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CAP Theorem with Tom the Prankster


  1. Essential Elements: Consistency, Availability, Partition Tolerance.
  2. Partition Tolerance: Must-have due to inherent unreliability in communication networks.
  3. Choice between Consistency and Availability:
    • Consistency: All nodes see the same data at the same time. Requires a trade-off with availability.
    • Availability: Ensures that the system is always operational, but might compromise on having the latest data across all nodes.

The Inevitable Law Governing Software Design


  • Basic Principle: The structure of a software system reflects the communication structure of its creating organization.
  • Example: In a company with inventory, invoicing, and shipping departments, the software will likely have separate systems for each, mirroring these divisions.
  • Implications:
    • Software integration quality depends on how well these departments communicate.
    • Better communication leads to more effective and integrated software modules.
  • Strategies for Addressing Conway’s Law:
    1. Acknowledge It: Recognize its impact on software design.
    2. Structure Teams Effectively: Place teams working on similar systems close to each other for better communication.
    3. Avoid Dividing by Technology: Instead of splitting teams by tech layers (front end, back end), focus on business features for smoother collaboration.
    4. Use Architectural Insights: Align team structures with desired software architecture, understanding that organizational decisions influence software design.

The Ingredients to Delicious Software


  1. Scalability:

    • Ability to handle increased workload efficiently.
    • Important to identify the point where scaling becomes cost-ineffective.
  2. Latency & Throughput:

    • Latency: Time taken to respond to a request (e.g., time to serve a cheese sandwich).
    • Throughput: Number of requests handled in a given time (e.g., serving multiple customers).
  3. Availability and Consistency:

    • Availability: Ability to operate despite issues (e.g., with one cook absent).
    • Measured in 'nines' (e.g., 99.9% availability).
    • Consistency: Synchronization of information across different parts of the system (e.g., order copies being in sync).

What happens when you type a URL into your browser?


When you type a URL into your browser:

  1. URL Parsing: The browser identifies the HTTP protocol, domain, path, and resource.
  2. DNS Lookup: It searches for the IP address of the domain, checking various caches.
  3. TCP Connection: Establishes a connection with the server.
  4. HTTP Request: Sends a request for the specific resource.
  5. Server Response: The server sends back the requested content.
  6. Rendering: The browser displays the webpage.

How does CDN work?


  1. Domain Name Lookup:

    • Bob enters in his browser.
    • The browser checks the local DNS cache for the domain.
  2. DNS Resolver:

    • If not in the local cache, the browser contacts the DNS resolver (usually via the ISP).
  3. Recursive Domain Resolution:

    • The DNS resolver performs recursive resolution for
  4. CDN Integration:

    • Instead of pointing directly to the London server, the authoritative name server redirects to a CDN domain (
  5. Load Balancer Query:

    • The DNS resolver queries the CDN load balancer domain (
  6. Optimal Server Selection:

    • The CDN load balancer selects the best CDN edge server based on factors like the user’s location and server load.
  7. Content Delivery:

    • The browser connects to the chosen CDN edge server to load content.
    • The content includes static (e.g., images, videos) and dynamic elements.
    • If content is not on the edge server, it's fetched from higher-level CDN servers or the origin server in London.
  8. CDN Network:

    • This process is part of a geographically distributed CDN network for efficient content delivery.

Time complexity


  1. Purpose: Time complexity evaluates how an algorithm's performance scales with the size of the input data.

  2. Types of Complexity:

    • Worst-Case Complexity: Maximum number of steps for any input of size n. Most commonly used as it provides guarantees about the algorithm's upper limit.
    • Best-Case Complexity: Minimum number of steps for any input of size n.
    • Average-Case Complexity: Average number of steps over all possible instances of input size n.
  3. Big Oh Notation: Simplifies the expression of an algorithm's worst-case complexity by focusing on growth rates rather than precise step counts.

  4. Common Complexity Classes:

    • Constant - O(1): Time is independent of input size (e.g., adding two numbers).
    • Logarithmic - O(log n): Each step cuts the problem size in half (e.g., binary search).
    • Linear - O(n): Time grows linearly with input size (e.g., finding max in an array).
    • Superlinear - O(n log n): Combines linear and logarithmic growth (e.g., Quicksort, Mergesort).
    • Quadratic - O(n^2): Time grows with the square of input size (e.g., insertion sort).
    • Cubic - O(n^3): Involves triple nested loops (e.g., certain dynamic programming algorithms).
    • Exponential - O(c^n): Time doubles with each addition to input size (e.g., enumerating subsets).
    • Factorial - O(n!): Time grows with the factorial of input size (e.g., generating permutations).

8 Reasons Why WhatsApp Was Able to Support 50 Billion Messages a Day With Only 32 Engineers


  1. Single Responsibility Principle:

    • Focus on core feature: Messaging.
    • Avoided feature creep and unnecessary functionalities.
    • Prioritized reliability above all.
  2. Technology Stack:

    • Chose Erlang for server functionalities due to its scalability and support for hot-loading.
    • Erlang's efficient threading and context-switching mechanisms contributed to performance.
  3. Utilizing Existing Solutions:

    • Leveraged open-source solutions like Ejabberd, an Erlang-based messaging server.
    • Customized existing solutions to fit specific needs.
    • Integrated third-party services for functionalities like push notifications.
  4. Cross-Cutting Concerns:

    • Emphasized aspects like monitoring and alerting for service health.
    • Implemented Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery for software development.
  5. Scalability Strategies:

    • Adopted diagonal scaling, combining horizontal and vertical scaling methods.
    • Ran servers on FreeBSD, optimized for handling millions of connections.
    • Overprovisioned servers for handling traffic spikes and potential failures.
  6. Continuous Improvement (Flywheel Effect):

    • Regularly measured performance metrics to identify and eliminate bottlenecks.
    • Maintained a cycle of continuous feedback and improvement.
  7. Focus on Quality:

    • Conducted load testing to identify and address single points of failure.
    • Used simulated production traffic for realistic testing.
  8. Small Team Size:

    • Kept the engineering team small (32 engineers) to maintain efficiency and reduce communication overhead.

This Is How Quora Shards MySQL to Handle 13+ Terabytes


  1. Vertical Sharding:

    • Implementation: Separating tables into different servers (leader-follower model).
    • Purpose: Enhances write scalability.
    • Challenges: Replication lag, transactional limitations, and potential performance issues for large tables.
  2. Horizontal Sharding:

    • Reasons for Adoption: Addressing challenges with large tables such as schema changes and error risks.
    • Approach: Splitting a logical table into multiple physical tables.
  3. Key Decisions in Horizontal Sharding:

    • Build vs. Buy: Opted to build their own sharding solution, reusing vertical sharding logic.
    • Shard Level: Focused on sharding at the table level due to extensive use of secondary indexes.
    • Sharding Method: Chose range-based partitioning, favoring common range queries.
    • Metadata Management: Stored shard metadata in Apache Zookeeper.
    • Database API: Modified to handle sharding columns and keys, enhancing security against SQL injections.
    • Sharding Column Selection: Based on latency sensitivity and query per second (QPS) considerations.
    • Cross-Shard Indexes: Used to optimize non-sharding column queries, though with potential performance and consistency trade-offs.
    • Number of Shards: Maintained a lower count to reduce latency in non-sharding column queries.

Making Your Database Highly Available



  • Purpose: Ensure continuous database operation even if one server fails.
  • Not Backup: Unlike backups, redundancy involves running multiple active database instances.
  • Cost of Outage: Can be significantly high, averaging $7,900 per minute.
  • Redundancy Patterns:
    • Active-Passive: One active server handles requests while others stand by.
    • Active-Active: Multiple servers handle requests simultaneously.
    • Multi-Active: An extension of Active-Active with more complex setups.


  • Goal: Minimize disaster impact by physically separating database components.
  • Degrees of Separation:
    • Server: Different servers in the same data center.
    • Rack: Separate racks within a data center.
    • Data-Center: Multiple data centers.
    • Availability Zone: Distinct zones within a cloud provider's network.
    • Region: Geographically dispersed locations.

How Rate Limiting Works?


How Rate Limiting Works:

  1. Concept: Limits the number of requests sent to a server.
  2. Implementation: A rate limiter is used to control traffic to servers or APIs.

Key Concepts

  1. Limit: Maximum number of requests allowed in a set time frame (e.g., 600 requests per day).
  2. Window: The duration for the limit, varying from seconds to days.
  3. Identifier: A unique attribute (like User ID or IP address) to identify request senders.

Designing a Rate Limiter

  • Process:
    1. Count Requests: Track the number of requests from a user or IP.
    2. Limit Exceeded: If count exceeds the limit, block or restrict further requests.
  • Considerations:
    • Storage of request counters.
    • Rate limiting rules.
    • Response strategy for blocked requests.
    • Rule change implementation.
    • Maintaining application performance.

System Components

  • Rate Limiter Component: Checks incoming requests against the rules and stored data (number of requests made).
  • Rules Engine: Defines the rate limiting rules.
  • Cache: Stores rate-limiting data for high throughput and low latency.
  • Response Handling:
    • Allow request if within limit.
    • Block request if over limit, typically with HTTP status code 429.


  • Silent Drop: Fool attackers by silently dropping excess requests.
  • Cached Rules: Enhance performance with a cache for the rules engine and background updates for rule changes.



Concept of Caching

  • Purpose: Speeds up data access by storing data temporarily in a fast-access hardware or software layer.
  • Cache Hit: Data is found in the cache.
  • Cache Miss: Data is not in the cache and must be fetched from its original location.

Caching in Distributed Systems

  • Levels: Hardware, OS, front-end, web apps, databases, etc.
  • Roles:
    • Reducing latency.
    • Saving network requests.
    • Storing results of resource-intensive operations.
    • Avoiding repetitive operations.

Types of Caching

  • Application Caching: Integrated into app code, checks cache before database access. Examples: Memcached, Redis.
  • Database Caching: Built into databases, requires no code changes, optimizes data retrieval.

Considerations and Challenges

  • Cache Miss Rate: High miss rates can add more latency.
  • Stale Data: Ensuring cache data is up-to-date and relevant.

Caching Strategies

  1. Cache Aside (Lazy Loading):

    • Direct read from cache. If miss, read from DB and update cache.
    • Advantages: Good for read-heavy workloads. Cache only stores necessary data.
    • Disadvantages: Can serve stale data. Initial cache misses.
  2. Read Through:

    • Interact only with cache. Cache manages data fetching from DB.
    • Simplifies app code but complicates cache implementation.
  3. Write Through:

    • Writes data to cache and DB simultaneously.
    • Ensures data consistency. Higher write latency.
  4. Write Back (Asynchronous Writing):

    • Writes data to cache, then asynchronously to DB.
    • Lower write latency. Good for write-heavy workloads.
  5. Write Around:

    • Writes directly to DB, cache only stores read data.
    • Good for infrequently read data. Higher read latency for new data.

Choosing a Cache Strategy

  • Depends on data access patterns.
  • Cache-Around: Good for general-purpose, read-intensive applications.
  • Write-Heavy Workloads: Write-back approaches are beneficial.
  • Infrequent Reads: Write-around strategy.

Eviction Policies

  • Manage Limited Cache Space:
    • FIFO: First in, first out.
    • LIFO: Last in, first out.
    • LRU: Least recently used.
    • MRU: Most recently used.
    • LFU: Least frequently used.
    • RR: Random replacement.

Database Replication Under the Hood


Statement-based Replication

  • How It Works: The leader logs every SQL write statement (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE) and forwards these statements to follower nodes.
  • Advantages:
    • Efficient in network bandwidth, only SQL statements are transferred.
    • Portable across different database versions.
    • Simpler to implement.
  • Limitations:
    • Non-deterministic functions (e.g., NOW(), UUID()) yield different values on replicas.
    • Transactions involving auto-incrementing columns must be executed in the same order.
    • Potential unforeseen effects due to triggers or stored procedures.

Shipping the Write-Ahead Log (WAL)

  • Concept: The WAL, an append-only sequence of all writes, is shared with follower nodes.
  • Usage: Common in databases like PostgreSQL.
  • Advantage: Creates an exact replica of the leader’s data structures.
  • Disadvantage: Tightly coupled to the storage engine, making it less flexible with database version changes and hindering zero-downtime upgrades.

Row-Based Replication

  • Functionality: Uses a logical log showing writes in a row format.
  • Operation Details:
    • Inserts log new values for all columns.
    • Deletes log identifiers for deleted rows.
    • Updates log identifiers and new values for modified columns.
  • Advantage: Decouples from the storage engine, allowing backward compatibility and version flexibility between leader and follower databases.

Choosing Replication Methods

  • The choice depends on the specific requirements of the system, such as:
    • Network efficiency.
    • Consistency requirements.
    • Database version compatibility.
  • Statement-based Replication: Best for simple, less concurrent environments.
  • WAL Shipping: Suitable for systems where exact replica and data integrity are critical.
  • Row-Based Replication: Ideal for environments requiring flexibility and compatibility across different database versions.

Consistent Hashing


Caching Servers

  • Use Case: Store frequently accessed data in fast, in-memory caches.
  • Hashing Role: Ensures identical requests are sent to the same server by hashing request attributes (IP, username, etc.).
  • Challenge: Maintaining effective caching when servers are added or removed.

Data Partitioning

  • Purpose: Distribute data across multiple database servers.
  • Hashing Function: Data keys are hashed to determine the server where data will be stored.
  • Limitation: Similar to caching, adding or removing servers complicates data distribution.

The Hashing Problem

  • Goal: Map keys (data identifiers or workload requests) to servers efficiently.
  • Desired Properties:
    • Balancing: Equal distribution of keys among servers.
    • Scalability: Easily adding or removing servers with minimal reconfiguration.
    • Lookup Speed: Quickly finding the server for a given key.

Naïve Hashing Approach

  • Method: Number servers, use hash(key) % N to assign keys to servers.
  • Drawback: Not scalable. Changing server count (N) requires remapping all keys.

Consistent Hashing

  • Concept: Treat hash values as a circular space. Map keys and servers onto this circle.
  • Operation: Assign each key to the nearest server on the circle in a clockwise direction.
  • Advantages:
    • Only a fraction of keys need remapping when adding/removing servers.
    • Better scalability.
  • Issue: Does not guarantee even key distribution (balancing).

Virtual Nodes Solution

  • Strategy: Introduce replicas or virtual nodes for each server on the hash circle.
  • Benefits:
    • Better balancing due to smaller ranges and more uniform key distribution.
    • Faster rebalancing when servers are added or removed.
    • Support for server fault tolerance and heterogeneity.
  • Implementation: Assign more virtual nodes to more powerful servers for load balancing.

Why Replication Lag Occurs in Databases


  • Concept: Replication Lag is the delay between a write operation on the leader node and its replication on follower nodes in a database system.

  • Leader-based Replication Setup:

    • Writes are processed by a single node (leader).
    • Read queries can be served by any replica (follower).
    • Common in systems with more reads than writes.
  • Asynchronous vs. Synchronous Replication:

    • Synchronous: All replicas must confirm write operations, causing potential unavailability if a replica is down.
    • Asynchronous: Allows distribution of reads across followers, but can lead to outdated reads if a follower lags.
  • How Replication Lag Occurs:

    1. User A updates data on the leader node.
    2. Leader sends replication data to followers.
    3. User B reads from a follower (replica 2) before it's updated, receiving outdated information.
    4. Replica 2 eventually gets updated.
  • Implications:

    • Lag duration varies from fractions of a second to minutes.
    • Causes temporary data inconsistencies (eventual consistency).
    • Large lags can significantly impact application performance.
  • Challenge: Managing replication lag to minimize data inconsistencies and ensure efficient operation.

Problems Caused by Database Replication


  1. Vanishing Updates

    • Scenario: User updates data on the leader node, but a subsequent read request to a lagging replica shows outdated data.
    • Problem: User experiences frustration as their updates appear to vanish.
    • Solution: Implement read-after-write consistency. Methods include:
      • Reading user-modified data from the leader.
      • Tracking recent writes with timestamps.
      • Monitoring and limiting queries on lagging replicas.
  2. Going Backward in Time

    • Issue: User sees an update (e.g., a new comment) and then it disappears upon refreshing, due to a lagging replica.
    • User Experience: Confusion and inconsistency.
    • Solution: Ensure Monotonic Reads.
      • Users always read from the same replica.
      • Use hashing based on User ID for replica selection.
  3. Violation of Causality

    • Problem: In sharded databases, replication lag causes sequence disorder in communication (e.g., a reply appears before the original message).
    • Result: Appears as if cause and effect are reversed.
    • Solution: Provide consistent prefix reads.
      • Ensures writes are read in the order they were made.

How Request Coalescing Works


Concept: Request Coalescing is a technique for optimizing database queries by reducing redundant requests for the same data.

Application: Successfully used by Discord to manage trillions of messages efficiently.


  1. Setup: Involves intermediary data services between the API layer and the database.
  2. Process:
    • When the first request is made, a worker task is initiated in the data service.
    • Subsequent requests for the same data subscribe to this existing task.
    • The worker task queries the database once and returns the result to all subscribers simultaneously.

Differences from Caching:

  1. Request Initiation: In request coalescing, only the first request triggers a database query. Subsequent ones wait for its result. In caching, all requests would hit the cache.
  2. Use with Caching: Request coalescing can complement caching by reducing the number of hits to the cache.

Internal Working (Based on Discord's Implementation):

  • Each worker task maintains a local state with requests and a list of requesters.
  • Responses are propagated to all waiting requesters upon arrival.


  • Request Coalescing is particularly useful for systems with high concurrency and redundant requests.
  • The necessity of this technique depends on the scale and specific challenges of the system.

How to Migrate a MySQL Database


Context: Tumblr's MySQL database, spanning 21 terabytes and 60+ billion rows across 200+ servers, necessitated a migration strategy that minimizes user impact.


  • Maintaining high availability and scalability.
  • Minimizing downtime and user impact during migration.

Strategies Used:

  1. CQRS Pattern (Command and Query Responsibility Segregation):

    • Separated read and write operations for the database.
    • Ensured continuous read availability during migration.
  2. Leader-Follower Replication:

    • Leader in a remote data center handled read-write operations.
    • Local data center had followers for handling read requests.
    • Used persistent connections to reduce latency issues.
  3. Database Proxy (ProxySQL):

    • Positioned in the local data center.
    • Maintained persistent connections to the remote leader.
    • Enabled connection pooling, improving performance and reducing disconnections.

Migration Process:

  1. Preparation:
    • Stored metadata of leaders, followers, and proxies in each data center.
  2. Migration Execution:
    • Shifted the database leader from Data Center A to B.
    • Automated tools redirected followers and proxies to the new leader.
  3. Outcome:
    • Followers continued serving read requests.
    • Write requests were briefly halted or buffered, resulting in minimal user impact.

Consideration for Further Improvement:

  • Leader-Leader Replication: Could enhance write availability but poses a risk of data conflicts.
  • Reason for Non-Use: Potential conflicts might be why Tumblr opted against this approach.



Core Objective: Durability, ensuring data is not lost despite failures like power outages, system crashes, or hardware issues.

Single-Node Database Persistence

  1. Durability Method: Data is written to nonvolatile storage (hard drive, SSD).
  2. Transaction Processing:
    • Log Writing: Data first written to a log file before making actual data updates.
    • Update Execution: After log entry, the database updates the actual data.
    • Role of Log: Enables reprocessing of transactions to restore consistent state post-failure.
    • Efficiency: Log writing is fast due to its append-only nature, minimizing seek time.

Distributed Database Persistence

  1. Complexity: Higher due to the need for coordination across multiple servers.
  2. Two-Phase Commit Protocol:
    • Coordinator Role: A designated server coordinates the commit process.
    • Process:
      • Coordinator sends commit instruction to all participant servers.
      • Waits for acknowledgments from all participants.
      • Finalizes the transaction with a commit or rollback based on responses.



Redis Overview:

  • Redis stands for REmote DIctionary Server.
  • It's an open-source, key-value database store.
  • Functions as a data structure server, supporting various data structures like Strings, Lists, Sets, Hashes, Sorted Sets, and HyperLogLogs.


  • Created by Salvatore Sanfilippo in the late 2000s.
  • Developed to address scaling issues with MySQL in real-time analytics.
  • Gained popularity and wide adoption due to its efficiency and flexibility.

Operations and Data Types:

  • Basic operations include GET and SET.
  • Supports diverse data structures, each with specific use cases and operations.

Redis Architectures:

  1. Single Instance: Simplest form, running on the same or a separate server.
  2. Replicated Instances: Primary instance replicated across secondary instances for parallel read requests and backup.
  3. Sentinel: Manages high availability, monitoring, and failure handling.
  4. Cluster: Distributes data across multiple machines using sharding.

Data Persistency:

  • Offers two methods:
    • RDB (Redis Database Backup): Snapshot-based backups.
    • AOF (Append Only File): Logs every change for more recent backups.
  • Choice between RDB and AOF depends on the need for speed vs. data recency.

Single-thread Model:

  • Utilizes a single-threaded model for operations, avoiding multi-threading overhead.
  • Performance typically limited by memory and network, not CPU.

Use Cases:

  • Database: As a primary key-value store.
  • Cache: For storing frequent queries or caching API requests.
  • Pub/Sub: For scalable and fast messaging systems.

Salt and Pepper


1. Hashing

  • Method: Converts plain text passwords into a random string of characters.
  • Process: User's password is hashed and compared with the stored hash during login.
  • Common Algorithms: MD5, SHA family. However, these are vulnerable to rainbow table attacks.

2. Salting

  • Purpose: Enhances hashing by defending against pre-computation attacks like rainbow tables.
  • Implementation:
    • Generate a unique salt for each password.
    • Combine salt with the password and hash the result.
    • Store the salt in plain text and the hashed password in the database.
  • Validation Process:
    1. Retrieve the salt from the database.
    2. Combine entered password with salt and hash.
    3. Compare with stored hash for validation.
  • Uniqueness: Ensures each stored hash is unique, even for identical passwords.

3. Peppering

  • Function: Adds an extra layer of security to salting.
  • Mechanism:
    • Add a pepper value to the password before hashing.
    • The pepper is not stored in the database.
  • Login Process:
    • Attempt combinations of password and pepper until a match is found.
  • Benefit: Significantly increases the effort required for brute force attacks.

Key Takeaways:

  • Combining Techniques: Using both salting and peppering provides robust protection.
  • Importance of Uniqueness: Unique salts and peppers make each hash distinct.
  • Updating Practices: Continuously update and improve password storage methods to counteract new hacking techniques.

Moving from Monolithic to Microservices


1. Modular Monolith Approach

  • Concept: Incorporates modular design within a monolithic architecture.
  • Characteristics:
    • Loosely-coupled modules.
    • Well-defined boundaries.
    • Explicit dependencies.
  • Structure: Application divided into independent modules.
  • Deployment: Still maintains single application deployment.
  • Advantages:
    • Streamlines development and maintenance.
    • Offers microservices-like benefits without associated complexities.

2. Evolution to Vertical Slice Architecture

  • Design Shift: From horizontal layers to vertical slices of business functionality.
  • Benefits:
    • Scoped changes to specific business areas.
    • Easier feature addition and modification.
  • Microservices Potential: Vertical modules can gradually evolve into independent microservices.
  • Learning Opportunity: Provides insights into domain and functional splits.

Key Takeaway

  • Balance: No inherent superiority of microservices over monoliths or vice versa.
  • Evolutionary Approach: Adapt the architecture to evolving application needs.
  • Pragmatism: Choose the architecture that best suits the project's requirements and context.

The Secret Trick to High-Availability


Strategies for Static Stability

  1. Active-Active High Availability:

    • Implementation: Distribute traffic across instances in multiple Availability Zones (AZs).
    • Example: If two instances are needed, create three (50% over-provisioning).
    • Benefit: Maintains full capacity even if an entire AZ fails.
  2. Active-Passive High Availability:

    • Use Case: For stateful services like databases.
    • Setup: Primary instance in one AZ and a standby in another.
    • Function: Standby becomes primary if the original primary AZ goes down.

Criticism and Justification

  • Criticism: Viewed as resource wasteful due to over-provisioning.
  • Justification:
    • Essential for mission-critical applications where downtime is unacceptable.
    • Used by major cloud services like AWS (EC2, S3, RDS) to prevent outages.

Key Takeaway

  • Outages as a Norm: Disruptions are inevitable; planning for them is crucial.
  • Risk Management: Over-provisioning is a strategic choice to mitigate downtime risks.
  • Context-Dependent: The level of static stability required varies based on the system's criticality.

Static stability, while resource-intensive, is a fundamental approach for ensuring continuous operation in high-stake environments where reliability and uptime are non-negotiable.

4 Types of NoSQL Databases


1. Document Databases

  • Examples: MongoDB, Couchbase, RavenDB.
  • Data Storage: In the form of JSON, BSON, or XML documents.
  • Advantages: Align closely with domain-level data objects in applications.
  • Use Case: Ideal for projects requiring a structure close to application data.

2. Key-Value Store

  • Examples: Redis, etcd, DynamoDB.
  • Structure: Data stored as key-value pairs.
  • Simplicity: Resembles a two-column table (key and value).
  • Use Cases: Caching, shopping carts, user profiles.

3. Column-Oriented Database

  • Examples: Apache Cassandra, Apache HBase.
  • Storage Method: Data stored in columns rather than rows.
  • Advantages: Efficient for analytics and aggregations on specific columns.
  • Considerations: Not strongly consistent; write operations can be complex.

4. Graph Databases

  • Examples: Neo4j, Amazon Neptune.
  • Concept: Focuses on relationships between data elements (nodes and links).
  • Strengths: Eliminates the need for multiple table joins as in SQL databases.
  • Use Cases: Knowledge graphs, social networks, map-like applications.

Decision Guide:

  • Document DBs: Versatile, suitable for most applications traditionally using SQL.
  • Key-Value Stores: For applications requiring fast read/write access to data items.
  • Column-Oriented: Analytics and operations on large datasets.
  • Graph Databases: Applications where relationships are central to the data model.


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