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HeteroArchGen4M2S: An automatic software for configuring and running heterogeneous CPU-GPU architectures on Multi2Sim simulator. This tool is built on top of M2S simulator, it allows us to configure various heterogeneous CPU-GPU architectures (e.g., number of CPU cores, GPU cores, L1$, L2$, memory (size and latency (via CACTI 6.5)), network topo…


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Heterogeneous Architecture Configurations Generator for Multi2Sim simulator (HeteroArchGen4M2S)

HeteroArchGen4M2S: An automatic software for configuring and running heterogeneous CPU-GPU architectures on Multi2Sim simulator. This tool is built on top of M2S simulator, it allows us to configure the various heterogeneous CPU-GPU architectures (e.g., number of CPU cores, GPU cores, L1$, L2$, memory (size and latency (via CACTI 6.5)), network topologies (currently support 2D-Mesh, customized 2D-Mesh, and Torus networks)...). The output files include the results of network throughput and latency, caches/memory access time, and and dynamic power of the cores (can be collected after running McPAT).

HeteroArchGen4M2S is free software, which is freely to be redistributed and modified it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation (For more details

HeteroArchGen4M2S is written to help you configure M2S easily, but non-warranty and non-mechantability.

A pdf version of this manual is also available in HeteroArchGen4M2S.pdf.

Please cite my tool using this bibtex:

author={Tung Thanh Le, Dan Zhao and Magdy Bayoumi}, 
booktitle={IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI}, 
title={Efficient Reconfigurable Global Network-on-chip Designs towards Heterogeneous CPU-GPU Systems: An Application-Aware Approach}, 

Setup Requirements

  1. Currently HeteroArchGen4M2S has been tested on 64-bit platforms:

    • Ubuntu 14.04
  2. Required tools to build and run with HeteroArchGen4M2S:

    • Python 2.7
  3. Download and install multi2sim from:

    • git clone
  4. Download McPAT (current version-1.3) from:


    • Unzip it, compile it using make, and then go back under multi2sim directory, use mv mcpat/* . to copy all files from mcpat folder to under multi2sim directory. Now, you are ready to use McPAT, using ./mcpat -h to check it out.

  5. Download and install CACTI6.5 from:


    • CACTI 6.5 is used to obtain the cache and memory latency.

  6. Required benchmarks to run:

    • Download benchmarks. Note that, type the commands under the installed multi2sim directory.

    git clone

    git clone

    git clone

    git clone

    git clone

    • Compile the benchmarks following the README file.

    Note: All the packages are compiled to binary. If you want to modify the benchmarks, you can download the source codes from In case you want to run CUDA benchmarks, you can download other benchmarks for CPU-GPU systems such as Rodinia, Parboil, etc. Your desktop should have a NVIDIA graphic card (e.g., NVIDIA Quadro 4000), and you need to install the graphic card driver for running the simulation. (When compiling benchmarks, use -m32 flag after gcc to make compatible with multi2sim 32-bit (no support 64-bit at this time)).

Download HeteroArchGen4M2S

git clone

Build configuration files with HeteroArchGen4M2S

Let’s assume you are in the home directory ($multi2sim/HeteroArchGen4M2S)

Where are the configuration files?

  • Run /multi2sim/HeteroArchGen4M2S$ python
  • The output files will be saved in the configs directory.
  • cd configs >>> the configs folder contains four files, including memconfig, netconfig, x86_cpuconfig, and si_gpuconfig.

How to run the simulation?

  • Previous steps show how to generate the configuration files. By running, it also generated a shell script file inside run_simulation_files folder. The bash file (shell script) has been chmod 777 for running.
  • Go back under multi2sim directory.
  • Run ./HeteroArchGen4M2S/run_simulation_files/
  • This will create the output files which are the results of the simulation.

Where are the output files after simulation?

  • cd results >>> Note that, results folder contains two files at this point, including pipeline.out, mem.out.

  • With net_report.out file, it is generated under the multi2sim directory (outside of HeteroArchGen4M2S folder), you need to copy this file to HeteroArchGen4M2S/results.

  • Now, there are three files should be in results folder, including pipeline.out, mem.out, and net_report.out(just copied).


How to run multi2sim with HeteroArchGen4M2S ?

Let’s use the radix example with 16 cores CPUs (8 x86 CPUs), 16 cores GPUs (4 Southern Islands GPUs), 4 Memory Controllers, in a 2D-Mesh for demonstration.

Important: You need to download splash2 benchmark from, then unzip it under the benchmarks folder in multi2sim directory for demonstration.

  1. Suppose that you already got the cache and memory latencies for your proposed architecture by running CACTI6.5.

  2. Suppose that you are under the multi2sim\HeteroArchGen4M2S$ directory:

    • sudo vim to configure your architecture. This file includes many parameters that need to be configured.

    • For CPU cores, a set of CPU includes two cores. Each core in the set can have its own L1$ (Data&Instr) or it can share the Instruction-L1$ with the other core in that set, by enabling L1_Inst_shared flag in the CPU Memory Parameters settings.

    • For GPU cores, a set of GPU includes four compute units. Each two compute units share with one L1$, each two L1$ shares with one L2$.

    • For benchmarks, you need to modify the name of specific benchmark you want to run, and modify the command line of this benchmark and its path in create_shell_script file.

    • For network topologies, HeteroArchGen4M2S currently supports three types of network, including 2D-Mesh, customized 2D-Mesh, and 2D-Torus. For customized 2D-Mesh, you need to specify the paths for local links and hybrid links in your network, as well as their linkwidths.

    ---------------- Heterogeneous CPU-GPU Architecture ---------------

    |-------|  |--------||------------------|  |----------------------|
    |-------|  |--------||------------------|  |----------------------|
      |   |      |   |      \   /    \   /         \   /      \   / 
    ----  ---- ---- ----    -----    -----         -----      ----- 
    |L1$||L1$| |L1$||L1$|   |L1$|    |L1$|         |L1$|      |L1$|       
    |D/I||D/I| |D/I||D/I|   -----    -----         -----      -----     
    ---- ----  ---- ----      |        |             |          |   
      |    |    |    |      ------------net_g0     -------------net_g3          
      -------   -------net_c7     |                       |        
         | net_c0   |             |                       | 
       -----      -----          -----                   -----                   
       |L2$|      |L2$|          |L2$|                   |L2$|               
       -----      -----          -----                   -----                      
         | sw0 ...  | sw7          | sw8       ...         | sw11
        |                 2D-Mesh network                     |             
                   | sw12   | sw13  | sw14  | sw15    net-l2-mm 
                 -----    -----   -----   -----         
                 |MM0|    |MM1|   |MM2|   |MM3| 
                 -----    -----   -----   -----

* net_c0: net-cpu-l1-l2-0
* net_c7: net-cpu-l1-l2-7
* net_g0: net-gpu-l1-l2-0
* net_g3: net-gpu-l1-l2-3                        

  1. After modifying

    • Run \HeteroArchGen4M2S$ python to generate the configuration files.

    • Checking the configuration files in the configs folder.

    • A shell script (.sh) has also been generated in the run_simulation_files folder. The shell script looks like as below.

      m2s --x86-sim detailed --x86-report
      --mem-report HeteroArchGen4M2S/results/radix_mem.out
      --x86-config ./HeteroArchGen4M2S/configs/x86_cpuconfig
      --si-sim detailed --si-config ./HeteroArchGen4M2S/configs/si_gpuconfig
      --mem-config ./HeteroArchGen4M2S/configs/memconfig
      --net-config ./HeteroArchGen4M2S/configs/netconfig
      --x86-max-inst 100000000 --net-report radix_net_report.out
      benchmarks/m2s-bench-splash2/radix/radix 16 in_4K.txt prives.txt data-small

    • cd .. to multi2sim directory.

    • ./HeteroArchGen4M2S/run_simulation_files/run-sim-16-CPU-16-\

  2. To check the results, all of them are in the results folder, including:

    • radix_mem.out

    • radix_pipeline.out (Note, this file is only generated when simulating the full-system.)

    • With net-l2-mm_radix_net_report.out, it is saved under the multi2sim directory, so just copy into the results folder.

  3. To read the results:

    • Make sure you are in HeteroArchGen4M2S directory.

    • Open the file, change the benchmark name to be appropriate at line 47 (this will be updated for automatically updating the benchmark name soon!), then save and close the file.

    • Run python, the total cycles and network performance results are saved in results folder, under the names: radix_totalCycles.out and radix_network_performance.out.

    For radix_totalCycles.out: (Note, the totalCycles.out is not supported for network-only mode.)

    • Cycles: 306794
    • Time (seconds): 3.94

    For radix_network_performance.out:

    • Network Throughput (MBps): 32366.64
    • Network Latency (cycles): 23.6969
  4. To run the network-only mode, in the file, you just need to modify the value of network_only to 1. Thereby, now when running HeteroArchGen4M2S$ python, the software will generate the bash file with network-only simulation.

  5. To get the dynamic power from McPAT. After running the file, it also generated a sample xml file in pipeline_xml_for_mcpat folder under HeteroArchGen4M2S directory. This file is named as following McPAT_hsa_#cores_benchmark_bmname.xml, e.g., in this case, its name is McPAT_hsa_16_benchmark_radix.xml.

    • Make sure you are in multi2sim directory.
    • Run the command lines as follows to update the simulation results from the radix_pipeline.out (generated by multi2sim) and then you type the path of McPAT_hsa_16_benchmark_radix.xml, and type your output xml file for running McPAT.

    multi2sim$ ./HeteroArchGen4M2S/pipeline_xml_for_mcpat/

    • Then you will see as below, and should follow the guide:

    Type in the pipeline report from multi2sim:


    Type in any template xml file of mcpat:


    Name a new xml file for input of mcpat:


    • After running the .sh file, you will see the file McPAT_hsa_16_radix_result.xml in pipeline_xml_for_mcpat subdirectory.

    • Run McPAT:

    multi2sim$ ./mcpat -infile HeteroArchGen4M2S/pipeline_xml_for_mcpat/McPAT_hsa_16_radix_result.xml -opt_for_clk 1 -print_level 5 > HeteroArchGen4M2S/pipeline_xml_for_mcpat/mcpat_hetero_16_radix_output.out

    • mcpat_hetero_16_radix_output.out contains the dynamic power results of the system as follows.
    McPAT (version 1.3 of Feb, 2015) is computing the target processor...
    McPAT (version 1.3 of Feb, 2015) results  (current print level is 5)
      Technology 45 nm
      Using Long Channel Devices When Appropriate
      Interconnect metal projection= aggressive interconnect technology projection
      Core clock Rate(MHz) 3400
      Area = 456.669 mm^2
      Peak Power = 455.678 W
      Total Leakage = 84.2285 W
      Peak Dynamic = 371.449 W
      Subthreshold Leakage = 78.0152 W
      Subthreshold Leakage with power gating = 36.2294 W
      Gate Leakage = 6.21323 W
      Runtime Dynamic = 263.559 W
      Total Cores: 16 cores 
      Device Type= ITRS high performance device type
        Area = 292.914 mm^2
        Peak Dynamic = 247.926 W
        Subthreshold Leakage = 63.9362 W
        Subthreshold Leakage with power gating = 29.029 W
        Gate Leakage = 4.98636 W
        Runtime Dynamic = 260.953 W
      Total L2s: 
      Device Type= ITRS high performance device type
        Area = 92.2849 mm^2
        Peak Dynamic = 30.9746 W
        Subthreshold Leakage = 7.38318 W
        Subthreshold Leakage with power gating = 4.20153 W
        Gate Leakage = 0.118424 W
        Runtime Dynamic = 0.00929432 W
      Total First Level Directory: 
      Device Type= ITRS high performance device type
        Area = 14.1044 mm^2
        Peak Dynamic = 38.9904 W
        Subthreshold Leakage = 0.998575 W
        Subthreshold Leakage with power gating = 0.449359 W
        Gate Leakage = 0.177988 W
        Runtime Dynamic = 0.040424 W
      Total NoCs (Network/Bus): 
      Device Type= ITRS high performance device type
        Area = 14.7407 mm^2
        Peak Dynamic = 46.624 W
        Subthreshold Leakage = 4.27901 W
        Subthreshold Leakage with power gating = 1.91074 W
        Gate Leakage = 0.608796 W
        Runtime Dynamic = 0.00902328 W
      Total MCs: 4 Memory Controllers 
      Device Type= ITRS high performance device type
        Area = 22.2144 mm^2
        Peak Dynamic = 3.90557 W
        Subthreshold Leakage = 0.535477 W
        Subthreshold Leakage with power gating = 0.241495 W
        Gate Leakage = 0.0580031 W
        Runtime Dynamic = 0.427028 W
      Total NIUs: 4 Network Interface Units 
      Device Type= ITRS high performance device type
        Area = 16.6974 mm^2
        Peak Dynamic = 2.16692 W
        Subthreshold Leakage = 0.679449 W
        Subthreshold Leakage with power gating = 0.305752 W
        Gate Leakage = 0.202921 W
        Runtime Dynamic = 1.51684 W
      Total PCIes: 1 PCIe Controllers 
      Device Type= ITRS high performance device type
        Area = 3.7129 mm^2
        Peak Dynamic = 0.862065 W
        Subthreshold Leakage = 0.203374 W
        Subthreshold Leakage with power gating = 0.0915182 W
        Gate Leakage = 0.0607388 W
        Runtime Dynamic = 0.603445 W
          Area = 18.3071 mm^2
          Peak Dynamic = 15.4953 W
          Subthreshold Leakage = 3.99601 W
          Subthreshold Leakage with power gating = 1.81431 W
          Gate Leakage = 0.311648 W
          Runtime Dynamic = 16.3096 W
    • From this file, you can be able to collect all the dynamic power information you need for evaluations.

Now, you are ready to go. Happy hacking the code!


I would like to thank the open source multi2sim community. This work is also inspired by M2StoMcPAT or this link in Matlab, but I implemented completely in Python, with heterogeneous CPU-GPU architectures.

	Tung Thanh Le
	ttungl at gmail dot com
	Released: Version 1.0 (02/18/17)


HeteroArchGen4M2S: An automatic software for configuring and running heterogeneous CPU-GPU architectures on Multi2Sim simulator. This tool is built on top of M2S simulator, it allows us to configure various heterogeneous CPU-GPU architectures (e.g., number of CPU cores, GPU cores, L1$, L2$, memory (size and latency (via CACTI 6.5)), network topo…




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