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API Help:


ComputerMgmt.createAgentDeploymentUrlCmd deployPath groupId urlName

agentVersionNumber agentHotFix [edit] [ahId] [fallBackAhId] - Create Agent
Deployment URL Command

ComputerMgmt.createCustomInstallPackageCmd deployPath [ahId] [fallBackAhId] -
Create Custom Install Package Command

ComputerMgmt.createDefaultAgentDeploymentUrlCmd tenantId - Create Default
Non-Editable Agent Deployment URL Command

ComputerMgmt.createTagGroup parentTagGroupId newTagGroupName - Create a new
subgroup under an existing tag group.

ComputerMgmt.deleteTag tagIds [forceDelete] - Delete one or more tags.

ComputerMgmt.deleteTagGroup tagGroupIds [deleteTags] - Delete one or more Tag

ComputerMgmt.listAllTagGroups - List All Tag Groups in Tag Group Tree

ComputerMgmt.moveTagsToTagGroup tagIds tagGroupId - Move tags to an existing tag

ComputerMgmt.renameTagGroup tagGroupId renameTagGroupName - Rename a tag group.

ENDP_FW_META.propertyTranslator  - Translates client rule properties and
populates appropriate database tables with this data.

ENDP_MIG_META.automigrator  -

PhengineMeta.ReScanNowCommand Immediately run all active scans on specified systems or tags. This might impose a big load on the systems and the network.

PhengineMeta.ScanNowCommand Immediately run assessment on systems or tags. This might impose a big load on the systems and the network.

RepositoryMgmt.createHttpRepository name url uncPath downloadUser
downloadPassword uploadUser uploadPassword [softwareInclusionList]
[softwareExclusionList] - Remote command to create HTTP distributed repository.
RepositoryMgmt.createUncRepository name uncPath downloadUser downloadPassword
uploadUser uploadPassword [softwareInclusionList] [softwareExclusionList] -
Remote command to create UNC distributed repository.

agentmgmt.listAgentHandlers - List all Agent Handlers

clienttask.export [productId] [fileName] - Exports client tasks

clienttask.find [searchText] - Finds client tasks

clienttask.importClientTask importFileName - Imports client tasks from an XML
file. names productId taskId [retryAttempts] [retryIntervalInSeconds]
[abortAfterMinutes] [useAllAgentHandlers] [stopAfterMinutes] [randomMinutes] -
Runs the client task on a supplied list of systems

clienttask.syncShared - Shares client tasks with participating registered

commonevent.purgeEvents queryId [unit] [purgeType] - Deletes threat events based
on age or a queryId. The query must be table based.

commonevent.purgeProductEvents queryId [unit] [purgeType] - Purge Client Events
by Query ID or age.

console.cert.updatecrl console.updateCRL crlFile -

core.addPermSetsForUser userName permSetName - Adds permission set(s) to
specified user

core.addUser userName password [fullName=<>] [email=<>] [phoneNumber=<>]
[notes=<>] [allowedIPs=<>] [disabled=<>] [admin=<>] [retryTolerant=<>] - Adds a
user to the system

core.executeQuery queryId [database=<>] - Executes a SQUID query and returns the

core.exportPermissionSets - Exports all permission sets. [command] [prefix=<>] - Displays a list of all commands and help

core.importPermissionSets file [overwrite] - Imports permission sets.

core.listDatabases - Displays all registered databases that the user is
permitted to see.

core.listDatatypes [type] - Displays all registered datatypes and operations for
those types that the user is permitted to see.

core.listPermSets [userName] - List permission sets in the system

core.listQueries - Displays all queries that the user is permitted to see.

core.listTables [table] - Displays all SQUID tables that the user is permitted
to see.

core.listUsers [permSetName] - List users in the system

core.purgeAuditLog [age] [unit] - Purge the Audit Log by age

core.removePermSetsForUser userName permSetName - Removes permission set(s) from
a specified user

core.removeUser userName - Removes a user from the system

core.updateUser userName [password=<>] [windowsUserName=<>] [windowsDomain=<>]
[subjectDN=<>] [newUserName=<>] [fullName=<>] [email=<>] [phoneNumber=<>]
[allowedIPs=<>] [notes=<>] [disabled=<>] [admin=<>] - Updates an existing user

detectedsystem.add sourceID sourceType MAC IPAddress [IPSubnet] [IPSubnetMask]
[dnsName] [OSPlatform] [OSFamily] [OSVersion] [domain] [netbiosName]
[netbiosComment] [users] [agentGUID] [detectedTime] [externalID] - Adds a
Detected System.

detectedsystem.addToTree UIDs branchNodeID [allowDuplicates] [dirSort] - Add
detected systems to the System Tree

detectedsystem.delete UIDs - Deletes Detected Systems

detectedsystem.deleteByAge age unit - Deletes all Detected Systems older than a
given age

detectedsystem.find searchText - Find Detected Systems

detectedsystem.markAsException [UIDs] [unmark] [category] - Adds Detected
Systems to the exceptions list

epo.getVersion - Gets the ePO version

epo.purgeComplianceHistory queryId [unit] - Purges compliance events by query or

epo.syncDirectory [syncPointList] - Synchronizes Domains/AD

epogroup.findSystems groupId [searchSubgroups] - Find computers within a given
group in the ePO tree

issue.createIssue name=<> desc=<> [type=<>] [state=<>] [priority=<>]
[severity=<>] [resolution=<>] [due=<>] [assigneeName=<>] [ticketServerName=<>]
[ticketId=<>] [properties=<>] - Creates an issue

issue.deleteIssue id=<> - Deletes issues

issue.listIssues [id=<>] - Lists issues

issue.updateIssue id=<> [name=<>] [desc=<>] [state=<>] [priority=<>]
[severity=<>] [resolution=<>] [due=<>] [assigneeName=<>] [ticketServerName=<>]
[ticketId=<>] [properties=<>] - Updates an issue

ldap.populateCache [rsName] - Rediscovers and populates Registered Servers
mappings with domains

policy.assignToGroup groupId productId objectId [resetInheritance] - Assigns
policy to the specified group

policy.assignToSystem names productId typeId objectId [resetInheritance] -
Assigns the policy to a supplied list of systems

policy.export productId [fileName] - Exports policies

policy.find [searchText] - Finds all policies the user is permitted to see that
match the given search text.

policy.importPolicy file [force] - Imports policies

policy.syncShared - Shares policies with participating registered servers

repository.changeBranch productId packageType sourceBranch targetBranch [move] -
Change the Branch for a Package

repository.checkInPackage packageLocation branch [option] [force] - Checks
package into the Master Repository

repository.deletePackage productId packageType branch - Deletes Package from the
Master Repository

repository.export [fileName] - Exports repositories

repository.find [searchText] - Finds all repositories the user is permitted to
see that match the given search text.

repository.findPackages [searchText] - Finds Packages

repository.importRepositories file repositoryType [overwrite] - Imports

repository.pull sourceRepository targetBranch moveToPrevious productList - Pulls
packages from the source repository and puts them into the Master Repository

repository.replicate [repositoryList] [incremental] - Replicate

rsd.updateOUIs [ouiURL=<>] [ouiFileName=<>] -


rsd.updateOs - command.rsd.updateOs.desc.short-desc

scheduler.cancelServerTask taskLogId - Ends a currently running task

scheduler.getServerTask taskName - Gets details about a specific server task

scheduler.listAllServerTasks - Displays all server tasks

scheduler.listRunningServerTasks - Get the list of all running server tasks.

scheduler.runServerTask taskName - Runs a server task and returns the task log

scheduler.updateServerTask taskName [status] - Enables or disables a server task
(by default status='enabled')

scor.contentUpdate.command - Applies the most-recent update package for
Application Control and Change Control products.

scor.internal.config.parameters configPropertyName configPropertyValue - Update
the config property parameters.

scor.inventory.import systemUID file - Imports the contents of inventory from
the specified XML file to the specified system UID on McAfee ePO console.

scor.rulegroup.export ruleGroupOS ruleGroupType [ruleGroupName] [exportFileName]
- Exports contents of the rule groups matching the specified criteria, such as
operating system, type, and name.

scor.rulegroup.find ruleGroupOS ruleGroupType [ruleGroupName] - Fetches all the
rule groups that match the specified criteria, such as operating system, type,
and name.

scor.rulegroup.import file [override] - Imports the contents of rule groups from
the specified XML file to the McAfee ePO console.

scor.rulegroup.rename ruleGroupOS ruleGroupType oldRuleGroupName
newRuleGroupName - Rename the rule group that match the specified criteria, such
as operating system, type, and name.

scor.updateWindowCommand action [systemIds] [systemNames] [workflowId] [time]
[wakeupAgent] [taskIds] - Assign begin update, end update client tasks on given
systems, delete the client tasks of type end update or begin update.

system.addToSensorBlacklist UIDs - Adds managed systems to the Rogue System
Sensor blacklist

system.applyTag names tagName - Assigns the given tag to a supplied list of

system.clearTag names tagName [all] - Clears the tag from supplied systems

system.delete names [uninstall] [uninstallSoftware] - Deletes systems from the
System Tree by name or ID.

system.deployAgent names username [password] [agentPackage] [skipIfInstalled]
[suppressUI] [forceInstall] [installPath] [domain] [useAllHandlers]
[primaryAgentHandler] [retryIntervalSeconds] [attempts] [abortAfterMinutes]
[includeSubgroups] [useSsh] [inputSource] - Deploys an agent to the given list
of systems

system.excludeTag names tagName - Excludes the tag from supplied systems

system.exportTag [fileName] - Export Tags

system.find searchText [searchNameOnly] - Finds systems in the System Tree

system.findGroups [searchText] - Finds groups in the System Tree

system.findTag [searchText] - Find Tags

system.importSystem names branchNodeID [allowDuplicates] [uninstallRemoved]
[pushAgent] [pushAgentForceInstall] [pushAgentSkipIfInstalled]
[pushAgentSuppressUI] [pushAgentInstallPath] [pushAgentPackagePath]
[pushAgentDomainName] [pushAgentUserName] [pushAgentPassword] [deleteIfRemoved]
[flattenTreeStructure] - Imports systems

system.importTag uploadFile [force] - Imports Tags

system.move names parentGroupId [autoSort] - Moves systems to the specified
destination group.

system.resort names - Resorts the systems in the System Tree

system.runTagCriteria tagID [resetTaggedSystems] - The Run Tag Criteria action
evaluates every managed system against the tags criteria.

system.setUserProperties names [description] [customField1] [customField2]
[customField3] [customField4] - Sets user properties on the given system

system.transfer names epoServer - Transfers systems to a different ePO server

system.wakeupAgent names [fullProps] [superAgent] [randomMinutes]
[forceFullPolicyUpdate] [useAllHandlers] [retryIntervalSeconds] [attempts]
[abortAfterMinutes] [includeSubgroups] - Wakes up the agent on a supplied list
of systems

tasklog.listMessages taskLogId - Lists the messages for the specified task log

tasklog.listSubtasks taskLogId - Lists subtasks of a specified task log entry

tasklog.listTaskHistory [taskName] [taskSource] [maxRows] [age] [unit] - Lists
task log entries, optionally filtered by task name, task ID, or task source

tasklog.listTaskSources - Lists the task sources

tasklog.purge [age] [unit] - Purges the Server Task Log beyond a given age and time unit
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