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Angular Testing Workshop

This is an angular unit-testing workshop by Younes from Wishtack and we can keep in touch here:

It is made to run on codesandbox.

Codesandbox Angular Testing

Workshop guide

0. The skeleton

Click here to open the skeleton on Codesandbox.

1. Isolated testing <app-sandwich-search>

Let’s start with a presentational component like <app-sandwich-search>

1.1. Create the component

yarn ng g @wishtack/schematics:scam sandwich-search

1.2. Add empty specs to share intention

xit('🚧 should search and display sandwiches', () => {
  throw new Error('🚧 work in progress!');

1.3. Describe the test with comments

// @todo create the component with…
// @todo check this and that

1.4. 🎁 It's time for a sandwich 🍔

export class Sandwich {
  id: string;
  name: string;
  price: number;

  constructor(args: Partial<Sandwich> = {}) { =; =;
    this.price = args.price;

1.5. Use of function to create an observable from synchronous source

const data$ = of(42)
data$.subscribe(console.log); // 42

1.6. Create the sandwich search & cart service

… and let’s skip tests for now

yarn ng g service sandwich-search/sandwich-search —skipTests
yarn ng g service cart/cart —skipTests

1.7. Implement the test and use IDE to generate the methods with the right signature

Top down approach helps with generation and enforces good design. Start with the usage and not the implementation or interface.

1.8. Enable the test by replacing xit with it... and make it work


2. Isolated testing <app-sandwich-search> with spies

class FavoriteColorService {
  getFavoriteColor(userId) {

function getCurrentUserFavoriteColor() {
  return getFavoriteColor(;

it('...', () => {

  const favoriteColorService = new FavoriteColorService();

  spyOn(favoriteColorService, 'getFavoriteColor').and.returnValue('RED');

  expect(getCurrentUserFavoriteColor()); // 'RED'

  // ⚠️ remember to check that the spy has been called with the right parameters
  expect(favoriteColorService.getFavoriteColor).toHaveBeenCalledWith('FOO'); // FAIL! Was called with `undefined` instead of FOO



3. Dom testing <app-sandwich-list>

3.1. Create the <app-sandwich-list> component

yarn ng g @wishtack/schematics:scam sandwich-list

3.2. Check that sandwiches are displayed by querying the view


3.3. Remember to trigger the change detection when needed


3.4. Use data-role attribute to query elements

<button data-role="destroy-planet-button">DESTROY PLANET</button>
expect(fixture.debugEment.query(By.css('[data="destroy-planet-button"]'))).toBeNull(); // 😰


4. Dom testing events

4.1. Trigger a click

const clickEvent = {};
fixture.debugElement.query(...).triggerEventHandler('click', clickEvent);

4.2. Subscribe to component's output

😉 EventEmitter is a Subject which is an Observable, so you can subscribe to the output.


5. Shallow testing

5.1. Ignore unknown elements

  declarations: [DestroyPlanetComponent],

5.2. Inject services

let myService: MyService;
beforeEach(() => myService = TestBed.inject(MyService)); // Since Angular 9
beforeEach(() => myService = TestBed.get(MyService)) // Before Angular 9


Known issues with Codesandbox

🐞 There are some memory limitations on codesandbox that can make karma crash. If you want to use karma and you don't need to run the app simultaneously, then you can simply replace "start": "ng serve..." by "start": "ng test". Codesandbox will run karma instead of the app which will reduce memory usage.