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Tony Collen edited this page Dec 22, 2023 · 13 revisions

open890 is able to not only stream audio from the radio to your browser, but also use the Web Audio API in modern browsers to allow you to transmit audio from the comfort of your web browser!

Network Requirements

  • There must be an open network path on UDP port 60001 in BOTH directions, from the computer running open890 to the TS-890S, and vice-versa.

On local networks, this is usually not a problem, but if you are using router-level port forwarding to access open890 on a home network while out on the road, there is a good chance that the reverse is not true - the RX audio UDP packets will likely not make it across whatever firewall you are behind (e.g. you are in a hotel on vacation)

The easiest way around this is to use a VPN service like ZeroTier to establish a secure connection to your home network, and then you won't need to mess around with any port forwarding.

Radio Setup

KNS Config

  1. Go into Menu -> KNS -> Config -> Audio Input Level and set it to about 25.

Audio Input Config

  1. Hold the DATA button to access the audio modulation menu in the TS-890.
  2. TX Method: SEND/PTT should have the Rear audio input set to LAN.
  3. Ensure DATA VOX is OFF.
  4. Other settings can be kept as-is.

It should look like this:


Computer Setup

  • Plug in a microphone, and adjust the audio level to about mid-range in your OS.
  • In open890, click the red "VOIP Mic: OFF" button at the top of the screen, and it will turn green. This button is effectively a mute toggle for your microphone:


  • You will be prompted by your browser for permission to access the microphone: 2023-12-22_2519

  • Be sure to select the correct microphone device. If you have your TS-890 plugged into USB on the same computer running open890, it will show up as a device as well. Do not select USB AUDIO CODEC, as it will cause feedback!


You should be set to transmit audio now, but it's always good to check the audio levels. If you can, switch to a dummy load.

Pressing SEND should put the radio into TX mode, and you should now see modulation while you speak into the mic. Pressing SEND a second time will stop transmission.

If it seems like the microphone levels are too high, you can either drop them further in your OS audio settings, or also make adjustments in the radio's KNS menu (Menu -> KNS -> Config -> Audio Input Level)

If you aren't getting any modulation while speaking, either the microphone levels are too low, or there is not a clear network path on UDP port 60001 from open890 to the radio.

Once you are happy with the audio setup, you're all set to make contacts through your web browser!

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