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Installing within SLURM environment

In order to run TBABM on a SLURM-managed cluster, you must compile the binaries in a similar environment to the one they will be executed on. However, subtle differences in the architecture between the login nodes (the ones you ssh into), and the compute nodes, can lead to segmentation faults and odd bugs when running login-compiled code on a compute node. Therefore, starting an interactive session on a compute node and doing the compilation there will lead to better results.

First, acquire an interactive allocation with several cores, to speed compile time.

srun --pty -p devel --cpus-per-task=4 --time=60 bash

You should now be inside an interactive job allocation, which will allow you to build binaries in an appropriate environment.

Installing dependencies

TBABM references a few in-house libraries: SimulationLib and StatisticalDistributionsLib. They must be installed in a directory that TBABM's build system, CMake, can see when you are compiling the TBABM binary.

First, we will create a tmp/ directory to compile all the software, and a software/ directory to house the compiled binaries and headers. We'll also make a special variable, $PREFIX, to remind us of where software/ is.

mkdir ~/software ~/tmp && cd ~/tmp
export PREFIX

Next, we load a toolchain, and load CMake, our build system:

module load CMake/3.24.3-GCCcore-12.2.0 foss/2022b || echo "Loading one or more modules failed!"

Next, clone all the repositories:

echo{TBABM,SimulationLib,StatisticalDistributionsLib}.git |
  xargs -n1 git clone

Compile and install them:

cd StatisticalDistributionsLib
module load Boost
module load foss/2022b
make -j8 install

cd ../SimulationLib/SimulationLib
make -j8 install

Check the contents of ~/software/ to see if the installation succeeded. If it did, the directory structure should look as follows:

├── include
│   ├── SimulationLib-0.2
│   └── StatisticalDistributionsLib-0.2
└── lib
    ├── SimulationLib-0.2
    │   └── RelWithDebInfo
    └── StatisticalDistributionsLib-0.2
        └── RelWithDebInfo

You can go ahead and delete ~/tmp now.

rm -rf ~/tmp

Installing TBABM


mkdir ~/pkg ~/modulefiles/TBABM
module use ~/modulefiles

cd ~/pkg
git clone --branch=$VERSION $VERSION/

# Get Boost
git submodule init; git submodule sync; git submodule update --recommend-shallow
# Install docopt
git clone && cd docopt.cpp && cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$PREFIX . && make install && cd .. && rm -rf docopt.cpp
make -j8

cd ~/modulefiles/TBABM
nano $VERSION.lua

Paste the following into the editor:

local home      = os.getenv("HOME")
local version   = myModuleVersion()
local pkgName   = myModuleName()
local pkg       = pathJoin(home, "pkg",pkgName,version,"bin")
prepend_path("PATH", pkg)

Running TBABM on a SLURM cluster

Setting up an execution environment

mkdir ~/TBABM_runs/run1 && cd ~/TBABM_runs/run1
cp -R ~/pkg/TBABM/bin/ ~/pkg/TBABM/params/{HIV,Demographic}/ .

Add yer runsheet

Performing the run

sbatch -n200 --time=500 &&
	watch -n1 squeue -u$USER

less +F slurm.log # This gives a stream of information that will indicate errors
				  # in setup of the various processes involved

less +F parallel.log # This is useful for monitoring runtimes


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