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The tutorial for this exercise as part of my presentation on JavaScript and Bioinformatics. Here it is an overview as a slide deck.

This tutorial will walk you through creating a small web app which

First, an introduction to creating an npm package and installing dependencies. Consuming and producing functions with the callback style will be explained, as well as providing ample experience with Node's streams. You will construct a (simple) RESTful API with Express. browserify will be demonstrated as a tool for bundling code, letting you use npm packages in the browser. Interoperability with R will be achieved by communicating between Node and an R script with stdio pipes and jsonlite.

Note, none of the heavy algorithmic lifting will be performed by JavaScript. So why then this push for scientific computing in JS? Well speed and memory intensive programs are nearly always written in C/C++. For example, msa from Bioconductor provides an "interface to the multiple sequence alignment algorithms ClustalW, ClustalOmega, and Muscle". SciPy also uses native code. JavaScript engines such as V8 from Google, SpiderMonkey from Mozilla and Chakra from Microsoft Edge have been getting faster and faster. See JS vs Python and these benchmarks from the Julia project. Speed is important for large tasks yes, but languages are normally chosen over others for their available packages. While it is true npm is the largest collection of open source modules, these are mostly related to web development. The communities for scientific computing in Python/CPython and bioinformatics in R with bioconductor have years of development and much more refined packages to chose from. But..the heavy still done in C. C can and has been wrapped in Node in a variety of modules (see: node-gyp). V8 is C++ after all. Furthermore emscripten is a LLVM-to-JavaScript compiler. It can compile into asm.js which is a low-level subset of JS. Engines can recognize asm and make optimizations - you can end up with native code running as JS in the browser at about 70% the speed! Another exciting development is WebAssembly - it will let you compile C into a binary format that can run in the browser, with more languages coming down the road. So is the future set? Will scientific computing in JS become popular? I sure hope so:

  • JS is the language of the web and is here to stay and evolve
  • The best way to share high fidelity data visualizations is over the browser with JS and WebGL
  • Electron can be used to create cross-platform desktop apps written in JS with file system access
  • C programs can be wrapped in Node and are beginning to be compiled into asm.js. Thus the only boundary to msa for instance being implemented in Node is developers to write the glue.
  • WebAssembly is coming!
  • JS for searching and downloading data can be used on the server and in the browser. This can simplify development of bioinformatics web applications.

For more discussions regarding the implementation of these technologies and others (GPU computation for example), see codeforscience/webdata. As well a talk from Max Ogden of the Dat project, JavaScript, For Science!.

Table of Contents

Setting up the project

Install Node if you haven't done so already. The first thing you do when starting any modern JavaScript project is initialize it (cd into your project directory and):

npm init

You will be asked to provide values for certain keys. The name will default to the current directory. It's perfectly fine to just enter through everything. This will create a package.json file. This file defines everything about your package in order to publish it to npm, define development dependencies and project dependencies, to run arbitrary scripts, as well as interoperate with other tools. For example, linters, like jshint can have it's options specified from either a .jshintrc file or inside package.json under the jshint key. After running this, my package.json looks like this (I switched to MIT license):

  "name": "js-bioinformatics-exercise",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "description": "The tutorial for this [exercise][exercise] as part of my presentation on [JavaScript and Bioinformatics][js-and-bioinformatics].",
  "main": "index.js",
  "scripts": {
    "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
  "repository": {
    "type": "git",
    "url": "git+"
  "author": "",
  "license": "MIT",
  "bugs": {
    "url": ""
  "homepage": ""

Getting Dependencies

Let's get started by downloading bionode-ncbi and making sure to store it under our dependencies by using the --save option:

npm install bionode-ncbi --save

You'll now notice the following has been added to the package.json

    "dependencies": {
        "bionode-ncbi": "^1.6.0"

As well, bionode-ncbi lives at node_modules/bionode-ncbi. You don't commit this node_modules folder - when someone downloads this package they can simply run npm install and it will install everything under the dependencies and devDependencies keys. Thus managing dependencies in the npm ecosystem is simple and robust. Note as well, when we installed bionode-ncbi, it ran npm install inside the bionode-ncbi folder, and ever deeper for each dependency.


Refer to my slide overviewing the bionode-ncbi API.


This allows us to access the NCBI E-utilities through callbacks, events, and streams. Which to use is up to you. Check out try-bionode-esnext. This uses ES6 syntax but the concepts are the same. For this tutorial I'll stick to ES5 however. Let's start writing main.js:

var ncbi = require('bionode-ncbi');
var fs = require('fs');

var query ='protein', 'mbp1');

function dataLogger(data) {
    // Assumes `data` directory already exists
    var fileName = 'data/' + data.uid + '.json';
    fs.writeFileSync(fileName, JSON.stringify(data));
    console.log('Wrote ' + fileName);

query.on('data', dataLogger);

We require bionode-ncbi and fs (filesystem) modules. query is the object returned by It emits a data event, which we catch and pass dataLogger as the callback. This simply writes the retrieved JSON to the folder data. (You will need to mkdir data first - just didn't want to introduce checking if the dir exists, then make it, etc. into this minimal example).

To run this,

node main.js

At this point you can ls data and see what turned up!

Static File Server with Express

There are quite a lot of results. These are all from different organisms. To be able to quickly browse through them, we can set up an express static file server with serve-index, in server.js:

var express = require('express');
var serveIndex = require('serve-index');

var app = express();



console.log('Express server listening on port 3000');

Start the server with node server.js and navigate to http://localhost:3000 in your web browser. You can now easily browse through the files. I highly recommend the Chrome addon JSON Formatter. This is what you should see:


Would be nice to implement left/right arrow to move between the files..but for now this suits our purposes to get a quick overview of the data we are dealing with and the general format. One way to generate a generic schema would be to loop through each file and keep track of the keys and typeof(result[key]) that are common among all.

Take a look at 1431055.json. Disclaimer: I got 1431055 from the web results - instead of looking through each file - we could do that programmatically of course though.

NCBI Fetch

We have all these results for Mbp1 proteins in different organisms - why not run an MSA and see if any regions are more conserved than others? To do this we will need to retrieve sequences. For that, we can use the fetch function from bionode-ncbi. Check out the table for Entrez eFetch Databases. Run the following just to test it out (after installing bionode-ncbi globally so we can use it in the shell - npm install -g bionode-ncbi):

bionode-ncbi fetch protein 1431055

This returns:

    "id":"gi|1431055|emb|CAA98618.1| MBP1 [Saccharomyces cerevisiae]",


Sweet, so we will be able to get sequences. However, not all of the search results are worth comparing - let's filter out the ones that have mbp1 in their title. The following code achieves that, in collect-seqs.js:

var fs = require('fs');

// return array of uids of proteins with title containing `mbp1`
function filter(proteins, cb) {
    var num = 0;
    var filtered = [];

    var check = function(err, data) {
        if (err) cb(err);

        num+= 1;
        var obj = JSON.parse(data);
        if (obj.title !== undefined && obj.title.toUpperCase().indexOf('MBP1') >= 0) {

    var tryFinish = function() {
        if (num === proteins.length) {
            cb(null, filtered);

    proteins.forEach(function(protein) {
        fs.readFile('data/' + protein, check);

filter(fs.readdirSync('data'), function(err, mbp1s) {
    if (err) console.error(err);

    mbp1s.forEach(function(uid) {
        fs.readFile('data/' + uid + '.json', function(err, data) {
            if (err) console.error(err);

            var obj = JSON.parse(data);

Now, that's pretty callback heavy. What is happening here and why? JavaScript has one event loop, and only one function can run at a time. Thus the standard way to consume asynchronous operations (i.e. those which will take time - for example, reading the contents of a file or waiting for a web request) is the idiomatic function(err,data). For example, reading a file:

fs.readFile('arbitraryBytes.ab', function(err, data) {
    // handle error (poorly in this case)
    if (err) console.error(err);

    // do stuff with data!
    var obj = JSON.parse(data);

But how do we produce these asynchronous operations? We define a function that takes a callback function as a parameter. Then when everything is really done, we call that function with our result: cb(null, data) or if something goes wrong, pass the error to it: cb(err).

So what is happening in filter? First, we read every file that was passed in:

proteins.forEach(function(protein) {
    fs.readFile('data/' + protein, check);

Instead of writing an inline function, check is declared elsewhere. check is an impure function which has side effects - it increments num each time it is called. When check is finished what it it will call tryFinish. tryFinish simply checks if num === proteins.length, i.e. have all the files been read and parsed. We do not know the order that these files were processed - and it will be different each time. Thus, an alternative is to assign the result into a fixed index in an array (yes, var a = []; a[5] = 'five' is totally valid JS). In this case the order is not too important so I just threw the uids in there. Finally, when tryFinish discovers that we have in fact processed every file, it calls cb with the null as the error, and the produced data.

You might be beginning to notice what is called callback hell. There are methods to avoid this endlessly indented dread however - you can chain .then()s of Promises (See also bluebird, q). ES6 introduces generators which are a neat type of "iterator" that you can pass in data to them mid state with next(datum). Promises and generators can be combined (in a way which was not originally intended but works great!) and ran through a "generator engine" of some sort (like co) and the result is asynchronous code that looks synchronous. Co essentially implements what is in the draft for ES7, async/await. Check out try-bionode-esnext to see this next-next-generation JS put to use to consume callbacks without indenting. Browsers are beginning to implement ES6 features, in the meantime you can use Babel to transpile ES6 into ES5. Extra note: Promise.all([...]) is also quite useful and can be used to wait for a bunch of async operations to finish.

That was quite a bit. But if you got here, and understand collect-seqs.js thats great. Coming to grips with callbacks is central to understanding how async operations are handled in a language that runs on one thread. You may think, wow, one thread that doesn't sound too great! But it actually makes for easily scalable RESTful APIs - on any request the server can take it without being stuck handling someone else - the callbacks will flow in when they are ready.

Take a look at the output node collect-seqs.js produces.


As you can see, this data filtering pipeline which has been developed so far is beginning to become clouded by async idioms and basically - code. It's important to keep a clear and concise focus on what our code should achieve and how the purpose is readable from an outside observer. Yes, new ES6/ES7 features can make it much cleaner, but we are wasting time repeatedly writing and reading files. Wouldn't it be great if there was some way to process data piece by piece as it came in from the Internet? It would - and this is called a stream. If there is a package for R for dealing with BLOB streams please let me know, a quick Google search brought this but that does not appear at first glance terribly similar. Stream support in R would make for fantastic interoperability with bionode/gasket.

Lets revisit this data acquisition and filtering pipeline in the context of the stream APIs bionode provides, in piped.js:

var ncbi = require('bionode-ncbi');
var es = require('event-stream');
var filter = require('through2-filter');'protein', 'mbp1')
    .pipe(filter.obj(function (obj) {
        return obj.title.match(/^mbp1p?.*\[.*\]$/i);
    .pipe(es.through(function (data) {
        this.emit('data', data.title + '\n');

That produces this output.

Why didn't we just do this in the first place you might ask? It's very important to understand callbacks - also, these different approaches may be superior in different scenarios.

Lets filter it down to just different species, extract the gi id, and fetch the sequence. In piped2.js:

var ncbi = require('bionode-ncbi');
var es = require('event-stream');
var filter = require('through2-filter');
var concat = require('concat-stream');
var tool = require('tool-stream');

var concatStream = concat(function(array) {

var species = [];'protein', 'mbp1')
    .pipe(filter.obj(function (obj) {
        return obj.title.match(/^mbp1p?.*\[.*\]$/i);
    .pipe(filter.obj(function (obj) {
        var specieName = obj.title.substring(obj.title.indexOf('[') + 1, obj.title.length-1);
        specieName = specieName.split(' ').slice(0,1).join(' ');
        if (species.indexOf(specieName) >= 0) {
            return false;
        } else {
            return true;

and produces this output which is an array of objects. Note the sequences are of quite varying lengths. For now, we won't perform a MSA and will view it in the browser with biojs-msa as if they all align from the start. Why? That we can do totally within the browser - but as far as I know there is no MSA implementation in JavaScript.

Into the Browser

At the moment, there is no standard way of importing modules in the browser. That is, require is undefined. With ES6 import and export will be available! We will use Browserify to bundle our scripts from an entry point. Install browserify (npm install -g browserify) and bundle piped2.js into bundle.js with the debug option so we get source maps:

browserify piped2.js -o public/bundle.js --debug

Now, I actually get an error doing this:

Error: Cannot find module 'browserify-fs' from '/Users/jmazz/Documents/repos/js-bioinformatics-exercise/node_modules/bionode-ncbi/node_modules/bionode-fasta/lib'

Perhaps someone missed the --save on npm install browserify-fs. Looking into node_modules/bionode-ncbi/node_modules/bionode-fasta/package.json, indeed, it is not in dependencies. But it is in devDependencies! And as well there is:

"browser": {
    "fs": "browserify-fs"

The browser object is for browserify. So there definitely has been attempt to make this work. Either way, we can get around this by doing

browserify piped2.js -o public/bundle.js --debug -r fs:browserify-fs

as I gathered from the browserify-fs readme. Another solution would have been to npm install browserify-fs inside bionode-fasta. However you should avoid modifying dependencies - and if you do - you should issue a pull request.

Then create a simple public/index.html (I got the css from here):

<!doctype html>
        <title biojs msa visualization> </title>
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="msa.min.css" />
        <script src="bundle.js"></script>

With some small modifications to server.js we can get this running (It's important to run through a localhost since opening html files with the browser doesn't let you do as many things):

app.use('/data', serveIndex('data'));
app.use('/data', express.static('data'));


View it in chrome and open up developer tools (cmd+option+i on OS X, or right-click->inspect). You will see there is an error:

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'write' of undefined, index.js:6

Expanding the error and looking through the trace, I find that line 43 makes this call:

module.exports.stdout = module.exports(process.stdout);

where in line 5 and 6 we have

module.exports = function(stream) {
    var write = stream.write;
    // ...

Hmm, do we have process in the browser? Nope. Hence process.stdout.write will fail. Browserify is supposed to replace these things - see advanced options. However, I think this requires require('process') to work? Passing in --insert-globals didn't do the trick either. After inspecting the code this was my hacky fix:

In node_modules/bionode-ncbi/node_modules/nugget/package.json I added

"browser": {
    "single-line-log": false

Essentially just ignoring the module that is causing the issue. This is safe because single-line-log won't get used unless we use the verbose option - which apparently is not being passed due to this hack working.. browser-stdout and process exist, and perhaps I'll put together a pull request implementing those sometime.

Note: Most of the time, browserify works wonderfully! Pure-js modules will always work. Obviously there will be some issues when porting Node server code into the browser. It's unlikely the single-line-log author expected his module to be used in the browser.

I've written fix-nugget for this, and added it the postinstall script. So now at least anyone pulling this repository won't have those issues.


Browsing through the msa readme, I took the "b) Import your own seqs" snippet and the "sequence model", to produce msa.js:

var msa = require("msa");
// other requires from piped2.js

var msaDiv = document.createElement('div');

var concatStream = concat(function(sequences) {
    sequences = {
        var props ='|'); = props[1]; = props[4];
        return seq;

    var m = new msa({
        el: msaDiv,
        seqs: sequences

// from piped2.js

Then ran npm run bundle. (see scripts in package.json).

Here's what it looks like! Be sure to play a bit with the controls. You can change row order and find motifs (via RegEx) for example.


Interoperability with R

Check piped3.js. It produces a .ndjson file, or newline delimited JSON. It's output is in seqs.ndjson. Using that as input, the msa bioconductor package produces seqsAligned.ndjson. But these are files. We want to work with streams!

jsonlite on CRAN supports streaming of JSON, but only through ndjson. The following R script uses msa from Bioconductor to align our sequences. In msa.r:

#!/usr/bin/env rscript

# Packages
if (!require(Biostrings, quietly=TRUE)) {

if (!require(msa, quietly=TRUE)) {

if (!require(jsonlite, quietly=TRUE)) {

# Open stdin connection
stdin <- file("stdin")

# jsonlite parse stdin ndjson into data frame
seqs <- stream_in(stdin, verbose=FALSE)

# Create AAStringSet vector out of sequences
seqSet <- AAStringSet(c(seqs$seq))
# Make sure to set names so we can identify later!
seqSet@ranges@NAMES <- seqs$id

# Compute alignment with MUSCLE
msa <- msaMuscle(seqSet, order="aligned")

# Alter values in seqs data frame
for (i in 1:nrow(msa)) {
    seqs$id[i] = msa@unmasked@ranges@NAMES[i]
    seqs$seq[i] = as.character(msa@unmasked[i][[1]])

# Back to stdout
stream_out(seqs, verbose=FALSE)

Now, how to interact with this and JS? Well, its impossible to do it in the browser. We can integrate this script into an Express API easily and then request the aligned sequences from the frontend. R has support for pipes and socket connections, which stream_in and stream_out from jsonlite can use. So perhaps this R script can be made to fit into the stream in Node. To use msa.r as a child process, it needs to be executable: chmod u+x msa.r. See streamMsa.js:

var ncbi = require('bionode-ncbi');
var es = require('event-stream');
var filter = require('through2-filter');
var concat = require('concat-stream');
var tool = require('tool-stream');
var cp = require('child_process');
var ndjson = require('ndjson');

// Only supports one level deep property
// i.e. car['wheels'] and not car['wheels.tire']
// for that, do car.wheels['tire']
function propMatchRegex(obj, prop, regex) {
    return obj[prop].match(regex);

function getProteinSeqs(req, res, next) {
    var opts = req.opts;

    // var species = [];
    var rMSA = cp.spawn('/Users/jmazz/r/js-bioinformatics-exercise/msa.r');

    var stream ='protein', opts.query);

    opts.filters.forEach(function (f) {
        stream = stream.pipe(filter.obj(f));

    if (opts.uniqueSpecies) {
        // This will actually belong to scope of function
        var species=[];

        stream = stream
            .pipe(filter.obj(function (obj) {
                var specieName = obj.title.substring(obj.title.indexOf('[') + 1, obj.title.length-1);
                specieName = specieName.split(' ').slice(0,1).join(' ');
                if (species.indexOf(specieName) >= 0) {
                    return false;
                } else {
                    return true;

        .pipe(es.through(function (obj) {
            this.emit('data', JSON.stringify(obj) + '\n');

    var seqs=[];
        .on('data', function(data) {
        .on('end', function() {
                seqs: seqs

module.exports = {
    getProteinSeqs: getProteinSeqs,
    propMatchRegex: propMatchRegex

The corresponding GET request at /aligned in server.js:

var bodyParser = require('body-parser');
app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({extended: true}));

var sMsa = require('./streamMsa');
var propMatchRegex = sMsa.propMatchRegex;
var getProteinSeqs = sMsa.getProteinSeqs;

// e.g. /aligned?q=mbp1
app.get('/aligned', [
    function (req, res, next) {
        req.opts = {
            query: req.query.q,
            vars: {
                species: []
            filters: [
                function(obj) {
                    // e.g. /^mbp1.*\[.*\]$/i)
                    var regex = new RegExp('^' + req.query.q + '.*\\[.*\\]$', 'i');
                    return propMatchRegex(obj, 'title', regex);
            uniqueSpecies: true


Here our "handler stack" is an array of functions which follow function (request, response, next). We attach opts to the req object so getProteinSeqs can retrieve them. See writing middleware for more info. body-parser is middleware which creates an object of url queries for you at req.query. It can also parse JSON (e.g. from PUT bodies) but we don't use that.

I modularized msa.js a bit and added a little jQuery:

function runFetch() {
    $.get('http://localhost:3000/aligned?q=' + $('#query').val()).then(function(data) {

$('#submit').on('click', function() {
    msaDiv.innerHTML = 'Loading...';

Which needs this HTML:

<input type="text" id="query" placeholder="query"></input>
<button id="submit">Go</button>

Now we have an actual MSA that takes a search query! It will filter down to results to everything that starts with the query, then has anything, then [specie], and only takes unique species. Of course it would be nicer to provide all these options from the interface but this serves as a minimal example.
