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Event Fields

Will McMahan edited this page Mar 18, 2018 · 4 revisions

Event details

Property Type Description iOS Android
id* String Unique id for the calendar event. βœ“ βœ“
calendarId** String Unique id for the calendar where the event will be saved. Defaults to the device's default calendar. βœ“ βœ“
title String The title for the calendar event. βœ“ βœ“
startDate Date The start date of the calendar event in ISO format. βœ“ βœ“
endDate Date The end date of the calendar event in ISO format. βœ“ βœ“
allDay Bool Indicates whether the event is an all-day event. βœ“ βœ“
recurrence String The simple recurrence frequency of the calendar event daily, weekly, monthly, yearly or none. βœ“ βœ“
recurrenceRule ** Object The events recurrence settings. βœ“ βœ“
occurrenceDate* Date The original occurrence date of an event if it is part of a recurring series. βœ“
isDetached Bool Indicates whether an event is a detached instance of a repeating event. βœ“
url String The url associated with the calendar event. βœ“ βœ“
location String The location associated with the calendar event. βœ“ βœ“
notes String The notes associated with the calendar event. βœ“
description String The description associated with the calendar event. βœ“
alarms Array The alarms associated with the calendar event, as an array of alarm objects. βœ“ βœ“
calendar* Object The calendar containing the event. βœ“ βœ“

Recurrence Rule properties:

Property Type Description iOS Android
frequency String Event recurring frequency daily, weekly, monthly, yearly βœ“ βœ“
endDate Date Event recurring end date. This overrides occurrence βœ“ βœ“
occurrence Number Number of event occurrences. βœ“ βœ“
interval Number The interval between events of this recurrence. βœ“ βœ“

Alarm options:

Property Type Description iOS Android
date Date or Number If a Date is given, an alarm will be set with an absolute date. If a Number is given, an alarm will be set with a relative offset (in minutes) from the start date. βœ“ βœ“
structuredLocation Object The location to trigger an alarm. βœ“

Alarm structuredLocation properties:

Property Type Description iOS Android
title String The title of the location. βœ“
proximity String A value indicating how a location-based alarm is triggered. Possible values: enter, leave, none. βœ“
radius Number A minimum distance from the core location that would trigger the calendar event's alarm. βœ“
coords Object The geolocation coordinates, as an object with latitude and longitude properties βœ“

* Read only, ** Write only

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