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This project defines a template for backend projects at Trustap.



With Docker

If Docker is installed then the artefacts can be built as follows:

bash scripts/ make

Without Docker

The instructions in build.Dockerfile can be followed to prepare your local environment for building the project. With the local environment set up, the project can be built locally by running make.


The default executable for the project can be built and run from the build environment using just run.


Multiple directories are generated to the target directory.

  • artfs contains build artefacts that can be reused by other projects. For example, a library binary or command executable, which can be added to a Docker image. These are generally copied to an artefact server to represent a given version of the codebase.
  • gen contains artefacts that are used to build or test other artefacts, but which themselves aren't reusable. For example, this directory may contain a mock server for integration testing, or a code generator needed to create source files for the final build. These shouldn't be copied to an artefact server. It's safe to delete this directory, though generally the artefacts in this directory are useful to keep in order to speed up future builds.
  • tmp contains temporary data that may be used by some build processes. For example, tests may require a directory where test data or reports can be written. These will generally be deleted and rebuilt each time the associated build process runs, so they can be deleted without problems.


By default this project is set up with a few capabilities to allow it to be used in enterprise settings:

  • Nested Docker: The default build.Dockerfile installs Docker, and the default build environment (using scripts/ mounts the local Docker socket into the container to allow Docker to be run from inside the build environment.
  • Private shared repositories: Local SSH keys and "known hosts" files can be mounted into the default build environment to allow access to private repositories hosted on public repository hosting services like GitHub.

Project Layout

This project is mainly laid out according to, and conforms to the standards laid out in