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victims-plugin-ant Build Status


This Ant Task provides the functionality to scan a Java projects dependencies against a database of publicly known vulnerabilities. The canonical version of the database is hosted at and is maintained by Red Hat security teams.

Getting Started

A sample Ant project is provided in sample/ The sample project requires Apache Ant & Apache Ivy, found at the following:        -- Ant    -- Ivy

To run:

  cd sample/

If successful the build should fail with a vulnerable dependency in the spring library.

Sample build.xml

  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
      <project name="ProjectName" basedir="." default="scan">
            This defines the task utilising the victims-plugin-ant jar.
            Make sure the victims-plugin-ant.jar library is available in the classpath
          <target name="define" description="Define the task">
              <taskdef name="victims" classname="com.redhat.victims.plugin.ant.VictimsTask">
                      <fileset dir="lib" includes="**/*.jar"/>
            This target executes the victims-plugin-ant task. Path is the only
            required parameter. For other possible parameters see below.
          <target name="scan" depends="define" description="Run the victims scan">
                      <fileset dir="lib" includes="**/*.jar"/>

Configuration options reference

The following options can be specified as child elements of <victims>


The URL of the victims web service to used to synchronize the local database.

default: ""


The entrypoint of the victims webservice to synchronize against

default: "/service"


The severity of exception to be thrown when a dependency is encountered that matches the known vulnerable database based on metadata. Fatal indicates the build should fail, warning indicates a warning should be issued but the build should proceed.

allowed : warning, fatal, disabled default : warning


The severity of exception to be thrown when a dependency is encountered that matches the known vulnerable database based on a fingerprint. Fatal indicates the build should fail, warning indicates a warning should be issued but the build should proceed.

allowed : warning, fatal, disabled default : fatal


Allows the configuration of the synchronization mechanism. In automatic mode new entries in the victims database are pulled from the victims-web instance during each build. In daily mode new entries are pulled from the victims-web instance only once per day. The synchronization mechanism may be disabled and processed manually for closed build environments.

allowed : auto, offline, daily default : auto


The jdbc driver to use for the local victims database. By default victims uses an embedded H2 database.

default : org.h2.Driver


The jdbc connection URL to for the local victims database.

default : .victims (embedded h2 instance).


The username to use for the jdbc connection.

default : "victims"


The password to use for the jdbc connection.

default : "victims"