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wickett's vimrc

This initially started out as a fork of adam-vim, but after finding vim-boostrap, thats now what I use. The vimrc file in the root of the repo is just vim-boostrap with one minor fix for my mac. The custom stuff has now been moved over to .vimrc.local.bundles and .vimrc.local.

My setup

I am using a mac with iTerm2, vim (from homebrew) and tmux (also from homebrew). I am not using macvim.


$ brew install ctags git
$ git clone ~/.vim

To Install

$ cd ~/.vim
$ make install

# This does a make clean and make config

To Update

$ cd ~/.vim
$ make update
# Follow instructions

Important configuration stuff

Leader is mapped to ','

Custom Keymaps

These are in vimrc.local

Command Description
[,d] Toggle NERDtree


Command Description
:cd <path> Open path /path
<Control+w>+<hjkl> Navigate via split panels
<Control>+w+w Alternative navigate vim split panels
,. Set path working directory
,w or ,x Next buffer navigate
,q or ,z previous buffer navigate
SHIFT+t Create a tab
TAB next tab navigate
SHIFT+TAB previous tab navigate
,e Find and open files
,b Find file on buffer (open file)
,c Close active buffer (clone file)
F2 Open tree navigate in actual opened file
F3 Open/Close tree navigate files
F4 List all class and method. Support for python, go, lua, ruby and php
,v Split vertical
,h Split horizontal
,f Search in the project
,sh Open shell.vim terminal inside Vim or NeoVim built-in terminal
,so Open Session
,ss Save Session
,sd Delete Session
,sc Close Session
> indent to right
< indent to left
gc Comment or uncomment lines that {motion} moves over
YY Copy to clipboard
,p Paste
<Control+y>, Activate Emmet plugin></Control></hjkl></path>

Git and github

Command Description
,o Open github file/line (website), if used git in github
,ga Execute git add on current file
,gc git commit (splits window to write commit message)
,gsh git push
,gll git pull
,gs git status
,gb git blame
,gd git diff
,gr git remove


Command Description
gcc Comments out the line
gc In visual mode it comments or uncomments a the selection


Command Description
,dd Godef vertical
,dv Godoc vertical
,db Godoc in browser
,gi Go info
,gr go run
,rb go build
,gt go test


the vim setup I use daily






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