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Tree Automizer

alexandernutz edited this page May 13, 2016 · 8 revisions


  • Construct an "Automizer for Trees"
    • i.e. working on Tree Automata instead of NWAs
  • possible applications
    • Horn clause solving
    • Data flow proofs


  • Convert Horn clause file format to Horn Clause Graph
  • Convert Horn clause graph to Program Tree Automaton
    • Convert the Horn Clause Graph to a Tree Automaton, analogous to the "Program Automaton" in Automizer
  • Adapt CegarLoop from Automizer
    • Currently it works on Nested Word Automata, we want a version that works on Tree Automata
  • Ground derivation to Interpolant Tree Automaton
    • Construct a Tree Automaton from a Horn clause ground derivation, analogous to the "Interpolant Automaton" or "Data Automaton"
  • Adapt TraceChecker for trees
    • Build a formula (something like SSA) from a ground derivation
  • Basic data structures
    • Graph Node and Edge for Horn Clause Graph
    • Label for Horn Clause Graph edges
      • similar to IAction?
      • carries a TransitionFormula, and what else?
      • needs a connection to the source nodes/edge components for variable tracking
    • Tree
      • the Trees that the tree automata operate on
      • represents a ground derivation (in the Horn clause case)

Details of components

Input format/Parsing

Using special SMTLib2 files with the following constraints:

We use SMTInterpol's parser (with a special Script) to convert such a file into a Hypergraph in one shot (not like SMTInterpol, which interleaves parsing with solver activity).

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