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twinBASIC CustomControls Introduction

WaynePhillipsEA edited this page Oct 17, 2021 · 1 revision


twinBASIC now offers experimental support for CustomControls. CustomControls are implemented using the BASIC language, allowing implementers to design controls directly from the twinBASIC environment.

A few highlights;

  • completely custom drawn controls, with no external or third-party dependencies (tiny footprint)
  • support 32-bit RGBA for full alpha-transparency
  • support high-DPI modes (per-monitor), requiring little thought whilst designing new controls
  • full debugging support via the usual twinBASIC integrated debugger
  • designed for efficiency so that supporting complex controls with hundreds of elements (e.g. a DataGrid with 100's of cells) is easily possible
  • designed for flexibility, allowing for curved corners, multiple borders, background gradients and much more
  • the form engine supports anchoring and docking without any considerations needed for CustomControl implementers
  • simple property sheet synchronization via the built-in form designer