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Simple offline task queues. For Python.

"See you later, alligator."

Latest documentation at


  • Python 3.6+
  • (Optional) redis for the Redis backend
  • (Optional) boto3>=1.12.0 for the SQS backend

Basic Usage

This example uses Django, but there's nothing Django-specific about Alligator.

I repeat, You can use it with any Python code that would benefit from background processing.

from alligator import Gator

from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from django.shortcuts import send_email

# Make a Gator instance.
# Under most circumstances, you would configure this in one place &
# import that instance instead.
gator = Gator('redis://localhost:6379/0')

# The task itself.
# Nothing special, just a plain *undecorated* function.
def follow_email(followee_username, follower_username):
    followee = User.objects.get(username=followee_username)
    follower = User.objects.get(username=follower_username)

    subject = 'You got followed!'
    message = 'Hey {}, you just got followed by {}! Whoohoo!'.format(
    send_email(subject, message, '', [])

# An simple, previously expensive view.
def follow(request, username):
    # You'd import the task function above.
    if request.method == 'POST':
        # Schedule the task.
        # Use args & kwargs as normal.
        gator.task(follow_email, request.user.username, username)
        return redirect('...')

Running Tasks

Rather than trying to do autodiscovery, fanout, etc., you control how your workers are configured & what they consume.

If your needs are simple, run the included worker:

$ python redis://localhost:6379/0

If you have more complex needs, you can create a new executable file (bin script, management command, whatever) & drop in the following code.

from alligator import Gator, Worker

# Bonus points if you import that one pre-configured ``Gator`` instead.
gator = Gator('redis://localhost:6379/0')

# Consume & handle all tasks.
worker = Worker(gator)



Running Tests

Alligator has 95%+ test coverage & aims to be passing/stable at all times.

If you'd like to run the tests, clone the repo, then run:

$ virtualenv -p python3 env
$ . env/bin/activate
$ pip install -r requirements-tests.txt
$ python develop
$ pytest -s -v --cov=alligator --cov-report=html tests

The full test suite can be run via:

$ export ALLIGATOR_TESTS_INCLUDE_SQS=true $ ./tests/

This requires all backends/queues to be running, as well as valid AWS credentials if ALLIGATOR_TESTS_INCLUDE_SQS=true is set.


  • Because I have NIH-syndrome.
  • Or because I longed for something simple (~375 loc).
  • Or because I wanted something with tests (90%+ coverage) & docs.
  • Or because I wanted pluggable backends.
  • Or because testing some other queuing system was a pain.
  • Or because I'm an idiot.



  • Expand the supported backends
    • Kafka?
    • ActiveMQ support?
    • RabbitMQ support?
    • ???