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A demo showing how to integrate Trustap into client websites


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This repository is a skeleton project that shows how to integrate Trustap into websites, using buy-and-sell websites as an example.

See the live demo for a sample application that uses this integration.


Create config.php from config.sample.php and populate the $client_id and $client_secret values with your Trustap client ID and secret. Then copy js/trustapi_config.sample.js to js/trustapi_config.js and populate the clientId value with your Trustap client ID.

Run docker-compose up to run the demo, which will be exposed at http://localhost:8080. Visit the MySQL seed script to initialise the database defined in config.php. You should now be able to browse the demo.


This Trustap demo is based on buy-and-sell listings.

A user can create a new listing on sell.php. Clicking "Use Trustap" will populate the form with a Trustap listing ID that will be generated for the Trustap user that is currently logged in in the browser. This ID should be stored in a database with the listing. See the script at the bottom of sell.php for details on how to generate a Trustap listing ID.

The index.php page shows all listings that were created. Any listings that have a Trustap listing ID stored with them say that they have got Trustap enabled. This allows websites to enable/disable Trustap for particular listings.

The listing.php page gives details for a particular listing. Any element can be used as a "Safe Payment Button" using setSafePaymentButton (see example code in listing.php. This will bring up a modal that can create a new Trustap transaction between a second user and the user that created the initial listing.


This section describes how to integrate Trustap into your own application using the Trustap JS plugin.

Trustap is typically integrated with buy-and-sell style websites and generally consists of the following 3 steps:

  • Update your "Create Listing" page to add a Trustap listing ID to new listings
  • Add a "Pay with Trustap" button to your "View Listing" page
  • Add a page to allow users to view their Trustap transactions


Each of the steps in this tutorial involves importing the Trustap JS plugin and configuring it before use.

Configuration Object

The Trustap JS plugin takes a single JS configuration object as a parameter. It is recommended to store this object in a JS file for easy maintenance. A simple version of such a file is included in trustapi_config.sample.js. The configuration object should define the following fields:

production Using `false` for this value sets up the plugin for testing use. Trustap user accounts created and used in this mode are kept separate from production users, and payments can be made using test cards.
clientId This value is provided by Trustap and is used to associate transactions with your application. It can be used to find out how users are interacting with your application using Trustap, and can also be used to learn how those transactions progress, even if the users continue the transaction through Trustap or another Trustap-enabled interface.
redirectUri This should specify a page on your server that the user is redirected to when they log in to Trustap on your site. See "Redirect Page", below.
silentRefreshUri This should specify a page on your server, which is used to refresh the user's Trustap session while they're active on your site, which gives a more comfortable user experience. See "Silent Refresh Page", below.

Redirect Page

You must create a "redirect page" on your site. The user is redirected to this page when they log in to Trustap on your site. This page should only load the Trustap plugin and call the trustap.signIn() method - see the sample implementation for an example.

Silent Refresh Page

You must create a "silent refresh page" on your site. This page is invisibly opened by the Trustap plugin in order to refresh the user's session while they're active on your site. This page should only load the Trustap plugin and call the trustap.silentRefresh() method - see the sample implementation for an example.

Page Updates

This section details the updates that must be made to individual pages for the Trustap integration.

Create Listing

Updating the "Create Listing" page is the most involved part of the integration, and generally consists of the following steps:

  1. Initialise the Trustap plugin
  2. Specify a <div> element to contain the "Use Trustap" button
  3. Update the backend to store the trustap_listing_id returned with the "Create Listing" form

See one of the "Create Listing" sample pages for an example setup.

Initialise the Trustap plugin

Import the Trustap plugin and initialise it. This will usually look something like the following:

    <script src=""></script>
    <script src="/js/trustapi_config.js"></script>
        const trustApi = trustap.api(trustApiConf);

trustApi can now be used throughout the rest of the page to invoke the TrustAPI plugin.

Create "Use Trustap" button

Create a <div> with a unique ID:

<div id="trustap"></div>

You must make sure that this <div> is inside a HTML form.

Set this to contain the "Use Trustap" button using the trustApi object created above:

    trustApi.p2p.singleUseListings.setUseTrustapWidget({containerId: 'trustap'});
Update the backend

The "Use Trustap" widget adds a new trustap_listing_id field to the form that it is located within. When the user submits the form, this trustap_listing_id should be stored with the rest of the form values:

INSERT INTO listings (name, descr, price, trustap_listing_id)
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?);

The trustap_listing_id is a string.

Start Transaction

The "View Listing" page should be updated to include the "safe payment" widget, which will use the Trustap listing ID generated on the "Create Listing" page to allow users to join previously created listings.

First, check if the opened listing has a trustap_listing_id associated with it. If there is, then initialise the Trustap plugin as described in the "Create Listing" section and create a <div> with a unique ID:

<div id="pay-with-trustap"></div>

Set this to contain the "Pay With Trustap" button using the trustApi object created above:

        containerId: 'pay-with-trustap',
        listingId: '<?php echo $trustap_listing_id; ?>',
        onJoinTransaction: function () {
   = 'transactions.php';

The listingId is the trustap_listing_id that was submitted when the listing was created. onJoinTransaction is a callback that will be called when the user joins the displayed listing. In general, this callback will simply redirect the user to a page where they can view their Trustap transactions.

View Transactions

Users can view any of their transactions using the Trustap website. However, the Trustap plugin also provides a widget that allows users to view their transactions while staying in third party websites. To add this widget to a page, initialise the Trustap plugin as described in the "Create Listing" section, create a <div> that will contain the widget, and initialise the widget using the trustApi object:

<div id="txs"></div>
<script src=""></script>
<script src="/js/trustapi_config.js"></script>
    const trustApi = trustap.api(trustApiConf);


A demo showing how to integrate Trustap into client websites







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