABASE_HOST", "postgres.local");

How it works

On boot, loads the .env file, and parses each line

If the line contains an '=' char, then it splits the line on that first '=' and then adds KEY : VALUE to the environment.

Uses std.process.EnvMap - which is an in-memory clone of the initial ENV