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Repository files navigation

Setting up a new machine

  • Update MacOS

    •  -> System Settings… -> General -> Software Update.
    • Install the latest MacOS update.
  • Update App Store software

    • Delete "GarageBand" from Applications.
    • App Store -> Updates -> Update All.
  • Configure basic settings (Restart afterwards)

    # speed up mouse and trackpad tracking
    defaults write -g 8
    defaults write -g 8
    # disable press and hold e.g. for umlauts
    defaults write -g ApplePressAndHoldEnabled -bool false
    # speed up key repeat
    defaults write -g InitialKeyRepeat -int 10
    defaults write -g KeyRepeat -int 1
  • Configure basic settings (menu)

    • Desktop & Dock
      • Automatically show and hide the Dock - On
    • Lock Screen
      • Start Screen Saver when inactive - never
      • Turn display off on battery when inactive - For 10 minutes
    • Keyboad
      • Press (world) key to - Do nothing
      • Keyboard navigation - On
      • Keyboard Shortcuts... -> App Shortcuts
        • All Applications -> Show Help menu - Off
        • Google Chrome
          • Select Previous Tab - Alt-Cmd-8
          • Select Next Tab - Alt-Cmd-9
    • Mouse (needs connected Magic Mouse)
      • Secondary click - Click Right Side
    • Trackpad
      • Click - Light
      • Force Click and haptic feedback - Off
      • Look up & data detectors - Off
      • Secondary click - Click or Tap with Two Fingers
      • Tap to click - On
    • Accessibility
      • Speed up scroll speed
        • Pointer Control -> Trackpad Options… -> Scroll speed - Bunny
        • Pointer Control -> Mouse Options… -> Scroll speed - Bunny
    • Wallpaper (after cloning this repo as below)
      • Add folder ~/.dotfiles/resources/wallpapers
      • Pick one :)
    • Desktop & Dock
      • Hot Corners…
        • Top right: Mission Control
        • Bottom right: Desktop
        • Bottom left: Launchpad
  • Setup ssh for git

    • Generate a new ssh key

      ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C ""
      touch ~/.ssh/config
      Host *
        AddKeysToAgent yes
        IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_ed25519
      ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_ed25519
    • Add the key to GitHub

      pbcopy < ~/.ssh/

      On GitHub: Settings -> SSH and GPG keys -> New SSH key

  • Clone and bootstrap these dotfiles

    • Clone the repository to ~/.dotfiles:
      git clone ~/.dotfiles
    • Create the required symlinks with the init script:
      cd ~/.dotfiles && ./
  • Install Homebrew

    • Download and install:
      /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
    • Add to .zprofile:
      echo '# Set PATH, MANPATH, etc., for Homebrew.' >> ~/.zprofile
      echo 'eval "$(/opt/homebrew/bin/brew shellenv)"' >> ~/.zprofile
      eval "$(/opt/homebrew/bin/brew shellenv)"
  • Install apps with Homebrew Cask

    brew install --cask 1password
    brew install --cask google-chrome
    brew install --cask firefox
    brew install --cask iterm2
    brew install --cask slack
    brew install --cask zoom
    brew install --cask notion
    brew install --cask visual-studio-code
    brew install --cask spotify
    brew install --cask figma
    brew install --cask sourcetree
    brew install --cask docker
    brew install --cask flux
    brew install --cask skitch
  • Install cli utils with Homebrew

    brew install zsh brew install git brew install starship brew install git-delta brew install colordiff brew install dty1er/tap/kubecolor brew install kubectx - kubectx and kubens brew install act - run github actions locally brew install doctl - digital ocean command line tools brew install rbenv ruby-build - rbenv brew install pyenv - pyenv brew install gh - official github cli brew install fig brew install fastlane brew install fzf - ctrl+r history search and more brew install ctop - top for containers / docker

  • Install App Store apps

    • Magnet
    • Airmail


sudo scutil --set HostName thomas-mbp.local


cp -f $HOME/.dotfiles/resources/fonts/* $HOME/Library/Fonts

Source Code Pro for Powerline:

Anonymous Pro:


Solarized Theme

Install the Solarized Theme by importing the Color Preset from $HOME/.dotfiles/resources/iterm via Preferences -> Profiles -> Colors -> Color Presets… -> Import….


Set the font to "Source Code Pro for Powerline" with 14pt size, medium font weight and ligatures turned on via Preferences -> Profiles -> Text.

Key Bindings

Set key bindings for navigating tabs in Preferences -> Keys:

  • Next Tab: CMD+ALT+9
  • Previous Tab: CMD+ALT+8


Solarized Theme

Install the Solarized Theme by importing the Profile from $HOME/.dotfiles/resources/terminal via Preferences... -> Profiles -> ... -> Import….

Set the profile as default.


Set the font to "Source Code Pro for Powerline" with 14pt size and medium font weight via Preferences... -> Profiles -> Solarized Dark -> Font -> Change...


SSH Key (GitHub ssh)


GPG Key (GitHub verified commits)

Use ssh key instead:

git config --global gpg.format ssh
git config --global user.signingkey ~/.ssh/
git config --global commit.gpgsign true


  1. Install nvm

    curl -o- | bash

  2. Install latests active lts

    nvm install --lts --latest-npm

  3. Install yarn

    npm install -g yarn


Dotfiles should be shared. These are mine.






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