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Status and the roadmap

Mark Vayngrib edited this page Mar 16, 2015 · 13 revisions

##Status Below are the tasks that need to be completed for the version 1.0

  1. setup the bitkeeper on
  2. demo app dev tools (modeling, ui generation)
    1. we will not release these tools to developers in version 1.0, only the demos. But will release them in the next version.
  3. make current apps recorded on video, available for testing, with instructions on how to install Chrome apps:
    • KYC
    • inventory replenishment
    • service management


  1. developer convenience: put all resources in an app on chain - currently it's only classes that implement OnChain interface
  2. Design for removing OnChain 1. Augment all resources with _blockNum, _sigHash, _txId
  3. architecture: reverse master->slave relationship to where blockchain is a master. Currently the database is the master and blockchain is used to save all resources that implement OnChain interface.
  4. handle blockchain reorg. Transactions on blockchain are sometimes rolled back.
  5. architecture: create a wallet with user-account management. Today we are using Tradle server for account management, which requires login/registration. This will require to harmonize the wallets we already have. We have two wallets now - for creating blockchain transactions, which does not have a UI, and a UI for sandboxing keys used in user initiated attestations
  6. files/attachments on chain. headers with mime types and lengths for sections of object
  7. redesign our UI package, Urbini
    1. support native mobile app mode based on React Native.
    2. redesign Urbini into separate modules: blockchain-sync, db-sync (possibly with the use of Facebook Relay), asset loading with Service Workers (instead of the current mix of LocalStorage, IndexedDB and some really gnarly workarounds for the browser's Appcache deficiencies), etc.
    3. use jxcore for node.js on mobiles
  8. Allow bitkeeper to save everything to S3 (AWS account will be managed by the user).
  9. provide app dev tools:
    1. modeling as java classes
    2. modeling as javascript classes
    3. UI for model creation
  10. create blockchain+tradle explorer on
  11. bitkeeper: save everything to S3 (AWS account will be managed by Tradle). Next version will allow setting up your own AWS S3 account, and later versions will support more clouds.
  12. bitloader: add support to LevelUP/LevelDOWN
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