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Template Inheritance

Umakant Patil edited this page Dec 11, 2013 · 1 revision

Template inheritance (extending) and overriding

Template inheritance is an approach to managing templates that resembles object-oriented programming techniques.

You can inherit the contents of one template to another (like extending a class) and change blocks of content (like overriding methods of a class).

Parent template :

<script id="parent_tpl" type="text/x-jsmart-tmpl">
    <h1> Hello from {block name="hello"}parent{/block}! </h1>
    {block 'hello_again'}{/block}

Child template :

<script id="child_tpl" type="text/x-jsmart-tmpl">
    {extends file="parent_tpl"} 

    {block name="hello"}child{/block}

Grand child template :

<script id="grandchild_tpl" type="text/x-jsmart-tmpl">
    {extends file="child_tpl"} 

    {block name="hello"}grandchild{/block}
    {block 'hello_again'}Hello again!{/block}

In JavaScript :

jSmart.prototype.getTemplate = function(name) {
    return document.getElementById(name).innerHTML;

var tpl = new jSmart( document.getElementById('grandchild_tpl').innerHTML );
var res = tpl.fetch();
document.write( res );


<h1>Hello from grandchild!</h1>
Hello again!

see also Template Inheritance in PHP Smarty documentation, {extends}, {block

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